These foods are never worth the calories

The experts agree, you will better do these caloric culprits!

You probably hear from"empty calories" All the time, but we bet that you are betting to think about cupcakes and donuts. Well, it's better than you discover the truth now - there is a host of unnecessary dishes there. And by useless, we mean empty nutrition.

When you talk about "nutritional density", all about vitamins, minerals andfiber-In other words, the things that work to power and repair your body. Each meal or snack that you consume should be considered an opportunity to feed your body and fill it with as many nutrients as possible. This is especially true if you follow a weight loss or fitness plan because nutrient foods will help you achieve your goals much faster.

"I think" nutritionally empty "foods like those that can be higher or lower in calories, but offer little or no nutrient," says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, Authorized Dietidian and founderIsabel Smith Nutrition. "As a general rule, these foods are also quite refined or transformed."

Resist to grab the following food the next time you are at the grocery store, believe us, they do not make your body of favors. Instead, store one ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.



Yellow corn tortilla chips with a bowl of salsa on a cutting board

This classic party food does not contain a long list of ingredients, but none of these ingredients contain a high dose of nutrients.

"In general, for most crackers and chips, a large part of the nutritional value of the grain has been eliminated during treatment - especially when these foods are white rather than whole wheat, because jackets and exterior layers of the grain have been removed. They are removed. 'T necessarilyWrong But they simply do not offer much with regard to nutrients, "says Smith.

Eat this instead: For a denser alternative in nutrients (which always offers a crunch without these empty calories), try popcorn in the air with your own herbs and spices added from whole wheat with four to five grams offiber per serving.


A soda


Not only isa soda Empty of vitamins and minerals and packed empty calories from sugar, but it also contains a ton of ingredients that can hurt your body.

"Regular andSodas diet are loaded with artificial chemicals such as dyes and sweeteners. The two calories containing calories and zero-calorie (these, in particular can negatively influence the feelings of fullness and satiety) must be avoided. In addition, dark color sodas often contain additives such as phosphoric acid that can be dangerous for bone health ", warns Smith.

Drink this instead: Sometimes this fizzy pop deving will not disappear, however. Instead of soda, experiment with sodium without sodium,Sparkling water without sugar With a splash of juice with low or sugar-free juice, pressed frock juice, or a pressure of lime or fresh lemon. If it's the flavor rather than Fizz, Smith also recommends infuse regular water with fruits and vegetables.

"Some of my favorites are mint and orange, cucumber alone or with orange and strawberry with pineapple," says Smith.




The pretzels appear a relatively harmless snack. They have the hollow and salinity that many of us crumble, and they are not really full of sugar or harmful artificial ingredients. The problem? They do not feed your body. If you have physical condition or weight loss goals, a Bretzel empty calorie bag will not help you get the finish line faster.

Eat this instead: Smith recommends that Kale Chips like a healthier alternative.


White pasta

plate penne pasta tomato sauce

It seems that pasta is always condemned to the list "Diet-do not", right? The truth is that it can offer nutrients if and only if you choose the right guy. It is also very important to pay particular attention to the size of the portion if you look at your weight. "It is better to choose to choose whole grains because it contains more fibers, vitamins, minerals and protein since the grain envelope is left," said Smith. PSST! Associate your whole grain pasta with aHealthy pasta sauce To avoid added sugars.

Eat this instead: While we love whole grain pasta, the healthiest way to get your noodle patch is substitutes like spaghetti noodles or zucchini noodles. Both are rich in potassium, as well as vitamins A and C!


White flour

White flour and rolling pin

As a general rule, it is always healthier to choose whole wheat options and whole grains on products made of white flour. To get white flour, wheat grains are strongly refined and transformed, by stripping fiber foods that our bodies like so much. The whole wheat flour is made from the same grains, but retains its fiber content because it did not undergo this heavy treatment. Getting enough fiber is important in any diet as it helps reduce cholesterol, increases weight loss and elimination of AIDS waste.

Eat this instead: If you know that quitting white-bagel flour foods, cereals, crackers, bakery products, etc. - Will be a particularly difficult fit for you, look for a 100% whole wheat bread or choose pasta or crackers containing a white mixture and whole wheat flour.


Juice to heat


Different from these cold-pasted fruit juices that you see everywhere everywhere, the heat juices are not as healthy as possible. Orange juices and cranberry often need to be heated at very high levels and need to be higher in sugar - many contain added sugar - to undergo a transformation. "The pasteurization process can kill some of the nutrients because the temperature is so high," explains Smith.

Drink this instead: Try to choose cold or unprocessed pressed fruit juice containing a higher fruit vegetable ratio to avoid spikes in blood glucose and reap the most health benefits. Do not forget that fruit juice can often dismantle weight loss efforts rather quickly - so do not even worry with ajuice!


