The 20 best fat foods for weight loss

It's time to get fat. Not around your waist, but on your plate - with these healthy health foods.

No, we are not talking about the terrible parents of food forces us to eat at the holidays. We are talking about getting fat on your plate: a report from theResearch Institute of Credit Suisse I found that more and more of us choose fat foods on the foam, lite, bold or other modern monikers of Onzul. And while many health organizations like the American Heart Association always want us to reduce fat, especially saturated fat - this trend with healthy fat can be a healthy rebellion against these credits of decades, according to recent studies.

In fact, people who eat a lot of large fat dairy products have actually the lowest incidence of diabetes, according to a study of 26,930 people in 2015 in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Those who ate a lot of low fat dairy products, on the other hand, had the highest incidence. The researchers hoped that, if calcium, protein, vitamin D and other nutrients of the yogurt are good for us, we need the grease that accompanies them to get their protective effects.

So what is the best way to join the complete revolution? Eat this, not that! interrogated some of the best nutrition experts in the country and asked their favorite full fat fat burners so that you can live in better health andlose your belly!


Grass butter

grass fed butter

"I consume grass butter every day because I consider it a health food," said Cassie Bjork, R & D, LD. "This is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, and it helps slow down the absorption of sugar and carbohydrates, resulting in consistent energy levels and improved brain function. Good taste! "

Eating this! Advice:

Spread a buffer on your entire grain bread with confidence. "You can consume daily butter with confidence" because studies have shown "the saturated grease thereof is not related to heart disease," said Bjork.


Thick cream in the cafe


Bjork asks him with his morning Java. "I keep it simple to Starbucks with a cup of simple coffee, and I ask with a thick cream - the good things that are kept behind the counter and not with the milk," she says. "The thick cream is a healthy fat that helps keep your blood glucose stable between meals and snacks, which means constant energy and a cerebral power - not to mention your decadent coffee taste!" Another bonus: "The thick cream also helps to cancel the potentially negative side effects of caffeine, like jitters," she says. "Other creative options, such as everything, skimming and even their new coconut milk, which is essentially sugar water - can stimulate the production of your hormonal insulin, which promotes weight gain and a crowd of inflammatory reactions . I have more concentration and brain no desires when I add thick cream to my coffee. "

Eating this! Advice:

Start your morning with a touch of cream in a fatty tea!




Thanks to the ever-increasing palace growth trend, bacon is more popular than ever (if possible) - and we recommend going with old school, gras pork. Because although the option for Turkey bacon will save you about 13 calories and a gram of grease per slice, it also adds sodium to your plate, which can cause high blood pressure. In addition, the pork offers more healthy cardiac mononaturated proteins and acids (Mufas) than its counterparty based on poultry.

Eating this! Advice:

Remember that regardless of the option you add to your breakfast plate, service size questions, so do not go out. Some slices are all you need.


Whole milk


While full grease dairy Pack more calories is also more filling. This can help explain why a 2013 study study in theEuropean nutrition newspaperfound that people who eat fat tricks are less likely to suffer from obesity than those who try to skip calories with low fat dairy products. The authors of the study also found no link between complete dairy and heart disease or diabetes. Ironically, some acids in milk fatty acids that you do not have zero-grease varieties - can fall asleep the burning centers of your body, according to CoAuthor Mario Kratz, Ph.D., an epidemiologist at the University Washington.

Eating this! Advice:

The milk is not for everyone, especially if you feel swollen after a glass. In fact, if you are slightly intolerant to lactose, you will find that someAmazing things happen to your body when you give up milk!




If you dress your salads with lemon and pepper pressure in a calorie backup attempt, you may miss you on some of the vital vitamins of your bowl. According toIowa and Ohio State researchers, combining a little fat with your vegetables helps the body absorb cancer and healthy nutrients like lycopene and beta-carotene. Not to mention, "fat-free dressings have often added sugars or loads, so even if you get less fat, you will not always save calories," says Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, DD.

Eating this! Advice:

It does not give you an excuse to load your salad with vinaigrette globs. Keep calories from check-out by two tablespoons with an olive oil vinaigrette, such as conventional balsamic olive oil vinaigrette, and be sure to avoid generating varieties that use soy oils or vegetables. They do not serve the same health benefits.


4% fat yogurt


Packed with protein, piled up calcium and probiotics, the yogurt has all the engineers of one of the best foods you can eat for weight loss and general health. And no, eating full fat will not gray you: whole milk yogurts tend to have more protein and less sugar than their lean versions. Customers have noticed: "We always sell many dairy products not made and low in bold, but growth comes from low-fat dairy products," said Whole Foods Executive Grocery Coordinator Market Inc., recently told theThe Wall Street newspaper.

