What happens to your body when you stop eating meat

We have compiled a list of science results that will be accompanied by your body when you cut meat and eat more plants.

Whether you want it or not, you can not change the facts: our country is about to deal with a seriousscarcity of meat. BetweenMeat processing plants Closure andgrocery store limiting the amount of meat you can buy, There is certainly pressure on a large facet of theThe Food Supply Chain. SameWendy Limits the burgers they sell! However, while the meat can be in the shortage, you have never thought about what would happen to your body if you stop eating meat?

Each year, thousands of people decide to give up meat and fish and find there are a lot of health benefits to it. And all this may seem like your diet will miss a little serious protein, there are actually many moreprotein alternatives You can turn in case of shortage of meat. In addition, many herbal protein is ideal for your body! Not onlyVegetable origin proteins big for your metabolism and digestion overall but it can evenprotect yourself from diseases.

So, if you are faced with a serious scarcity of meat at the grocery store, or think about eliminating all the meat of your diet in general, here are some things your body when you stop eating meat according to the experts.


You will lose weight.

A study published in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics prescribervegetarian diet; Those who have undertaken, he had an average weight loss of 7.5 pounds. If you build your meals from a range of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans, weight loss can be easier than if you follow other schemas: a recent study published in theJournal of Internal Medicine Found vegans to be greater than 11 other regimes to lose weight.


You will reduce your cholesterol level.

High cholesterol

Aside from weight loss, you will probably see a sharp drop in your cholesterol level. To a large extent, our genes determine our cholesterol levels; However, exercise and yourFood will also affect cholesterol levels. A meta-analysis published in the journalNutrition Reviews found that plant-based vegetarian regimes are associated with lower levels of total cholesterol, including lower levels of HDL and LDL cholesterol, compared to omnivorous diets.


You will have a cleaner gut.

The digestive tube of a non-eater eater will be cleaner than that of a person digesting meat on a daily basis, says Susan Tucker, holistic nutritionist and founder ofGreen beat life. Why? Most meats come from animals that are given hormones and antibiotics. Then it is treated with preservatives. (In normal circumstances, the meat begins to decompose very quickly.) "Vegan and vegetarians consume a high volume of fibers, phytonutrients and antioxidants that maintain the cleaner all the system," she says.

Extra fiber and good bacteria in vegetarian intestinereduces inflammation, Add nutritionistKeri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, founder of Nutrient Life. She cites a 2014 study published in the journalNutritionWhere the researchers compared theIntestinal health Vegetarians, vegans and omnivores. Vegetarians have found lower rates of signaling incorrect insulin, resulting in metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Glassman says it is theorized that the lower inflammation allows an internal housecleaning: fiber acts as a broom to sweep pathogens in the intestine. Chem-ee chem!


Your skin will shine.

Beauty can not be deep skin, but it reflects the way happy of our digestive situation, says Tucker. She claims that plant eaters have some glow. "Many people find that their acne, rosacea, or eczema clarifies when they give up the meat," she says, adding that antioxidants, fibers and minerals in a herbal diet help the system to detoxify Every day, which contributes to healthier skin.


There will be gas.


You may find that people applauding your lifestyle change do it from a safety distance. Suddenly, more and more fiber intake (by fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains) can experience gas and bloating. To compensate for this unwanted side effect, Glassman recommends that ease in food, the gradual elimination of meat and steadily increase in foods that are particularly rich in fiber.


You will reduce your risk of illness.


Assuming that you exchange meat with healthier alternatives - not chips and ice cream - you protect yourself against variousheart disease, Cardio-metabolic risk factors and certain cancers. This was the conclusion of a 2014 study that examined three 7th-day Adventist Groups, a Christian denomination whose members refrain from meat meat. According to Glassman, these improved health results are in part another result of eating more fiber, which lowers cholesterol and increases satiety, resulting in people to eat fewer calories. Antioxidants abound in fruits and vegetables protect against heart disease, she says. Other studies have shown that consumers of meat have also increased the risks of conditions such as appendicitis, chronic inflammation and renal disease.

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