How to store potatoes properly

You can keep your potatoes fresh and usable for months with these tips.

Russiars. Yukon Golds. Fingerling. Do you think of a steamed potato dripping from the sour cream? Or maybe a grilled potato tray, varnished gold with olive oil and a long oven travel? That you love boiled, mashed or fried, the potatoes are one of these pantry staples that you can usemany different ways. So, learn to store them correctly you will avoid a lot of spuds wasted.

Unlike most other products, potatoes (yams and soft potatoes, too) should not be stored in the refrigerator. After bringing them back from the store, inspect the potatoes for soft spots, pseudonyms in the skin or areas where they started to germinate. Cut these imperfections and cook these potatoes tonight - all the others can last up to four or even six months if they are stored properly. As long as your potatoes live in a fresh, dry and well-ventilated space, you will not have to add them to the grocery list for months.


Store in an aerial container in a cool and dark place

potatoes stored in a basket in a cool dark place
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Place the entire potatoes in a well-ventilated container, like a basket or bag of mesh products (even a large cardboard box will do. Store in a cool, dry and dark place, like a pantry, closet, basement or garage. Under ideal conditions, they can up to 4 or even 6 months.


Discard the molded potatoes, use germinated first

sprouted sweet potato
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Check on your potato cache from time to time and throw them up who had a grown mold or went RIDKLY and soft. If necessary, cook the potatoes first (the sprouted potatoes are cautious to eat as long as they are not stroytes or molded).


Wash only just before cooking

different types of potatoes in a basket
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Do not wash the potatoes before being ready to cook them. The humidity of the residues will rain faster.

RELATED: Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!

Categories: Groceries
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