Eating this! Advice:

They really lead to weight loss if you know exactly that they buy. Consult our essential list ofBest Full Grease Yogurts for Weight Loss To get the bottom of all good greases based on dairy products!


Ordinary ice cream

ice cream

Because you do not want to feel like a "cow", it's easy to think that "meat" ice cream are healing. However, many of them have a dirty little secret hidden in their containers: propylene glycol, better known as antifreeze. If that was not enough to convince you to put your spoon, consider this: when the fat is removed from the food, the sugar is often added to its place. Thus, while a small portion of complete fat ice cream will satisfy your desire and hunger with satisfactory fat, a low grease sugar scoop will lead to an inevitable accident and more mouthing.

Eating this! Advice:

Enjoy a spoon of a eater, not that! - Brand approved like Breyer's natural vanilla, made with only seven pronounceable ingredients such as fresh cream and sugar.


Fourte-fed oxen

Grass fed beef

Yes, we know: the turf beef is a bit expensive. But its higher ratio of sound greases of good for you makes it well valid: a study inNutrition logDiscovered that grass-based meat contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce the risk of heart disease. And when it comes to your size, the turf beef is naturally leaner and has fewer calories than conventional meat. Consider this: a conventional 7 ounce band steak, grease coupe, will lead you to 386 calories and 16 grams of fat. But a 7 ounce grass strip steak is only 234 calories and five grams of fat - you will save more than 150 calories and your steak will taste better.

Eating this! Advice:

Enjoy your beef, without guilty, reading this free and easy guide:How to lose 10 pounds of eating hamburgers!


Ordinary Mayo


Mayo with low fat taste not only a bit wrong, it is also filled with unhealthy ingredients such as added sugars, vegetable oils and artificial conservatives, explains Stephanie Middleberg, Rd. "These ingredients have little nutritional value and reduce the Ability of the body to absorb soluble vitamins in fats. Currently eating things like low-fat Mayo can lead to inflammation, health insurance issues, heart disease and increased weight cravings. "

Eating this! Advice:

Paste with ordinary Mayo, like the True Mayonnaise of Hellmann and spread it on your sandwich with parsimony.


Natural peanut butter

peanut butter

Discover the nutrition tags on regular peanut butter pots and reduced grease. You will see some differences: while the fat of reduced fat has a big grease without sugar, it also has more sugar and salt. Now consider that PB grease is the healthy and monounsaturated type that search shows your insulin sensitivity. "You really have to negotiate a healthy grease for sugar," says Manuel Villacorta, Ms., Rd "The only type of peanut butter I'm going to eat is the natural variety," add Anne Maney, Mph, Rd, an area from Washington DC recorded dietician. "Unnatural nut butters generally contain partially hydrogenated oils, this type of trans-fat fat!"

Eating this! Advice:

Choose a natural or organic butter instead. The list of ingredients should simply be nuts and maybe a little salt, "says Maney.




The coconut is high in saturated fat, but more than half of that from lauric acid, a single lipid that bathes bacteria and improves cholesterol scores. And get this: a study published in the lipids revealed that the food supplementation of coconut oil actually reduces abdominal obesity. Participants, two tablespoons of coconut oil daily and the other half have received soy oil, and although both groups have experienced global weight loss, only the gloves of consumers of The coconut has decreased as much as 1.1 inch.

Eating this! Advice:

Sprinkle unsweet flakes above yoghurt or use coconut milk in a swirl to startInflate your size.


Olive oil

olive oil

Olive oil is rich in polyphenols against cancer and strengthening mononaturated fats of the heart, and when it comes to looking at lean, it is supported by fairly strong facts. A recent study of the journalObesity I found that a diet rich in olive oil resulted in an increase in the levels of adiposonectin than a high diet in carbohydrate or high protein. Adiponectin is a hormone responsible for decomposing fat in the body, and the more you have, the more your BMI tends to be.

Eating this! Advice:

Raise the advantages by making olive oil your cooking grease of choice and using it in dressings and sauces. Since one of our superior good greases, olive oil is as versatile and nutritious.


