Dr. Fauci says it can be "the silver lining" of the pandemic of Covid

Disproportionate epidemics in black communities highlight the disparities in American health care.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to see well in the current coronavirus pandemic. The virus has spread like a forest drag across the United States, with more than 4.3 million cases of plates and nearly 149,000 deaths. But according toAnthony Fauci, ®, wecould See a positive change come out of this horrible pandemic. "Maybe if there isA silver lining in this epidemicI hope there is always a lining of silver in all that is as difficult as that- [that] isConcentrate with a laser beam on theDisparities in health that we have to change, "he says in an interview with betsMarc Lamont Hill.

Although the virus had an impact on virtually all age groups and the geographical area of ​​the United States, coronavirus rates in the black community are disproportionate. There is almostsix times more white As there are blacks in the United States, but the per capita coronavirus rates in the black community are dramatically higher. According toThe New York TimesCoronavirus interactive map, about62 cases of coronavirus for 100,000 blacks In the United States, while among whites, this number is only 23. Only the Latinx community has higher transmission rates per capita, with 72 cases of coronavirus per 100,000 people.

But, wealthy that these shocking figures are significantly disappearing health care struggles specific to minority communities - and this could be a good thing in the long run. Deterum, public awareness atDisproportionate effect of coronavirus On minority communities in hospitals and clinics is essential when it comes to saving lives.

The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) noted that not onlyBlack Americans more likely to develop coronavirusThey are more likely to have a "serious result" of the disease. "When you know you haveSomeone at a greater riskYou make some medical decisions: you may get them at the hospital earlier, "he explained.

Fauci has expressly highlighted economic inequalities as majorBarriers to access to health care among black Americans, noting that the increase in the rates of obesity, hypertension and diabetes of the black community are "not genetic". "It has to do with years and years of access to good food types, access to good types of health care," he explained.

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When Lamont Hill asked whether there are targeted efforts on a national level for blacks to be aware of the symptoms of COVID-19 and how to protect itself, inherit has stated that the responsibility for the control and prevention centers. Diseases (CDC), which he believed: "do that."

But Fuci also stressed the importance of adequate black representation in clinical trials for thecoronavirus vaccine, Otherwise, "you will not know if it works in this group as well, or if it is as safe or not in this group," he explained. "We are now trying to target, to ensure that there is an appropriate representation in a fair manner, not only in the vaccine trial, but when the vaccine is approved ... it is accessible to the Afro community. -AMERICAN, so that they can get it. As easily, for example, as a person from the white community. "And for more information on places that highlight an alarm for Fauci, discoverDr. Fauci is the most worried of these 4 states.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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