8 ways to grow eyelashes in a month
You do not want your eyelashes to see long and healthy and voluminous all the time, not just when you put fifty layers of mascara? Too often, women complain about having thin, short and damaged eyelashes, then they use falsements every day. Well, the good news is that there is a way to solve this problem and grow your eyelashes to be longer and more complete in just one month. Here are some tips you should follow for this to happen.

You do not want your eyelashes to see long and healthy and voluminous all the time, not just when you put fifty layers of mascara? Too often, women complain about having thin, short and damaged eyelashes, then they use falsements every day. Well, the good news is that there is a way to solve this problem and grow your eyelashes to be longer and more complete in just one month. Here are some tips you should follow for this to happen.
1. Give a break to your eyelashes. You do not need to put on layers on layers of mascara every day. This only makes your eyelashes more fragile and subject to damage. You probably have free makeup days to leave your skin to breathe a little, but you always put a mascara, is not it? How about having a few days free of mascara to let you breathe lashes?
2. Clean your eyelashes thoroughly. Never go to bed with your mascara. Your eyelashes could really break when they touch the pillow if they have mascara. So make sure you eliminate the mascara with an oily make-up solvent every night before going to bed.
3. A good way to grow your eyelashes is to massage them with oils twice a week. Simply put a drop of olive oil or coconut oil on your own fingers and massage your eyelids and eyelashes for 5 minutes. This will improve circulation in the area and push your eyelashes. In addition, the oil moisturizes the eyelashes and make them more beautiful and healthier.
4. Another great way to moisturize your eyelashes is to use Aloe Vera. You can buy a biological aloe vera gel or if you have a aloe plant at home - bring a sheet, press a part of the juice on your fingertips and apply it to your eyelashes. Leave it during the night and wash in the morning. The use of Aloe Vera is a great way to strengthen your eyelashes.
5. Egg masks are also a great way to strengthen your eyelashes. Just mix an egg with a tablespoon of petroleum jelly or glycerin and apply to your eyelashes for a few minutes. Make this mask about 3 times a week for a month and you will definitely see results.
6. You can also use a simple oil jelly to moisturize your dry eyelashes overnight. Just apply a small amount on your eyelashes before going to bed, but make sure you do not put yourself in your eyes. Wash in the morning. You can actually do that every day.
7. Green tea is used in many hair strengthening shampoos and hair loss treatments. It is full of vitamins and antioxidants that are good for your hair and for your eyelashes too. So, what you can do is brew a good cup of green tea, let it cool down, soak a cotton cotton and apply it to your eyelashes in the morning and evening for a few minutes. This can be done daily too.
8. This should be obvious, but not many people consider that your nutrition also influences your body and eyelashes. So try to eat healthy. Make sure you include good protein and good fats in your diet for strong hair and eyelashes. Eat a lot of fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables.

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