What happens to your body when you eat canned chicken

Is it more malicious than other chicken? We asked the experts.

When you are pressed during the time and need a quick and easy meal,canned products seems to be an intelligent alternative. And sometimes they are. But other times, they come with certain risk factors. This is the case with canned chicken. Although you may think you were getting the same meat from the butcher in a different form, it's not always the case.

The fresh chicken usually comes out of a farm at a grocery store and directly in your oven. On the other hand, canned chicken is treated and sterilized in high heat to prevent the growth of bacteria. And as head of celebrity and nutritionistSerena Poon Explains that the transformation of the meat dissociates from its texture, its flavor and, above all, nutritional value. More often than not, the poon notes, canned chicken brands get smile their chicken with a factory farm, which can affect the quality and health of your meal.

Here are some things that have happened to your body when you open a chicken box, and for even healthier feeding tips, be sure to read on our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You can experience inflammation.

canned chicken

When we think aboutProcessed foods, chip bags and cookies made in series generally come to mind. However, it is important to remember that canned chicken is also transformed into food. Do you want to receive nutritional benefits? Sure. But, poon notes, processed meats remove a large part of vitamins and minerals andcause Inflammation in the body. And unfortunately, inflammationis a cause of the main cause Almost all diseases.

According toa researcher"Sterilized canned meat undergo considerable change in the process due to the denaturation of proteins and the aggregation of heat. The texture of canned meat after sterilization can be paste and a marked deterioration of the aesthetic appeal And the quality of consumption is often. "

here are theSide effects of eating canned food every day, according to science.


You could expose yourself to BPA.

chicken salad wrap

Bisphenol-A, or BPA, is a scary chemical that has encouraged many companies to label their products as without BPA to gain consumer confidence. However, there may be traces of BPA in canned foods because it prevents the inner lining of corroded canned foods and to break, according to Kimberly Bowman, MS, CNP, the nutritionist for theF45 CHALLENGE.

"The high levels of BPA in the body can arise over-consumption of canned meat or other foods and have been linked to a greater risk of heart disease and diabetes," she warns.

In addition, it names BPA has also been suggested to link hormonal estrogen receptors, in addition to thyroid hormones.

"Researchers suggest that BPA interaction with various hormones in the body can affect our health, including cellular repair, fetal development, energy levels and fertility," said Bowman.

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You might feel satisfied longer.

chicken sandwich

On the positive side,canned chicken is full ofprotein, So, if you are in a link, it could be once in a savior. As a weight loss managerStephanie Mansour Explain that this protein could help you feel satisfied longer and prevent you from eating too much. This could also reduce your desires of carbohydrates.

"The chicken helps your body release hormones that cause satisfaction of hunger. Because eating the right amount of protein helps your body stay satisfied, canned chicken can even help you lose weight," she says .

Related:These are the best forms of lean protein that you can eat


You consume sodium phosphate.

chicken salad sandwich

Poon explains that the canned chicken contains sodium phosphate since it is added as a preservative. Although phosphates occur naturally in some foods,The researchers found Adding inorganic sodium phosphate to be particularly embarrassing.

"Sodium phosphate is incredibly dangerous for people who already liverenal problems. He was also detrimental tocardiovascular health," she says.

And in general, it recommends avoiding sodium phosphate additives.


You could gain muscle.

chicken salad lettuce

Because the protein is needed forMuscular growth, Mansour says that canned chicken that you eat can be used by your body to activate this growth.

"The chicken contains leucine, an amino acid that triggers protein construction pathways," she continues. "If you are looking to stimulate muscle growth, but you do not have time to prepare and prepare fresh chicken, canned chicken can be the way forward."


You eat chicken from an inhuman source.

chicken salad sandwich close up

As with all the meat, all are not created or raised equally. Typically, with canned chicken, the poon says it is likely that you do not eat the most humane poultry of the highest quality.

"A lot of industrial chicken is raised in terrible conditions And many have infections and are treated with antibiotics, "she says". Physically and energetically, all of this is transferred to you when you eat chicken from an industrial source. Antibiotic use in meat production is specifically connected Human health problems such as antibiotic resistance and child development issues. "

What about canned fish? here is What happens to your body when you eat canned salmon .

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