30 disturbing facts about the soda

All you need to know about Sympyy-sweet soft drink.

That you are an olda soda Addict or not, you are probably already aware of its bad effects on your health. In charge of added sugars, caramel dyes and other additives, there is much more to the sympopy-soft soft drink that is listed on their nutrition and ingredient labels. So what are you working exactly? We enumerate the top 30 most disruptive facts about SODA. Then check17 things that arrive at your body when you drink soda.


It has toxic chemicals.

Woman drinking soda

4-methylimidazole (4-moon) is formed during the artificial coloring of the caramel found in many sodas. A 2014 study ofConsumer reports and the center of Johns Hopkins for a liveable future Discovered that 4-MEI can be found in variable levels in a sample of 110 non-alcoholic beverage samples and diet colas. Ingest this toxic chemical could increase your risk of developing cancer, said the research team, although theAdministration of food and medicine says it's not dangerous to consume food or drinks with 4-mei in them, as you wouldDrink more than 1,000 soda cans Every day to experience 4-MEI health problems. Nevertheless, knowing that you ingest that kind of thing is enough to tell you to tell you to put the soda box.


This can reduce fertility.

Pregnant woman

If you plan to have children at any time soon, it would be careful to put the soda for a moment, says a 2018 study published in the newspaper.Epidemiology. The researchers interviewed nearly 5,000 couples and found that drinking one or more sweet sweet drinks (as soda) every day, either by man or by the woman, led to a greater chance of getting pregnant.


This can increase your risk of cerebral stroke.

Young woman clutching chest

Avoid a cerebral stroke is a goal that most of us can be intended to leave the soda. A study published in the newspaperCerebral accident-We studied 2,888 people over a period of 10 years and monitored it for strokes and dementia reported that those with at least one diet per day increased their chances of the disease three times.


This can increase bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol Test

Fouling blood vessels may be another reason to avoid sodas, as a 2015 study ofThe American Journal of Clinical NutritionDiscovered that subjects consuming beverages with low, medium and high quantities of low fructose corn syrup for only two weeks had an increase in LDL levels, or a "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides circulating in their blood. This shows a direct link between sugars added in drinks and risk factors to develop cardiovascular disease.


This can make you dependent on sugar.

Woman stressed

When you are stressed and tired, you tend to reach sugary food and fat, which is why many people go for a glass of sparkling drink. Depending on the search inThe Journal of Endocrinology and MetabolismDrinking drinks loaded with sugar, such as soda, can help relieve stress by merging cortisol, stress hormone. Due to the emotional response that sugar gives you, it leads you to consume even more sweets.


This can lead to diabetes.

Woman testing insulin levels

More than 100 million Americans live with diabetes or prediabet, according to theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC). And the soda drink can be part of the reason why the metabolic disease is so creeping, according to a study published inGlobal health This connects the corn syrup to fructose often found in the drink. Out of 42 countries studied, those whose consumption of highest HFCs had an increase of nearly two percent in diabetes vs. Countries do not use the ingredient.


This creates belly fat.

Woman measuring waistline

Concerned about getting a big belly during your age? Then you may want to avoid going to dietetic soda sessions instead of gaseous drinks loaded with sugar, according to the search for theNewspaper of the American Society of Geriatrics. The study of nearly 1,000 adults aged 65 and older found that daily diet soda Slurpers had a waist circumference nearly three inches larger than those who drank no food drink.


It can increase blood pressure.

Woman checking her blood pressure

Having hypertension, or higharterial pressureis one of the surest signs of a larger issue with your cardiovascular system. A 2012 studyJournal of General Internal Medicine It examined over 150 000 people have shown that drinking sugary beverages like soft drinks containing high fructose corn syrup is linked to a greater incidence of hypertension.


This can erode tooth enamel.

Man brushing teeth

If you've ever seen pictures of drug addicts who used methamphetamine for a long time, almost universal attribute is played seriously and rotten teeth. Research published by theAcademy of General Dentistry I have found that citric acid in the soda can work the same way on the tooth enamel, causing erosion and decay.


It is high in calories.


