20 things dietitians say you should never do

There are some things that people do to try to be healthier than nutritionists heavily exhort against.

Most people work with registered dietitians to learn more about what theyshould to dolosing weight and improve their physical health. But-newsflash! - Obtaining health is often just as muchnot To do as it is what to do. In some cases, listening to bad sources, falling for misleading marketing schemes and believe thatSome foods are just badly Can do more damage to your overall health than doing nothing at all.

We asked five dietitians on weight loss and "health" strategies in false "that they never recommend to their customers. (In other words, exactly what popular trends they would be perfectly happy to see the dusk of the earth forever).

Here are the 20 things that dieticides said you should never do. And as to what youshouldDo not miss these40 nutritionist tips say you have to follow to lose weightand make sure you are supplied onThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Restrict too many calories

Woman not eating enough

To lose weight, you will probably need to reduce calories, but weight loss is not always a "minus" equation. Following a very low calorie diet (like less than 1,000 calories a day) can do more harm than good.

When you do not eat enough, "You are ready for extreme hunger and deprivation, which can lead to ginges and find the weight you lost," says Jersey's new dieticianErin Palinski-Wade, author ofBelly fat diet for dummies. "Repeated attempts during very low calorie schemes over time can alsoSlow down your metabolism. "


Avoid gluten (unless you are allergic)

gluten free bread

If you have diagnosed a coeliac disease or non-celiac gluten intolerance (orthink you could), Gluten consumption could not only cause GI distress, but many other systemic side effects. But eliminate gluten just because it's fashionable or think that could help you lose weight? Not recommended. In addition to eliminating healthy foods, such as whole grains, you could introduce unhealthy.

"If you reach a lot of treatmentFoods 'glutenless' You may find yourself gaining weight because many of these foods use fine gluten-free grains, such as white rice, which remove the fiber and protein of food, "says Palinski-Wade, who adds that These types of foods can leave you less satisfied and inclined to eat larger portions.

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Go on a juice juice

apple juice

Add it to the list ofthe regimes that absolutely hate absolutely. Similar to false news on "Detox" schemes, there are a lot of discussion about how to overflow the juice juice can erase the excess waste from your system and help you lose weight quickly. The only problem is that it's all Baloney.

"Even if the juice is pushed fruit and vegetables, you have essentially extracted vitamins and minerals, as well as a bouquet of sugar and none of the fibers - which does not clean your body," says Lainey Youngin, Ms., RD, weight loss dietitian toLainey Yououkin Nutrition, which recommends choosing smoothies with lots of fibers, protein and good fats.


Obsessed over the balance

Frowning woman standing on scale

We have a new five-word mantra for you:Get away from the balance. This is not a reliable, productive or motivating metric to determine your health and count to give you a complete picture of your weight loss progress can prepare you for failure.

"The number on the scale is the sum of your muscle, fat, bone, water and everything inside your body, not a measure of [the grease alone]," says Youngin . "If you try to lose weight, use the scale as a tool, but not youralone tool."


Buy in superfood media threshing

Goji berries

Although there are more nutrient foods and health promotion than others, the best way to increase the nutritional advantage of your meals is to eat a variety of colorful herbal foods ( You want a rainbow on this plate, people!).

"Real well-being includes a balance between foods that are packed with nutrients and foods that are pure pleasure," says Dietian Barbie Balls, RDN, CHC ofBarbie Boules Longevity Nutrition, Inc. "There is nothing magical about a particular food so you can skip the goji berries and the Maca."


Think "low weight" is equal to "good health"

scale weight loss

If you wait until you hit a certain weight to feel good about yourself, remember that "skinny" does not always mean healthy ... and your weight does not determine your value.

"Weight is an indicator of your relationship with gravity," says Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, founder of Nutritionarringyou.com and author ofThe packed breakfast club on the protein. "There are so many more important things to focus on health and well-being as the number at the scale".


Try "detox" your system

cruciferous vegetables capsules, dietary supplements

Are you planning to show a supplement or fork on money for a "detoxical" tea to rid your unnecessary waste body? Do not worry, says balls.

"This concept is a complete and typically much more expensive nonsense than [eat] a truly nourishing food," she explains. "Your liver, your kidneys and your digestive system rid your 24/7 waste system ... if these organs do not work properly, [that kind of thing] will not repair it."


Be afraid of carbohydrates

whole grains pasta cereal bread

Carbohydrates are diabolical, right? We should never eat carbohydrates again, right? Yeah no. Living in the fear of carbohydrates means that you will give up a lot of 100% healthy foods that have carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables.

"Instead of being afraid of all carbohydrates, choose whole grains and high fiber carbohydrates most of the time to keep the cravings fully, brake the desires, keep your weight and keep the blood glucose stable," says Younkink.


Fall for false promises of accident schemes

rice cakes

When you have tried to lose weight by eating less and doing more exercise, it is natural to wonder if the latest diet rate - which glues on its astronomical weight loss track record - is the means intelligent to go. Spoiler: This is not the case.

