The secret to make the burger more tasty

You have mastered the flip, but do your hamburgers still taste dry or bland? Here's why.

As the summer approach, that planning means for the graduation festivals, family reunions, and picnics in the park started. Nothing like this event is complete without food, and often, these events take place outside, which means it's time to shoot the old grill for a barbecue. After all, theJuicy Hamburgers andtasty steaks Do not turn!

If you whip hamburgers or steaks for your family and friends, you need to know what a high-end, perfect beef flat requires beforeand afterIt has been cooked: rest. Yes, it's easy. Although we know it's hard to wait, because it looks so good, there are real reasons why you should let the meat rest before cooking it and before cutting it into it.

If it's news for you, tight and hang your reading to know exactly what this process is everything and for how long you should let the meat rest!

Why is it important to let the beef rest before cooking?

The reason you want to allow beef to rest, which essentially allows to reach the ambient temperature before cooking, is to prevent it from drying during the cooking process.

Josh TannerNew York, the first beef have already told us that if you gogrill meatYou want to avoid Flac on the top of the flames a few moments after getting out of the refrigerator.

"Whether your steak immobilizing the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before cooking", advises Tanner. "This is important for big thick cups like a cellar or a large ribeye bone. If you throw a cold steak on the grill, it will not cook as regularly and dry much more easily. »

You then want to leave a steak cooked or rest hamburger on the grill after it has been cooked for the opposite.

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Why is it important to let the beef rest after you cook?

Fabrice Poigin, Culinary DirectorKing Fish House, And Patrick Ochs, Executive Chief Corporate for Ink Shows United States, also told us that one of thelarger mistakes you can do while doing hamburgers Do not give meat enough time to rest on the grill.

"Leave the beef ball to rest at least two or three minutes after cooking. Blood and juices will be drained, keeping the bun for getting soggy, "says Poigin.

Ochs subscribed and says that "rest is very important when cooking a hamburger. Like most meats, giving your hamburger the chance to rest allows all the appetizing juices deliciously collect and distribute through the galette for a real concentrated juicy flavor. The plus the hamburger is dumpling, the less time that is necessary to rest ".

How long do you have to rest?

If you cook a thick hamburger, you should leave the meat rest for up to six to 10 minutes. For a smaller hamburger, four minutes of waiting should suffice. For larger steaks, it may be worthwhile to wait nearly 15 minutes before cutting into it to keep it soft and if the juices do not infiltrate. Now it's time to grill and create the best burgers and steaks you have ever done!

Categories: Healthy Eating
By: yura
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