Ideas for Easter Mood: 10 simple recipes

Record 10 Easter Riga Recipes, which can be repeated on home kitchen.

On the eve of a significant holiday in the life of all believing people - Easter-2017, many are interested in the recipes of Easter Mood. There is a rather quantity. For those who are still never in the life of the Pek Easter cake, we have gathered the most popular and simple recipes that will help to prepare an amazing Easter cake without special culinary skills. Record 10 Easter Riga Recipes, which can be repeated on home kitchen.

Traditional Easter cake with raisins
Do not think that the preparation of Easter Kulich is a matter of high complexity. In fact, everything is simple, especially if you follow a simple "grandmother" recipe. Traditional Easter cake with raisins can always decorate the Easter table for those who are not inspired by experiments or simply does not want to change the long traditions of their family. Kulich can be decorated with a whipped protein, and you can leave in the "pristine" form: so this baking looks even more homely and appetizing.

Curd Easter
A delicious alternative to the traditional recipe for a silence with raisins is cottage cheese Easter. It is preparing much faster, and in calories will be dietary several times, because you can control the calorieness of cottage cheese. Curd Easter, except for a sacred dish on the Easter table, is also a delicious dessert that can be decorated with a luxurious feed. Many over time transition from traditional Easter herch just on cottage cheese Easter. If you do not decorate cottage cheese easter symbolism, you can cook this dish almost every day.

Italian Easter Pantteon
Panettone is a very popular Italian festive baking. If earlier it was prepared exclusively for Christmas, then in connection with growing popularity, now Panetton bake and Easter. The dough is preparing pretty quickly, and you can add piquancy, seeing raisins and other dried fruits for the night in brandy. Such Easter cake is amazing, and it looks very appetizing.

Easter recipe from Yulia Vysotsky
Popular Russian TV presenter and actress Julia Vysotskaya - for many idols and an example for imitation. Therefore, its verified culinary recipes enjoy special demand. We bring to your attention the Easter recipe from Julia Vysotskaya, which is even at the most inexperienced owners.

Fast Easter cake
For those who on the eve of Easter 2017 are very loaded by work or preparation for the holiday, we found a recipe, for the preparation of which will need a record small amount of time. Quick Easter cake on this recipe can be prepared in just an hour. We are confident, you will also thank us for this find!

Easter cake without yeast and eggs
Easter cake without yeast and eggs is also fast in preparation, as well as rather dietary and helpful. Since there are no yeast and eggs in the recipe, the best prepare the cakes of a small size so that they are better protected and do not decrease in size.

Easter in Breadmaker
Of course, the most tasty of the Easter cake is obtained in a good oven or in a rural furnace, but most citizens have now acquired with fashionable bread makers. Therefore, we suggest viewing the recipe for an easter mouth in the bread maker. Recipe in improvements does not need.

Vintage Recipe Round with Vodka
Each hostess has its own time proven and experienced a recipe for Easter Mood. Recipes with the addition of vodka use special demand. It is known that alcohol makes the dough more elastic and "continues the life" of the finished product: such Easter does not worry for a very long time. The recipe is suitable for those who intend to stretch the pleasure of honoring Easter for a week or two.

Easter cupcake
A good alternative to traditional Easter are Easter cupcakes: they allow you to save time and diversify a festive table. There is a huge number of variations on the theme of Easter cupcakes, so choose to your liking, but do not forget to decorate it in Easter symbolism, to felt the spirit of the holiday. By the way, the Easter cupcakes very much like small children, because their size is miniature, and you can decorate them with various figures on the topic of Easter.

Custard Easter
Immediately, we note that the preparation of a custard Easter Rush requires a lot of time and effort (many hostesses prepare him hardly 10 hours). But if you want to risk and please closely with a nontrivial Easter cake, follow our recipe. The process of time consuming, but really worth it.

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