"Restrictive or fast weight loss regimes [often] promote orthorexic behavior and defend the fear of foods by making erroneous complaints on perfectly healthy foods," says balls, who says any approach to eat that you can not Maintain for the rest of your life is not worth to leave in the first place.


Drink your vegetables

Green smoothie

Sorry, lovers V8: while a green juice from time to time can be a healthy way to stay hydrated and increase your vitamin intake, you should not replace liquid vegetables for the real deal.

"The juice, even vegetables, is relatively high in sugar without any of the fibers [that] slows down digestion and allows you to fully absorb all nutrients," says Danielle Schab, R & D, responsible for nutrition and culinary products. forTerritorial food.



woman eating dessert

When you follow a strict diet, you might think that you do a favor by engaging in a kicky day, but it's not a beneficial state of mind. Youngin says it implies that you do something wrong and encourages a counterproductive regime mentality to long-term success.

So, what should you do instead? "Ask for a 80/20 state of mind where you fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and a healthy fat, and 20% of the time you add to dessert and wine without any guilt "Suggests that you" suggest boasting.


Pour with guilt on your food choices

guilty diet

When the food becomes linked to feelings of guilt and shame, it is only a recipe of misery (and often messy eating habits).

"Thinking" I blew it anyway, so I can also have more fries, "does not help and causes only more trouble," says Harris-Pincus. The food should make you feel good, not guilty.


Cut full food groups

paleo vegetable variety

The world of diets is filled with people who claim that if you have just cut this group of food (or, scary,many Time groups ... you look,paleThen you can lose books and live your life. However, this remains one of the worst approaches to lasting weight loss.

"The FAD regimes [which eliminate whole food groups] are tempting, but do not result in permanent weight loss or positive lifestyle changes, physically and mentally", warns Harris-Pincus. "There are wonderfully nutritious foods in all food groups."


Using excessively supplements


If you have more supplements that you have pairs of shoes in your home, it may be time to reconsider what they all do for you - and have been made from a source of trust.

"Supplements such as vitamins, herbs and protein powders are not regulated [by the FDA] so as not to know what you buy and you have no idea of ​​efficiency," warns the balls. It only recommends supplements when its customers have a diagnosed deficiency or it is clear that their regimes lack certain vitamins or minerals.


Following a low fat diet

low-fat diet

We know a lot more now that we used to play the role as fat - bad typesand The good type of game in our diet. Avoid all fats, because you think they will make you gain weight means that you will miss good fats full of beneficial nutrients.

"Unsaturated and herbal fats such as lawyer, walnuts and olive oil are associated with many health benefits, such asLower cholesterol levels and reduces inflammation in the body, "says Palinski-Wade." These foods can also help you feel more satisfied, causing smaller portions and fewer cravings during the day. "


Believing everything you read

label supermarket

You must bring your critical thinking skills to the grocery store with you these days: just because a food is labeled like keto (or paleo, or low sugar, or biological, or other) which does not mean that C 'Is good for you.

"Always check the list of ingredients and choose things that have more entire foods listed than the words you can not pronounce," says Schaub.


During little carbohydrates with Keto

Keto diet foods

There may be benefits to someLow carbohydrate schemesbut decide tocut carbohydrates And following a Keto diet is not the same thing.

"Keto is a very specific medical-based diet where 70% of your calories must come from fat, no more than 20% of proteins and only 10% of carbohydrates," says Schaub. "If it has not been done with care, you can not reach the ketogenic state of fat burning, while also lacking in whole categories of nutrient-rich foods and essential fiber." If you plan to start the Keto diet, you will first knowReal security risks and rewards of ultra-low diet-carbe Keto.


Forget to count the calories in your cocktails

margarita frozen cocktail

You can order as many salads for dinner at night girls as you wish, but if you grow slides and cocktails mixed with sweet juice or soda, you neglect a major source of calories that can quickly access , declares Schaub.

"Alcohol has almost the same amount of calories as fat," says Schab, "and alcohol calories are also empty, which means they do not provide any nutrients." (FYI: Fat contains about nine calories per gram, while alcohol has seven.)


Blame a food to "get bigger"

pasta salad

Have you turned pasta in the enemy when it comes to losing weight? It's time to stop! Although there is anutritionalDifference between eating a portion of pasta and a portion of cabbage cabbage, for example Schaub, says weight loss is really on physics. Your body does not know the difference between the calories consumed of a food relative to another.

"Calories are energy and if the energy supply is greater than the production of energy, you store it; if the energy is greater than the energy, you burn it," she explains it . So, if you were asking ifThe pasta are really unhealthy for you, you now know the truth.


Overlooking the big picture

healthy plate

Ditch the accident schemes and cleans in favor of eating well all the time ... But do not forget to have fun, without guilt, from time to time. Maintaining your health is a long life marathon, not a sprint.

"Optimal health is made up of daily choices, not a week of super smoothies," says Balls. "If today is indulgent, enjoy it, and I just returned to nutritious dense foods and a lot of water tomorrow." A week of smoothies will not do anything to affect your long-term health, but drink aWeight Loss Smoothie can regularly.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: diet / tips / Unhealthy
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