Hack your metabolism to lose weight

This is the easy way to calculate your metabolism at home so that you can stay on track with your goals.

There are so many things we want us to tell you. Tony soprano did I die in the final episode ofSopranosOr has he happily finished this plate of onions and just go home? Have we really walked on the moon? Who was Jack The Ripper? How much did he really know Tom Brady on Deflategate? In addition to this long list, we would simply add: "your metabolism. "

Seriously. We want us to actually be a kind of chluetteur metabolism that could look directly into the eyes and say, "Your T-shirt is 2,100 calories. That's what you're burning every day."

Although we do not necessarily have this power, you do! (Remember that you are the hero of thisWeight loss trip-We are just your guide.)

If you really wantTo identify your metabolism For accurate calorie burns, you can visit an office or training center of a doctor equipped with indirect calorimetry equipment, a system that resemblies a breathalyzer will give you a more accurate rate. Although we never dissuade you with the most accurate information possible, we can tell you that if you have a pencil, a piece of paper and a calculator (optional), you have just about every tool to get to minus your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, which is an excellent start to understand pretty muchhow much you should eat. (And while you make healthier changes, make sure you try the21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time!)

Now, if you wonder: why are bloating good enough? I do not deserve better? I do not want to know my exact rate so we do not eat too much and eat too much? Well, you would have reason. You deserve better.

But here is the thing: your diet is more about the quality of the food you eat and less about the amount of calories. At the end of the day, calories are not equal in nutrients, and we care more about eating more thanThe ingredients of fat melting in some foods. You will see that the risk of too much eating is severely diminished. You do not get along with bags ofGras potato chips And other cheap consumers who will let you want to be more more. You will find that you are losing your hunger - do not increase it. After all, you can easily eat apple flavored candy all you want and watch your size ball, but try doing the same with apples themselves.

Not so easy, right?

That said, knowing that your basal metabolic rate is a good start and a strong indicator of what you should eat daily. All you have to do is calculate it in seconds at the back of an envelope using the widely accepted MIFpllin-St. Jeer equation.

Here is an easy algebra:

For men:

10 x Your weight (in kilograms) + 6.25 x your height (in centimeters) - 5 x your age (in years + 5).

For women:

The equation is the same, but instead of subtracting, subtracting 161 at the end.

That's all - all you need to calculate your metabolism!

If you are a 30-year-old woman who occupies five feet six and weighs 140 pounds, your BMR is 1,371,75.

But remember: it's your BMR. If all you did was lying on the couch looking at Netflix all day, you would be defined. So your next business order is to stack more calories from there, all the calories you burn in other aspects of your life.

Let's say you are a runner and hit three miles a day - it's more than 300 more calories (assuming you manage kilometers of nine minutes). Very coarsely speaking - Total Ballpark You can also add more than 500 additional calories to digest your food, move and cool down your race.

If this is the case, you would burn 2,200 calories in a typical day. What does it look like? That's good:

  • Three scrambled eggs with peppers and onions
  • Cup ofGreek yogurt
  • Baked salmon and asparagus
  • Snack Peanut Butter and Celery
  • Chicken, quinoa and green beans with olive oil

It sounds strong enough, is not it? And if you are looking for more advice,Here's how you can draw your metabolism and lose weight in the intelligent way.

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