21 health problems that you should never ignore, doctors have just warned

Do not let the pandemic prevent you from looking for medical care for these symptoms.

Health problems do not stop simply because there is a pandemic that is happening, says Maria Vila, do, a family medicine specialist in Morristown, New Jersey and Medical Counselor forEMEDIHEALTH."Depending on your urgency, you may need to care in person, so you must decide whether you should go to an urgent treatment or to an ER and potentially expose yourself toCOVID-19 [Feminine, "she says, so what is the need for care? We asked health experts around the world to weigh on the most pressing health problems that do not know that the pandemic is over. Read for Know more about the new and to make sure your health, remember:Doctors say "Do not" do this after your Covid vaccine.


You have serious symptoms of coronavirus

woman with cold and flu bad symptoms

The CDC says you should ask for an emergency medical attention if you have:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake up or stay awake
  • Blueish or face lips

They note that: "This list is not all possible symptoms. Please call your medicine provider for any other serious symptoms or that concerns you."


Chest pain

african woman feeling menstrual cyclic breast pain, touching her chest,

Thoracic pain may be due to various problems, including musculoskeletal problems, persistent cough, pneumonia, anxiety, panic attack or heart attack. "If you are not sure what's going on, you should call your doctor to view associated symptoms and help you decide whether in-person care is best for you," says Vila. However, if you have a history of heart disease and you know thoracic pain, symptoms such as shortness of breath, vertigo, perspiration, pain in the left arm or tingling or jaw pain, you should call 911 immediately.


Rectal bleeding

upset woman in toilet by diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, piles

If you notice rectal bleeding, do not stop it after the COVID-19 pandemic. "Rectal bleeding can be due to benign things, such as hemorrhoids, or more serious problems such as actual gastrointestinal bleeding or inflammatory bowel disease," says Vila. "How this is treated will depend on your medical history, but if bleeding is meaningful and persistent, you will need to be seen in an emergency." If you had an episode of a small amount of bleeding or if you have a history of inflammatory intestines, you should call your doctor. They can be able to suggest treatment and prevent you from urgent or emergency care, where you can be exposed to COVID-19.


Epileptic crisis

Brain wave on electroencephalogram EEG for epilepsy

If you have a history of convulsions, you will know how to answer if you have one and will probably have medicines at home, says Vila. "In this scenario, you can call your neurologist or doctor and be managed by phone or via a telemedicine video call," she says. If you do not have a history of convulsions, however you will have to be seen in an ER.


Swelling of the legs in one leg, with or without calf pain

unrecognized young asian woman had pain at calves sitting on couch at home

Vila says that it is not normal to have a swelling of the calves or legs in one leg, whether associated with the pain of the calf. "It can be a symptom of a TVP (deep vein thrombosis) or blood clot," she says. "If this happens, you can call your doctor. He or she will interrage you risk factors for a DVT. These can include a long recent journey in a car or train, travel on a plane, history of clots Blood, history of cloudiness, cancer or recent surgery. "However, to obtain an official diagnosis, you will need an ultrasound (called venous Doppler) of your leg veins to search for the clot. "Then you can be started on the thinnest blood if it is positive," she says. "If the new leg swelling is associated with breath breathless, it's an emergency, and you can have a pulmonary embollar. You should call 911 because it can be fatal if it is not not treated. "


Aggravated cutaneous infection

woman worrying about her skin

Do not let a skin infection go with worse. If your skin condition is aggravated despite oral antibiotics, you must be seen by a medical expert. "Cutaneous infection or cellulite that does not respond to oral antibiotics will require antibiotics IV, which will be carried out in a hospital setting," explains Vila. Before going to the hospital, contact your doctor. Depending on your history and the severity of the infection, they can try to change your antibiotic first.


Loss of consciousness

Vertigo illness concept. Man hands on his head felling headache dizzy sense of spinning dizziness,a problem with the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway.

Syncope, or loss of consciousness, without an obvious cause, it is usually a reason to head towards the emergency room. "If you have deceased, you will need to be evaluated in an ER to exclude a heart cause or stroke," says Vila. However, there are cases in which losing consciousness does not need an urgent assessment in an ER. An example: If you are taking a new medication of blood pressure and you get up quickly and you spend quickly. This may be due to too many drugs and low blood pressure. "In this case, your doctor can reduce your dose of medicines and you may be able to avoid an emergency trip."


A deep cup

Medical assistant applying bandage onto patient's hand in clinic

Some small lacerations or cuts can be treated with tantrum adhesive surgical tape strips. But depending on the location, length and depth of a break, you may need suture points, which can be done during an urgent health center instead of the ER , explains Vila.


Broken bone

A plaster cast with plaster.

Obviously, a broken bone can not wait. "If you have a fracture where the bone exceeds the skin, or the body area with the broken bone is distorted, you will have to go to an urgent," says Dr. Vila. "If you have undergone an injury that makes you think that you have a broken bone and that the pain is tolerable, no bones does not exceed the skin, the area of ​​the broken bone is not distorted, you can try d 'Call your doctor and make a telemedicine consult to decide treatment. "Some fractured areas like fingers or toes can be treatable with recording or splints that you can buy in a pharmacy and your doctor can advise you on What to do to avoid urgent care or er.