Sweet wine

Woman pouring glass of white wine

Yes, wine has antioxidants, including resveratrol inRed wine, which can help prevent damage to blood vessels, reduce cholesterol of low density lipoprotein (LDL) ("bad" cholesterol) and prevent blood clots. But typically, the more sweet the wine, the more calories it contains. Dry wines have about 106 calories per glass, while sweet dessert wines are about 225 or more. Three glasses of wine with dinner could easily add up to 400 additional calories. You will get some of this resveratrol but not much in the way of nutrition.

Drink this instead: "Studies suggest that red and purple grape juices can provide a part of the same heartAdvantages of red wine, says Katherine Zeratky, Rd, LD.


Coffee-based drinks

Bottled iced coffee drink

Now it's really where calories can start adding. Although the coffee itself has a negligible caloric value, many drinks in your coffee menu can pack a quarter of the calories that you usually want to meet your energy needs. A 16 ounce pumpkin spray with Starbucks milk, for example, between 380 calories, 14 grams of fat and 50 grams of sugar. Yikes.

Drink this instead: Black coffee. Have a little time identifying the notes that float your boat and will soon look at these fat, sweet and calorily bloated liquid desserts as one thing from your past.

RELATED: The easy guide toSugar is finally here.


Some croissants


We know, we know-we bite in a croissant butter and fleece can be a transcendent experience. Eat too many of them, however, and pretty soon that your belly could transcend your belt buckle. A Starbucks butter crescent has about 310 calories, more than half of which comes from fat.

Eat this instead: Catch a little oat. Oats has a lot of fiber and is a perfect breakfast. A portion of Starbucks classic oat flakes represents only 160 calories. You may see that the dried fruit support package makes the superfluous brown sugar package.



Fast food donuts

We need to wonder how do these things have ever become breakfast food to start? Some of Dunkin 'Donut offers are close to 500 calories - and 0 grams of any nutritious.

Eat this instead: Satisfy your sweet tooth by making energy balls to eat with your black coffee. It is sufficient to mix all or part of the following elements: dried and unsweetened fruit; Oats; my dear; And the flax seed on the ground, which adds omega-3s for an energizing boost. Chopped nuts,dark chocolate Pieces, nut butter and a shredded and unsweetened coconut are other nutrient options. Add water, a little at a time, until the mixture is sufficiently moistened to form in 1 ounce balls. If you use prunes, oats, honey and linen seeds, each energy bullet has about 100 calories, 3 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber.



ketchup and french fry

Watch a bottle of ketchup, then imagine that a quarter of this bottle is full of sugar - because it's! Do not be able to think that this ubiquitouscondimentA lot to do with kindness naturally contained in tomatoes. Sugar and salt replace any lycopene against cancer.

Eat this instead: A little more expensive, but it's worth it, is an organic ketchup. Research has shown that biologically elevated tomatoes produce nearly twice lycopene.




Regular Mayo ranks among the worst condiments of empty calories. Mayo's non-fat varieties are not better better, given sugar and conservatives they contain. In addition, it's a mystery if Mayo is even a food; After all, it is done with eggs but can sit down, unrelated, on a supermarket shelf for months without falling or separating. There is something that is not quite just about it. . .

Eat this instead: You can make a healthier Mayo version at home by mixing Greek yogurt, lemon juice, mustard, pepper and spices. You will save more than 200 calories and 20 grams of grease per quarter of goblet. More,Greek yogurt is rich in protein and calcium.


Cream cheese

Bagel with cream cheese

Two tablespoons ofRegular cream cheese Have 100 calories, 9 grams of fat and 6 grams of saturated fat. What do you get nutritionally for all this? Not a lot. Cream cheese does not provide a significant amount of good nutrients for you; Even his calcium account is lame.

Eat this instead: NeufChâtel is a cream cheese cheese from France, which made its debut during the dark European ages. A portion of 100 grams contains 253 calories-89 less than the same amount of cheese with Philadelphia cream. It also has 11 grams of fat as its American cousin.My God!


Thick crust pizza

Deep dish pizza

Cheese has protein and tomato products have lycopene. This is the good news ofPizza! The bad news? Well, everything is contained in a low and very nutritious crust. The pizza dough will only give very little nutrition to your body (as normally, it is made from refined white flour), but it is also your insulin levels, which means that these empty calories you will create simpler carbohydrates.

Eat this instead: We are not going to ask you to stop eating a pizza; We know it's impossible, like that does not like a pizza? However, wewill Suggest that you opt for a thinner slice as much as possible. And here is a New Yorker bonus tip: that it calls the pizza in Chicago? Just go ahead and avoidthese slices of deep dish.



