The best and worse Bretzel at Aunt Anne's
Once a trademark of northeast hockey games, street fairs and sidewalk suppliers - with all the nutritional value that involves - the pretzels really went through the franchise of Aunt Anne, which serves soft pretzels in a variety of flavors and fittings.

If you like to deliver from time to time, we do not want you. There is a reason why we all love the brace of pretzel and occasional pizza: glorious salty paste. That said, be careful. This simple-in-carbon snack can quickly make snowball in calorie and fat with a lot of meal.
Eating this!

Jalapeño Bretzel without butter
Not that!

Bretzel Pepperoni with butter
Perhaps without surprise, the pretzel of aunt Anne who is overcome with red meat is at the top of the list of non-GO. It has more calories than two average slices of pizza pizza hut pepperoni! Opt instead for more basic options. The Bretzel Jalapeño has the lowest calorie number on the list, the more he has theFAT COMBUSTION Pepper properties (the heat returned yourmetabolism) If it's too hot for your tastes, the original pretzel has only 10 calories and a similar nutritional profile. (The two varieties contain about half a day of sodium allowance, so if you adonions, make sure you budget wisely.) And whatever you do, jump the butter - it adds 30 calories and 4 grams of fat You do not need, 3 of the saturated.
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