13 Food habits instances for high cholesterol

Some of them are things you think really good for you.

There are few health problems that affect as significant part of the Americans as high cholesterol.One in 3 Americans, 38% of the population, has a high cholesterol level, according toAmerican Heart Association. Maybe a bigger problem is that you probably do not know.High cholesterol has no symptoms, so many people do not know that their cholesterol is too high until they take a blood test, according to theCDC.

When thinking about it, the pervoity of high cholesterol is not surprising. SomeWorst food for high cholesterol-The unpleasant carbohydrates, processed sugars and saturated grease - are all staples of a western regime.

But just because you do not feel different with or without cholesterol, you do not want to blow a diagnosis and stick to the bad habits that got you here. High levels of LDL cholesterol (low density lipoproteins, a.k.A "bad" type of cholesterol) can lead to other health problems, namely heart disease and stroke: bothCauses of death For people in the United States. You run the same risk if yourWell Cholesterol, or HDL (high density lipoproteins), is not high enough.HDL is responsible for the elimination of excess cholesterol In your blood and help break it.

If you think: "I have already abandoned the fried food, I am good:" We have news for you: there could be a dozen other things (many of which are apparently healthy) that you are doing havoc on your cholesterol levels. We asked the dietitians for the worst diet habits for people with high cholesterol that you need to know.

Read it and for more weight to lose weight (a way to reduce your cholesterol), you will not want to missThe best ways to lose belly fat for good, say that doctors.


Do not eat enough fiber

high fiber bowl of bran cereal with blueberries and bananas

What should fiber do with cholesterol levels? Many, as it turns out.

"Fiber binds to excess cholesterol and does not erase blood circulation, "says Dietian registeredDanielle McAvoyRD, Head of Nutrition and Culinary Product for Food. She adds that people with high cholesterol should try to have trouble getting theRecommended 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day.

And if you really want to hit your high cholesterol socks, aim to make your fibersoluble (that is, the kind that dissolves in the water), declares Dietitian registeredSarah Rueven, MS, CDN, founder ofWell-being rooted. This means eating a lot of foods like beans, oats, barley, citrus, apples, strawberries, Brussels sprouts and potatoes.

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Eating packed snacks

eating chips

Yes, the crackers at the same time, the bars of Granola and the bakery products are practical, but they are also empty calories more often than no, full of ... Well,waste, to be honest.

"These foods often have hydrogenated oils added to prolong the shelf life," reveals McAvoy. Many of these oils are of saturated type, which has been linked to high levels of LDL.


Avoid soy


If you have directed clearly soy because it gets a bad reputation to talkReproductive problems and even certain types of cancerYou may want to reconsider a complete prohibition of the plant-based protein source. According to McAvoy, phytoestrogens in soy interferes with the absorption of cholesterol and can help reduce LDL cholesterol.

The Harvard T.h. Chan School of Public Health recognizes thatSoy studies have been notoriously contradictoryBut at this point, says there is no rather strong evidence to believe that it is harmful in moderation.


Avoidingall fat

Avocado toast seeds

We know, we know ... You thought you were supposed to stay away from fat if you have a high cholesterol! But here is the thing: all of the fat is not bad and, in fact, a fat is really good for you.

According toLainy Youngin, MS, Rd, LDNWeight loss dietitian toLainey Yououkin Nutrition, you should focus onexchange The fats in your diet, not nixing them completely: "The search shows that the replacement of saturated and trans greases with poly- and monounsaturated fats is associated with healthy LDL and HDL cholesterol."

Rueven is suitable, noting that he is always beneficial to think about what you can add to your diet compared to what you should restrict - andAdding healthy fat, in this case, can improve your health.


Frying your food

plate of fried chicken
Darryl Brooks / Shutterstock

Oils usually used to fry food, such as peanut oil and vegetable oil, are generally high in trans fats, which are notorious cholesterol-workers.

"Fries are the absolute worst for cholesterol," saysAmy E. Rothberg, MD, PhD, a specialist in obesity and director ofWeight Management Clinic at Michigan Medicine. "Steam, cooking, grilling and cooking are much preferred about frying."


Eating processed foods

Woman eating candy from glass jar at work

If you eat a bowl of breakfast cereals in the morning, pop open a soda box with lunch and finish your day with one or two (OK, three) fun candy pieces for dessert, it's a lot of Processed food This could contribute to your high cholesterol level.

