8 supplements that can help reduce blood pressure

Scientific evidence found that these supplements can help you handle hypertension.

Nearly half of the adults in the United States have high blood pressure, which puts them on more risk of stroke andcardiopathy. But while this statistic is about, the good news is that some things can be done to help reduce high blood pressure and maintain cardiac health.

To follow dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet (DietTo avoid cigarette smoking, there are many evidence-based ways that people can naturally support healthy blood pressure.

And sinceMore than ¾ Americans take dietary supplementsIt is prudent to assume that the appearance of a pill to help combat high blood pressure is a common practice. Among the sea supplements available on pharmacy shelves, some remarkable selections can help reduce blood pressure. Here are 8 supplements that you can consider supporting healthy blood pressure, as long as you first get the green light of your doctor (because some supplements can interact with your current medicine). Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not miss20 healthiest foods that lower blood pressure.



Branch chain amino acid supplement

When you enjoy a glass of 100% orange juice or that you are in a juicy grapefruit, you get a healthy dose of Hesperidine, a flavonoid that is naturally found in citrus dishes. The Hesperidin intake is linked toReduction of systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure in hypertensive people before and floor-1.

While taking advantage of a 100% Olymy glass is ideal, you can take a hesperidin supplement if citrus is not your thing. It's not just all orange juices can - check theseSide effects of drinking too much orange juice, according to science.


red rice yeast

red yeast rice

Leaning on this fermented rice can help support healthy blood pressure. Although this supplement is used most often to help reduce cholesterol, the data show that the use of this supplement canhave a positive role in managing hypertension too.

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Fish oil

Fish oil capsules

Fatty acids found in fish such as salmon and trout offer a series of health benefits, it's about helping to handle high blood pressure. In a meta-analysis evaluating 20 randomized controlled trials, unique fatty acids found in the fish - EPA and DHA -Blood pressure considerably reduced among those evaluated.

Related:Side effects of taking fish oil every day, according to experts



magnesium citrate in pills

Magnesium supplements have a moment in the world of nutrition. To support healthyto sleep To help keepboneThis mineral plays tons of important roles in human health.

And if you try to reduce blood pressure, magnesium supplements can be useful. In a study, magnesium supplementation with a dose of 300 milligrams per day reduced blood pressure according to this meta-analysis published in the magazine.Hypertension.



supplements and vitamins

Potassium is a nutrient that isFound in food Like 100% orange juice, bananas and potatoes. This nutrient works to counter sodium, a nutrient that negatively affects arterial pressure.

As more potassium enters your body, more sodium leaves the body. And when it is taken in adequate quantities, those with hypertensioncan undergo a decrease in blood pressure.




An amine acid called L-arginine plays many roles in the body, including a key role in the production of nitric oxide. Since nitric oxide is produced, the internal muscles of the blood vessels relax, which causes an enlarged and in turn, a lower arterial pressure. In hypertensive people,Taking L-Arginine supplements can help reduce blood pressure in a natural way.



Orange pill

Found in food like watermelon, L-citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that also plays a role in nitric oxide formation. (Which is why foods containing Citruline Likemelon are among the14 best foods for better training results, according to experts .)

When taken from a dose ranging from 3 to 9 grams a day, L-citulline supplementation can reduce blood pressure .




Calcium is a key mineral that is probably better known for its role in bone health. But this nutrient, found in foods like milk, kale and tofu, can also help Support healthy blood pressure When taken at a daily dose of 355 to 2,000 milligrams according to the results of a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Human Hypertension. If you want to get food calcium, check out these The 20 best calcium-rich foods that are not dairy .

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