Symptoms of stroke

CT scan of the brain of a patient with intracranial hemorrhage

If you experience symptoms of a stroke, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Although the symptoms of stroke vary considerably from cases to the case,Richard Payden, MD, Family Medicine Doctor at Uchealth Primary Care-Estes Park, says to seek the following: New or suddenly appearance of confusion, difficulty with the Word (pin speech, loss of meaning of words, can not get the Warning Do you go out), fallen from the face, numbness or tingling on one side of the body, weak on one side of the body, or a generalized weakness that is new or sudden. "These are symptoms that should not be ignored, such as the appearance of the hospital in the first hours of your starting symptoms is very important for treatment options," he said.


Shortness of breath

Curly woman feeling bad and suffering from strong cough while having flu

Sudden breathlessness can indicate problems with your lungs or heart that may be serious. "It could be something as simple as you go out of your daily walk on your normal itinerary when you realize that you are out of breath, even if you are only five minutes to what would normally be a walk of 30 Easy walk, "said Payden. "It could not be able to speak a complete sentence when there is usually no problem. Or there may be other symptoms that occur with shortness of breath, including the handle, cough, vertigo or nausea. " Shortness of breath could also be a symptom of COVID-19. Call your doctor as soon as possible.


Severe pain


Whenever you feel intense pain, including a sudden headache (which can feel the most harm to the head of your life), a chest pain (especially with associated shortness of breath, nausea, vertigo , Jaw pain or pain down one or both arms), severe abdominal pain, or severe extremity pain, call your doctor. "Each of them can indicate a serious illness," says Payden.


A dental emergency

touching her face with expression of horrible suffer from health problem and aching tooth

During the Pandemic of Covid-19, most dental offices see only patients who know dental emergencies. "You can not really go to a doctor or dentist when locking COVID-19, short of telemedicine or at risk exposure," saysCharles Sutera, DMD, FAGD. "To simplify it in a recipe, patients may consider five essential situations, while it is essential to call and see their dentist potentially despite concerns of social distancing."

These include swelling, uncontrolled bleeding, pain, trauma of an accident or dental concern for anyone with a serious underlying condition such as active chemotherapy, uncontrolled diabetes, or similar. If you meet something else, try to contact your dentist to see if it guarantees a visit.


Severe abdominal pain

Middle aged woman suffering from abdominal pain while sitting on bed at home

COVID-19 did not stop the bile calculations or appendicitis to occur, saysJill Grimes, MD, a family doctor certified by the board and author ofThe Ultimate Student Student Health Manual. "If you encounter serious or severe abdominal pain, including fever, you must be examined," she says.


Symptoms of heart attack

Senior man with pain on heart in bedroom

If you feel symptoms of heart attack - especially chest pain or a "feeling of heavy pressure, like an elephant sitting on your chest" 911, says Grimes. "If you know high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and / or family illness of heart disease, we do not want to ignore the symptoms of a heart attack."


Urinary tract infections

Woman Suffering a Stomachache after Eating in a Restaurant

No, your urinary tract infection can only wait after the CIVID-19 pandemic is treated. "A UTI can progress from a simple and easily treated infection at the bladder to a more serious renal infection that may require hospitalization to treat," says Gremes. "Call your doctor if you have a burn, an emergency or a [increased] frequency when urinating."



Man at doctor's office.

Even with a potentially sexually transmissible infection. "The first signs are similar to Utis, the more exit," says Grimes. "If these are not treated in women, they can progress towards pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to chronic pelvic pain or infertility."


Shingles (Zoner)

Uncomfortable young woman scratching her arm while sitting on the sofa at home.

"If you develop a burn, a hypersensitive skin on one side of your body, then one day or two later start to see bumps that turn into bunches of blisters, do not wait to call," says Gremes. Why? You could have shingles and the medicine to lighten the disease must be started in the first days of symptoms.


Allergies or hay

Woman sneezing in a tissue in the living room. Woman blowing her nose on couch at home in the living room. African American woman using a tissue sitting on a sofa at home

Although allergies are not a situation of life or death, they should be treated, especially because their symptoms can mirror near Covid-19, says Daniel Atkinson, head of the clinical GP to treated. "As the weather is starting to improve, people with allergies could be very concerned about their health and well-being at best sometimes, but now particularly in the context of Covid-19", "he explains. "We must all be as vigilant as possible in stopping the propagation of the virus, and it means staying at home at any time, excluding reasons exposed by the government. For people allergies, it could force them Thinking a little further in advance compared to their treatments. "In addition, if you have allergies that cause sneezing, it's really important to stay inside and cover your mouth and nose. "Some people can wear the virus asymptomatically and extend it when they sneeze as a consequence of their allergies," says Atkinson.


A severe allergic reaction

woman suffers from choking and cough from allergic reaction to peanut. Danger of nuts and food allergy

An allergic reaction to a medicine, food or other substance can not wait. "Any anaphylactic reaction to an allergen needs emergency treatment," says Leann Poston, MD, doctor with InvigorDial.com.



Man hands on his head felling headache dizzy sense of spinning dizziness,a problem with the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway

If you have symptoms of meningitis - including a steep neck, fever and headaches, immediately ask for medical attention, says posion. ANd to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus .

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