A major side effect to eat potato chips, science says

Your heart will thank you if you eat fewer them.

Let's do one clear thing: reach aPotato chip bag Every time and a moment does not kill you. All of the moderation is usually well, right? Well, if you eat too many potato chips, you could worsen your heart health - it'sabove all the caseIf you already have a high blood pressure.

According to the most recent data of theCenters for Disaster Control and PreventionSome 45% of US adults have high hypertension or blood pressure or take medication for the disease. Hypertension is defined as having a systolic blood pressure of at least 130 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 80 mm Hg (130/80 mm Hg). (In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work)

Even more about? Just about24% of adults Living with high blood pressure has their condition under control. If your blood pressure remains high over time, it can causeDangerous side effects, in particular on your cardiac health. In fact, left unchecked, high blood pressure can damage your circulatory system, in accordance with theAmerican Heart Association (AHA). This could be a contributing factor toheart attack and stroke.

So, if you have hypertension (or take medication for that)It is wise as you stay away from foods that can intensify your condition. This includes highly transformed foods that are packed in sodium, such as potato chips. Keep in mind, a portion of secular potato chips - which has about 15 potato chips, contains only about 170 milligrams of sodium or about 7% of the daily value. But, it's important to ask you: if you open a Lay fries bag, are you going to eat 15 fries?

According toAhaYou should limit your sodium consumption to 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, which equates to a teaspoon of salt. However, those with high blood pressure could improve their state by dropping up only 1,500 milligrams a day. So, if you eat chips above other foods processed like unhealthyfrozen pizza Or Burritos, you can see how your sodium intake could skyrocket the day.

Our advice? Cut yourself on the chips as well as other processed salty foods. Perhaps start by limiting your indulgence of potato chip just twice a week. And then, why not try to do them yourself with thatHealthy Smoked Paprika Potato Chips Recipe?

More stories of potato chips to eat this, not that!

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