"Processed foods are often full of saturated fat and sodium while being deproid of healthy healthy nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants," says Rueven. "Studies show an association between higher intakes of ultra-transformed foods and a greater risk of cardiovascular disease."


On dairy products on dairy products

plate of many cheese on a cutting board

In moderation, cheese can be a healthy complement to a snack or meal (hello, calcium!), But many people have a misconception of its health food status.

"[People] eat cheese and consider it healthy because it is low in carbohydrates [but] cheese is very high in saturated fats, the type of fat that seals your arteries and increases your cholesterol levels," saysAmy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, and founder ofTrue nutrition.

You also eat a little further than you only realize the cheese appears in everything, eggs with sandwiches to hamburgers to salads, Shapiro warns.

(In touch:10 low grease cheeses that you can eat when you lose weight)


Drink too much alcohol

Woman pouring glass of white wine

Legal that you think your health problems are all about what you consume and not what you drink, we are here to remind you that your alcohol consumption, but it's not all bad news!

"Moderate alcohol consumption can actually have a protective effect on cardiac health and raise levels of HDL," says Rueven.

What does "moderate" mean? A glass a day for women and two drinks a day for men. Once you go beyond that, Rueven warns, alcohol has the opposite effect on cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease and lifting triglyceride levels.


Get too many calories of animal products

steak and potatoes on a plate

Herbal power supply is generally associated with lower levels of LDL cholesterol, but you do not have to go full vegetation to reap the benefits; Many people choose to simply integrate more plant-based meals into their diet, only eat animal products for a meal every day (such as dinner, for example).

"Eating highly transformed meats and red meat helps to aggravate cholesterol levels," says Dr. Rothberg. "People with high cholesterol should focus on increasing their daily energy from plants rather than animal sources."


Eliminate carbohydrates


If you went without ice when your doctor told you that you have high cholesterol levels, this food choice could really make it more difficult for you to keep your LDL cholesterol.
Why? Remember when we told you to eat more fibers? It's hard to do that if you have eliminated carbohydrates, including the right kind of your diet.

"Whole grains, beans and legumes are full of fiber, helping to reduce LDL cholesterol," explains that you. "Instead of skipping carbohydrates at meals, start the day with oatmeal and add beans, quinoa, Farro, whole wheat pasta or lentils at lunch and dinner."

Related:What happens to your body when you stop eating carbohydrates


Select lean fish

grilled seared salmon

You should think twice before skipping salmon in favor of low fat fish like Tilapia; According to McAvoy, omega-3 fats in more fattal fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are particularly effective for increasing healthy HDL cholesterol levels.

Youngin accepts: "Eating more Omega-3 fatty acids in particular, which are particularly in salmon, tuna tuna, chia seeds and flax linen, are associated with healthy cholesterol levels and a lower inflammation in the body. "


Substitute with coconut oil

Coconut oil

Have you been a victim of the "superfood" trend like the rest of us? If this is the case, you can still use coconut oil in your recipes thinking that it's better for you than vegetable oil ... but it may not be the case.

"Coconut oil is considered a superfide, but it is actually about 90% saturated grease, the type that increases LDL cholesterol," says Youngin. "In fact, a2020 meta-analysis found that coconut oil consumption lifted 10.5 milligrams by decisive compared to non-essential vegetable oils. "

Youngin adds that coconut oil can also lift HDL, good cholesterol, but because of its effects on LDL, it should be used with moderation (just like butter), with olive oil Filling by fat cooking as much as possible.


Leaving fat on your meat

grilled chicken thighs

It is true that for meat consumers, few foods are more indulgent than the crisp layer of grease on a cooked chicken leg. But the indulgence is the key word out there, because the animal skin is not excellent for your cholesterol levels.

"People consider animal skin or fat to be healthy because it is without glacier, but it's a pure fat," says Shapiro, who adds that it's a saturated fat to start ( That is, the kind that seals your arteries).

Instead, Shapiro recommends eliminating as much fat as your meat, buying grease beef (which has a higher composition of omega-3 fatty acids in fat) and buy cuts. Mean other types of proteins, such as poultry. To verify These are the best forms of lean protein that you can eat .

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