People clinking beers

There is really nothing but better pairs withchicken wings That a beer, but most beers are not worth the calories.Beer equals just more than liquid carbohydrates - and a growing intestine.

Drink this instead: If you are going to drink beer, choose Guinness. Despite its heavy dark appearance, this stop has 20 fewer calories by 12 ounces serving a bud. But there is more: aStudy of the University of Wisconsin Saved that moderate consumption of Guinness worked as an aspirin to prevent blood clots that increase the risk of heart attacks. This is because the antioxidants it contains are better than vitamins C and E to maintain bad cholesterol LDL fouling arteries.


Barbecue sauce

kansas city molasses style bbq sauce

Just two tablespoons of barbecue sauce have 100 calories, more than 10 grams of sugar and 22 grams of carbohydrates. It's enough to turn a piece of grilled chicken into an empty calorie delivery car.

Eat this instead: You will make your health and a belt a solid by mixing a low sodium soy sauce with a small honey. Without going to the sea on empty calories, you will always have the sweet and tangy taste you want.


Processed meats

Processed deli meat cold cuts

In its most natural state, meat contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals essential to health. But the more you harden with meat, the more the bad stuff offered the good. Processed and / or smoked meats like Bologna, bacon, Frankly, Prosciutto and Salami are fat, salty and nitrate loaded. More, 50 grams of meat processed per day - less than two tranches of bacon increase the chances of developing colorectal cancer by 18%, according to aReport of the World Health Organization. Yikes!

Eat this instead: Try gravlax. Although it is still cured of salt, sugar and dill, this northern salmon dish does not need to smoke, a process that has been related to cancer. Salmon is not just an excellent source of protein and omega-3s - it also contains a lot of vitamin D.


Ranch Vinaigrette

ranch dressing

Ranch has two main ingredients: mayonnaise and sour cream. A trimester of the cotta serves 220 calories and 22 grams of fat. This is the fastest way to ruin a salad or a plate of grinds otherwise healthy.

Eat this instead: Hoummous. It comes in a variety of flavors and two tablespoons of heaps will save you 55 calories and 8 grams of fat on the ranch.




White flour, sugar, salt, milk, eggs and butter. There are too many ingredients with low density of nutrients (and not enough eggs and milk) to make pancakes something else than big clichés of empty calories. Adding chocolate chips, syrup or more butter will certainly not be useful.

Eat this instead: You can make this dish a little more nutritious by replacing the white flour and the sugar with a mixture of whole wheat flour, oats, pecans and cinnamon. Add bananas or blueberries as a garnish will help. If you use syrup, opt for a 100% pure maple syrup and not the fake tips derived from high fructose corn syrup.




The potatoes are vegetables. What is a French frie but a heated vegetable with a small oil? Sorry to burst your bubble here-a lot of nutrients and fibers in a SPU are actually contained in the skin. The skin, in most cases, is removed during the manufacture of fries. Oh, then there is fat. A fries potato has an area more surface than the potato itself, allowing them to soak a lot of fat.

Eat this instead: Sweet Potato Fries Will be your new best friend for your French frators! You are not going to fry them; Just blut a small olive oil on them and throw them in the oven. This will reduce the grease content and you will also have a dose of fiber and vitamin A.


Ice cream

ice cream

The fact is that ice cream must have 10% milk fat for it, even for it to be called ice cream and some varieties have up to 16%. Milk fat is largely cholesterol, which is a saturated fat. When your blood cholesterol is too high, it can accumulate a plate, a fat deposit in your arteries that interferes with blood flow and raises your risk of heart disease and stroke. The ice cream is also high in sugar, which constitutes the majority of its carbohydrate content. You will get a small dose of calcium, but the ice cream never worth the calorie unless it is a treat once in the blue moon for your taste buds and not a daily indulgence.

Eat this instead: Sorbet. It is made from fruit juice and syrup, so there is a lot of sugar in this treatment with ice cream. Although it does not have the protein and calcium offered by its cousin based on dairy products, it is low in calories and bold.


Onion rings

Cheeseburger onion rings

The onion ring is an excellent example of how all that is good about a vegetable can be exposed. Some say they are even worse than French fries because the onion rings have more calories, more saturated fat, more sugar and less potassium.

Eat this instead: A portion of 3 ounces of Calamari Frit-A delicious onion ring LOOKALIDIKE-contains about 150 calories, 15 grams of protein, 6 grams of grease and 6 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, he has a lot of zinc vitamins and b. Even better? Opting for grilled Calamari instead.

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