This type of soda can increase the risk of liver cancer, a new study suggests

Convinced zero sugar or calories make this soda safe? A familiar ingredient can prove all wrong.

Would you do anything to protect your most vital organs and reduce your risk of cancer, right? Yourchoice of food, watchinghow much you drinkAnd many other practices are proof. Well, a new study is a difficult question in Peskya soda choice that you could always do. It's not because it's no-calorie and even sugar might not say that you are clear.

A meta-analysis of 38 previous studies was published in the March issue of theNutrition of public health. The two researchers, Myung Seung-Kwon, MD, Ph.D. of the National Cancer Center of Korea, and Ph.D. Student Alfred Jethro, wanted to see how soft drinks with artificial sweeteners are related to the risk of cancer gastrointestinal, that is to say cancer of the colon, stomach, esophagus, pancreas or liver.

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On the basis of their analysis of the 38 studies, researchers did not find an association between the overall risk of gastrointestinal cancer and non-alcoholic beverages. However, when it was a particular type of cancer, there was clearly a link to theKorean biomedical magazine:"Under-analysis on specific types of cancer has shown that soda with artificial sweeteners has raised the risk of liver cancer by 28%."

Seung-kwon listed "artificial sweeteners" as "aspartame, saccharine, sucralose, neotaame and acesulfame" as compounds "used in non-alcoholic beverages because they can reduce calories". Why? Because they are "hundreds to thousands of times sweeter than sugar".

A report that wepublished In recent years, explains how aspartame blocks an important intestinal enzyme that can prevent obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. This feature of artificial sweetener, and others like it, is proof that zero-sugar sodas are not perfect for your body,in itself.

Nevertheless, while the results of this study are illuminating - and although there are a number of other health problems, these artificial sweeteners have been associated with - the researchers of the ongoing study conclude that it n There is not enough evidence to suggest that artificial sweeteners actually cause liver cancer.

Nevertheless, before Crack open the next "zero" soda diet box, you may want to readWhat is worse: dietary soda or regular soda? Or if you have just reached a soda when you need a sparkling lift,These 10 sparkling waters could be a better bet.

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