Whole eggs


As in, keep the yellows. The Best Cycle BookZero Yellow DietFeatures Protein as fundamental for plan and eggs are one of the easiest and most versatile distribution systems in the Universe. Not only that, they are also the source diet number one of a nutrient called choline. The choline, which is also in the meadow meats, seafood and collar greens, attacks the gene mechanism that triggers your body to store fat around your liver. A zero of the belly recipe - a breakfast hash with fresh potatoes and fresh farm eggs, found in Zero Belly Cookbook - has become a Morgan Minor's Go-to Breakfast test board, and after only 3 Weeks on the program, the female firefighter has lost 11 pounds and 4 inches of its size!

Eating this! Advice:

The more eggs you eat, the less you get eggs. But do not buy unregulated supermarket eggNutritional complaints like "omega-3 enriched" or "free free beach". If you are looking for the most natural eggs, hit a local farmer.

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Lawyer oil and lawyer


This marvel fruit is essentially the butter of mother nature. Although you need to limit yourself to a quarter or half of a lawyer, you have no reason to fear his fats. Healthy monounsaturated fat lawyers contain oleic acid, which can actually help feelings of hunger. They also give you two things that butter does not make: protein and fiber. And made from pressed lawyers, avocado oil is also rich in healthy monounsaturated fats to improve cholesterol.

Eating this! Advice:

Enjoy an Australian clip, Lawyer Smash. Mash half or quarter of a lawyer with a lemon pressure, a pinch of hot sauce and salt and pepper before cutting it on your whole grain toast in the morning and you can easily stay full until lunch.


Dark chocolate

dark chocolate

Good news for your sweet tooth: Chocolate can help you flatten your belly. Black chocolate is. But to really enjoy, do not wait for the dessert: aNutrition and diabetes The study of the magazine found that when men eaten 3.5 ounces of chocolate two hours before a meal, those who had dark chocolate took 17% less calories than those who have eaten milk chocolate. The researchers think it is because the dark chocolate contains pure cocoa butter, a source of digestion-slowly stearic acid (one of the good fats). The cocoa butter content of chocolate chocolate, on the other hand, is tempered with added butter grease and, therefore, goes faster through your GI tract.

Eating this! Advice:

Do not do it too much: a recent study published in theJournal of Psychopharmacology found just one to two ounces ofdark chocolate A day is everything you need to harvest the benefits.

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Nuts and walnut oil


Some food greases come with red flags. And the correspondence absolutely worse for your apple-shaped silhouette: saturated grease. Although unsaturated grease can help reduce abdominal fat, saturated grease can increase size size, a study published in the log.Diabetesfind. The saturated fats, like the kind you find in bakery products and red meat, "Turn on" some genes that increase the storage of fat in the belly, researchers say. The polyunteadd greases, on the other hand, activate the genes that reduce fat storage and improve the metabolism of insulin. At about 13 grams per service of an ounce, nuts are one of the best food sources.

Eating this! Advice:

Sprinkle a handle on your morning oats or entry salad for the benefits of ventilation. A littleState study of Pennsylvania I found that a diet rich in walnut and nut oil can help the body to better react to stress and can also help reduce diastolic blood pressure levels.


Wild salmon


The salmon are not so bad from a rap that when it comes to fat, but its health benefits deserve to be repeated. Adding a net of this fish in your diet, just twice a week to get the amount of omega-3 healthy fatty acids recommended by the American Heart Association. Although healthy people are not the only ones to reap the rewards of their dinner choices. Even those who are already at a high risk of cardiovascular disease can have a leg by serving the salmon a few times a week. Omega-3 reduce the risk of arrhythmia, decrease triglyceride levels and can actually reduce blood pressure.

Eating this! Advice:

Add glutal salmon to a salad with a chopped lawyer for a double low on these health benefits. And be sure to avoid theCurrent mistakes People do when ordering salmon!




Or not tuna? That is the question. As a primo source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), canned light tuna is one of the best and most affordable fish for weight loss, especially your belly! A study in theJournal of Lipid Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation had the deep capacity to disable abdominal gate genes. And while you find two types of fatty acids in cold water fish and fish-DHA oils and eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA) -Researchers say that DHA can be 40 to 70% more effective than the EPA on the rise of fat genes in the abdomen, thus preventing adipose cells from the belly of the size of the expansion.

Eating this! Advice:

But what about mercury? Tuna mercury levels vary by species; In general, the larger and lighter fish, the higher the level of mercury. Bluefin and Albacore rank among the most toxic. But the tuna of the canned crisis, harvested from the smallest fish, is considered a "low mercury fish" and bobbin and duty! -Be appreciated two to three times a week (or up to 12 ounces), according to the main guidelines of the FDA. .

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