What happens when you eat chicken daily

Chicken is the most popular protein in the country, but you have already stopped thinking about its consumption to regularly fuel your health?

It's easy to eat chicken every day and feel good about it. But do not give credit to these grammatically contested cows in the Chik-Fil-A ads. The chicken is alarge source of protein For many reasons.

Health: Back in the 1980s, doctors notified against eating too much fat saturated in red meat. And although we are no longer terrified by saturated fats, new health concerns aboutRed meat and colon cancer have kept the lean chicken in health care.

Cost: The chicken is relatively cheap. The composite price (entire bird prices, breasts and legs) for a chicken book fell from about half a dollar since 1980, according to the USDA. Why? Innovations in reproduction and mass production have made it possible to develop larger and faster chickens, which makes chicken more abundant and affordable.

Convenience: Starting with McDonald's Chicken McNuggets In the early 80s, fast food chains have made chicken eating each day easier assandwiches, salads, wraps, tenders and even popcorn chicken to meet growing demand. Forty-two percent of the chicken are now sold through the selling points of the restoration, according to theNational Chicken Counciland 60% of this amount is sold in restaurants at the Fast Food.

With chicken in each pot, freezer, fryer and fast food bag, you could eat chicken every day every week without even realizing it. Here's what can happen to your body if you do it. And for more information on the advantages and disadvantages of regular consumption of certain foods, consult regularlyWhat happens to your body when you eat lawyers every day.


You can lose weight.

measuring waist

Proteins take longer to digestion that carbohydrates do so, so that the chicken meal every day could keep your belly feel satisfied long enough to avoid fear of carbohydrates or too much to eat calories. In a study published in the newspaperAppetite, The researchers found that chicken was also as effective as beef and pork triggering the release of intestinal hormones and insulin, which influence satiety. By eating chicken every day instead of densely caloric foods, like more removable meats and processed foods, and avoid consuming many low fiber carbohydrates, you will probably lose books. Pair of chicken with the11 healthier drinks for weight loss Shrink your turn in no time.


You can gain weight.

gaining weight

Although people often use poor carbohydrate and moderately high regimes in proteins to lose weight, if you eat a lot of chicken, every day you can gain weight. The chicken is not special. If you consume too much protein of any type, your body stores what it can not burn like grease, which can give you weight, according to a study ofClinical nutrition The 2015 study found that people whose schemes were composed of more than 20% protein - in particular animal protein - were significantly more likely to earn more than 10% of their body weight compared to those whose diet food had less than 15% protein. "I think people do not understand that protein always has calories," saysBonnie Taub-Ten, Rd, creator ofBetterthandieting.com andRead it before eating it. And calories are added. Are you wondering if you suffer the consequences? Do not miss theseWarning signs that you eat too much protein.


You build muscular.

Woman with strong muscle arms doing push ups for exercise

The protein is the muscular building block so your daily chicken dinner will give you the raw materials you need to build you stronger and more massive. Chicken is a complete protein that is rich in leucine, an amino acid that plays a major role in the synthesis of muscular proteins by stimulating protein construction routes, according to a study ofThe Journal of Nutrition. How many chicken protein do you need to do the job? A 2018 study in theBritish newspaper of sports medicineThis analyzed 49 other committed studies to determine that the ideal amount of protein per day to gain muscle is 1.6 grams per kilogram of body mass. Thus, for a person of 160 pounds that would be 115 grams of protein a day or about 3 tits without a 3,5 ounce chicken skin.

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You eat more fat than you think.

chicken breast

Maybe you eat less red meat and more poultry because it is lower in saturated greases. But be aware that the amount of fat in genetically modified plant agricultural grill chickens has increased to perhaps five to 10 times more than a century, according to a British study inPublic health. A four ounce of chicken packs 17 grams of total fat, including 5 grams of saturated fat.


You can consume more sodium than you should.

crispy chicken sandwich on serving board

If you eat chicken every day, we will assume that you visited Chick-Wire-A restaurants occasionally and maybe even ordered the spicy luxury chicken sandwich. If this is the case, you got a ridiculous amount of salt with your lunch, 1,759 mg of sodium, which is more seated than the maximum of 1 500 mg of 1,500 mg per day suggested by theAmerican Heart Association to reduce blood pressure.


You can develop cardiovascular disease.

fried chicken wings on plate with white dipping sauce
Alexander Prokopenko / Shutterstock

Hot-dogs, charcuteries, sausages and other transformed red meats have long been linked to the lifting of the risk of cardiac disease. But what about poultry and other unprocessed meats? Researchers at the University of the Northwest and Cornell University have attempted to discover by examining food schemes and health data of about 30,000 six-studies participants. The people did not have cardiac disease at the beginning of these studies. Researchers determined that only eating two portions of red meat, processed meat or poultry, but no fish, each week was 3% to 7% of greater chance to develop blockages in the arteries, cerebral or heart failure, according to the reportJAMA internal medicine. Certainly, it's a small increase, but if the chicken consumption to eat specifically every day of the week will increase that the risk remains to be studied. One thing to note: the researchers did not determine how the chicken has been prepared.


You can suffer from food poisoning.

food poisoning

If you eat a lot of chicken, it is likely that you can become negligent of the appropriate preparation. If you eat chicken or other cooked foods or other foods or drinks contaminated with raw chicken or juice, you can obtain an illness of Campylobacter, Salmonella and Clostridium Perfringens Bacteria, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention. About a million Americans make every year. Do not make common mistake to wash the raw chicken, which spreads chicken juice to countertops, utensils and other foods. Use a separate cutting board and knives for raw chicken and wash your hands, utensils, cutting boards and dishes with hot water soapy. In addition, use a food thermometer to make sure the heb is cooked at a safe internal temperature of 165 ° F.

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You can be constipated.

Woman stomach cramps

No, a chicken sandwich will not save you, but if you consume a lot of protein like chicken at the expense of vegetables, whole grains, fruits and beans, you can suffer from constipation. High protein regimes that limit these healthy carbohydratesare usually low fiber. So, make sure your chicken shares your plate with greens salads, carrots, brown rice and other high fiber sides. And increase your water intake if you eat a lot of protein. For help, see these20 easy ways to add fiber to your diet.


You could increase your risk of cancer.

butter chicken

Eating chicken was associated with a higher risk of cancer, according to a study of theJournal of epidemiology and community health. The researchers at the University of Oxford followed the diets of 450,000 people over an eight-year period and found that "poultry contribution was positively associated with the risk of malignant melanoma, prostate cancer and Non Hodgkin lymphoma ".


You might feel a little guilty.

roast chicken with potatoes on black plate

You could even throw a tear for the 52 billion chickens that are massacred around the world for meat, especially if you look at one of the many YouTube video or documentaries on the horrors of factory poultry agriculture, such thanFood Inc., knife forks, or eating animals. Recommended reading:We are the weather: save the planet starts at breakfastBy Jonathan Safran Foer, a book on the impact we can have on global warming by eating less meat.


You can shorten your life if your daily chicken is fried.

plate of fried chicken
Darryl Brooks / Shutterstock

A great long-term study of 107,000 women found that 44% of those who ate fried foods every day were obese. But even after the researchers controlled risk factors such as obesity and lack of exercise, the news does not show better: eating fried foods like the fried chicken was associated with death-related death. The study published inBmj In 2019, found that women who have eaten one or more fried chicken portions per day had a 13% death risk from death compared to those who did not eat fried food and a risk death in the heart of 12%. You can add eating fried chicken everyday at the list of20 bad eating habits that shave years of your life.

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