The American regime may be this major secondary effect, a new study,

Cheeseburgers and candies do not just affect your heart in the long run.

We all know that eating a diet that is rich inUltra-processed foods can be very damaging to your long-term health, especially when it comes to yourcardiac health and weight management. However, new research indicates that the American diet (alias that is filled with added sugars, hydrogenated oils and saturated fats) can also be a threat to yourintestine, too much.

In a newto study Researchers from the Washington University School in Saint-Louis and Cleveland Clinic, eating a diet that is rich in sugar and fat can affect the immune intestine system in mice and humans. Specifically, this type of diet causes damage to the cells of Paneth, which are immune cells in the intestine that help regulate inflammation levels.

When these specific cells are unable to perform their normal functions, the intestinal immune system becomes subject toinflammation, Which increases the risk of inflammatory bowel disease. It can also become more sensitive to pathogenic bacteria.

sugary snacks on a white plate

"This is a fascinating study that suggests what I have often advised my patients for years," Marvin Singh, MD, Gastroenterologist and founder ofClinical precision RecountEat this, not that! "The American standard diet, which is rich in unhealthy fats and sugar, is disruptive from the internal ecosystem of the intestinal microbiome. As a result of this disturbance, our immune system is assigned, 70-80% of our immune system is located in the intestine ".

As researchers at the point of study on, we do not become overnight obese. Instead, people usually consume a diet rich in processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle for 20 or 30 years before becoming obese.

In this spirit, the paneth cells in obese adults may reach a non-return point, despite positive changes in diet and other lifestyle improvements. Bottom Line: The researchers will have to continue to study this in humans to see whether or not this process is reversible.

"These changes occur over time, and if we eat a low fiber diet that is high in inflammatory foods, this can be the basis for developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, high cholesterol, autoimmune diseases , hormonal imbalances, and even Alzheimer's disease or cancer, "says Singh.

"I use my patients to optimize their intestinal health by sequencing their intestinal microbioma to understand where imbalances could be so that we can make targeted interventions, then personalize their dietary recommendations on this basis, their genetics and others Factors. »

For more, be sure to checkThe worst food for gut health.

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