7 best foods for your heart

Skip the risk of cardiac disease of more than half, just taking a few simple steps.

In fact, more than 50% of deaths occurred each year of heart disease could have been prevented, according to the study, set up by researchers at Emory University in Atlanta. You already know how to smoke, but the other four main-obesity causes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes can be eliminated or considerably reduced with a handful of food change, studies show.

So take your health of your heart in your own hands. The publishers ofEat this, not that! The magazine has identified the best absolute foods to dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease, while dropping books and protect yourself from diabetes.


Dark chocolate


Good news, Chocoholics: Dozens of study show that people who consume cocoa-like a hot drink or consumed dark chocolate - are much better cardiovascular form than those who do not. A nine-year study in the newspaperCardiac Failure The women found who ate one to two portions of high quality chocolate per week had a lower risk of 32% to develop heart failure than those who reported no cocoa. And a second long-term study revealed that men who eat the most chocolate - about 1/3 of a cup of dark chocolate chips per week - had a 17% reduction racing risk reduction compared to Those who have not consumed chocolate. Researchers attribute the benefits of cocoa health to polyphenols and flavanoles, anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect the heart.

Eat this, not that! approved: The healthiest dark chocolate contains 74% or more cocoa solids, but if you are serious about a healthier core, get nothing more than 60% cocoa.Eat this, not that! Recommends at 85% of the Lindt cocoa excellence bar. The chocolate of this bar is not alkalized: a process that eliminates bitterness at the cost of natural and healthy cocoa compounds - and you can enjoy four indulgent places for only 230 calories and 5 grams of sugar. Or try the candies we have included on our list ofEat this, not that!-approved10 best-snacks for weight loss!




Do not only eat on the sushi seal! Soy pods are a great snack at any time because they are an excellent source of magnesium, folate and potassium. These nutrients can help reduce blood pressure and support cardiac health, reduce your risk of heart disease. The fiber protects the core by stimulating the body's ability to produce low density lipoprotein receptors (LDL), which act like emptyors, pulling a "bad" cholesterol out of the blood. And beans are an excellent source. Researchers at the University of Leeds analyzed a number of studies and revealed that the risk of cardiovascular disease was significantly lower for the 7 grams of fiber consumed.

Eat this, not that! Recommended: We love the obvious farms Wasabi Dry Dry Roasted Edamame. In addition to having a satisfactory texture and fire, they pack 11 grams of soy protein and five grams of belly filling fibers in each 100 calorie serve.


Rooibos tea

weight loss tea

A recent study at Penn State found that people who react badly stressful situations increased the levels of inflammation in their bodies - and inflammation is directly related to obesity, as well as diseases such as diabetes, Cardiac diseases and cancer. When the anxiety rises high, you are also at the mercy of stress hormones such as cortisol known as "the oily belly hormone" for its ability to draw lipids from the blood circulation and storing them In our adipose cells. What makes Rooibos tea especially good to soothe your mind is the unique flavanoid called aslashin. Research shows that this compound can reduce stress hormones that trigger hunger and fat storage - and keep your heart healthy.

Drink this, not that! Advice: Find out how to drink a cup of rooibos at 21h could help you melt faster fat - and finally a soothing and deep sleep night - in the new revolutionary weight loss plan,Flat belly tea of ​​7 days!




Americans eat more tomatoes and tomato products than any other "vegetable" unfeterable. And it's good news, researchers say, because tomatoes are particularly rich in lycopene, an antioxidant which, unlike most fresh nutrients, increases after cooking and treatment. Dozens of studies suggest a relationship between the regular consumption of high lycopene tomatoes and a risk of cardiovascular disease, skin damage and certain cancers. Researchers have even found that "concentrated" tomato pill has improved the expansion of blood vessels in patients with cardiovascular disease over 53% compared to placebo.

Eat this, not that! secret:Consider flexing on biology. Research suggests that organic tomatoes can have higher levels of polyphenols and vitamin C of disease control than varieties grown conventionally.




Perhaps it is the path of the mother's mother to give us a clue: heart-shaped nuts are falling from omega-3 antioxidants and fatty acids that can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease - a term Umbrella that refers to a number of deadly complications (including heart attack and stroke) that represent approximately 600,000 deaths in the United States a year. The more complete examination of clinical trials on walnut consumption with respect to cardiovascular diseases has shown only one of nuts of five times a week - about a handle every day - can reduce heart disease close to 40%!

Eat this, not that! secret: A recent study that has analyzed the health benefits of different parts of the nuts - the skin, "meat" and most of the healthy healthy benefits come from oil. You can free the volatile oils of Walnuts by roasting them in a dry stove on the average heat until it is fragrant. And give bottled nut oil a finishing oil that is delicious in salad vinaigrettes or teaspoon (with a teaspoon!) On pasta dishes. Discover more exclusive Slim-Down secrets in this special area, not that! report:7 best foods for fast weight loss.



flax seeds

A simple tablespoon of these ultra powerful seeds serves nearly three grams of belly filling fibers for only 55 calories. We love this ratio. Do not mention, the fatty lines are the richest plant source of omega-3, which help reduce inflammation, eliminate mood swings and prevent heart disease and diabetes. A healthy cardiac fat diet, such as those found in linen seeds, raises good levels of HDL cholesterol.

Eat this, not that! Trick: Linen linen have a rather low smoke point, so we do not recommend cooking with them, but they make a crunchy addition welcome to smoothies, salty dressings and yoghurt.



garlic pills

The garlic bulbs of the garlic "gentled" with glossy green shoots emerge cloves - usually end up with the trash. But scientists report that this type of garlic has an even healthier cardiac antioxidant activity than fresh things. Elderly garlic extract, also known as Kyololian garlic or a.g.e. is a popular supplement because it is odorless (let yourself start starting!). A study revealed that participants who took four pills a day saw a reduction in plate accumulation in the arteries.

Eat this, not that! Recommended: Try older Age Garlic Extract Kyolic-4 ml per day can increase your traffic and they are odorless.

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