You already know that weight gain starts consuming more calories than you burn. If you try to lose weight, drink a Coke every day box is not the best choice. A bobbin 12 oz Coca Cola, for example, has 140 calories and 39 grams of added sugars and a box of 12 oz Pepsi 150 calories and 41 grams of added sugar. If you like a can with every meal, it is another day of 420 or 450 calories per day.


This can make you age faster.

Woman looking in mirror

If you reduce soft drinks on the regular, this indulgence affects your health and your appearance. Studies have shown that a diet high in sugar could be blamed for extensive rashes, wrinkles and other signs of aging skin. Read on6 things your skin tells you your diet.


This can hurt your kidneys.

Soda cans

Your kidneys are important to filter all the toxins that accumulate in your body every day, but if you drink soda over regular, functioning may be compromised, according to a 2011 study fromHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. They examined data on more than 3,000 women over 11 years and found that a diet high in sodium, which is usually associated with artificial drink sugary drinks such as soda food, may cause a reduction in kidney function.


This can lead to childhood obesity.

Kids drinking coke

For parents concerned about the health and fitness of their children, limiting or eliminating sugary drinks like soda and fruit juices can go a long way to prevent them from becoming obese. A study ofPediatricsI have found that children and adolescents stem from 10 to 15% of their total calories from sugary drinks such as soda and fruit juices.


This increases your risk of heart disease.

Heart health

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States and diet drink and regular soda has been linked to an increased risk, saysresearch the American Heart Association. They noted that those who drank one or more sodas per day had a 25% risk over more triglycerides in their blood and a higher risk of showing low levels of HDL, or good, cholesterol.


This can make you fatter.

Woman grabbing belly fat

A2017 study This was presented at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society stated that the ingération sucralose - one of the most popular artificial sweeteners used in the Soda-can activate fat producing genes. Scientists are sucralose on stem cells and found that after 12 days there were more genes expressing markers for the creation of fat and inflammation, as well as more fat droplets in the cells themselves.

RELATED: YourAnti-inflammatory diet guide This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


It is a main source of calories.

Soda in glass

In ato studyFrom the University of Tufts, researchers have discovered that sweet sweet drinks are the main sources of calories for Americans, instead of white bread. So, if you consume three cocoon boxes with each meal, you can easily add 420 calories to your daily calorie budget without realizing it.


This can make the muscles weaker.

Woman doing squats

Nobody wants to have weaker muscles, especially as you get older, but the more you eat drinks without drinks, the loss of strength you could accelerate, the search suggests in theInternational Journal of Clinical Practice. Scientists have found that the consumption of a few liters of SODA per day can have a negative impact on your potassium levels in the body, leading to hypokalemia and reduces muscle functioning.


This can prevent you from eating malhead.

Eating fast food

If you regularly drink soda, it is likely that you also eat a lot ofProcessed foodsaccording to ato study from the University of Illinois. The researchers examined the diets of more than 22,000 Americans over 10 and have discovered that diet drinkers have eaten more poor energy and poor nutritious foods such as cookies and ice cream.


This can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Doctor consult

Gaseous drinks have been linked to an increased risk of developing pancreas cancer, says a Singapore study in the newspaper.Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention. Scientists have attributed the rise in cancer cases at high sugar levels, which addresses insulin and encourages the growth of cancer cells.


This makes your orgues fat.

pinch belly fat

You only have to worry about putting books that you can see, like a spare tire around your size, but also the fat surrounding your organs, called visceral grease. Drinking soda and other sweet-sugary drinks were linked to an increase in this deadly fat, according to a 2016 study inTraffic. This fat, thought to stimulate the risk ofDiabetes The risk of heart disease was considered higher in volume among those who drank at least one sweet drink every day.


This increases hunger.

man eating pizza

The diet of drinking can look like the best way to see your sugar desires and lose some weight, butresearch From Sydney University found that drinking consumption with an artificial sweetener can actually increase your appetite. The experience of consuming sweet stuff coupled with a lack of energy provided can throw your metabolism from bullets and lead to weight gain.


This can increase your risk of gout.

Man sore holding wrist

The drop occurs when the joints become inflamed and extremely painful. This is common in men over 40 who eat a lot of meat and drink excessively alcohol. But looking intoBmj found that the risk of gout development is linked to a high consumption of soda in men. The 12-year study reported that men who drank five to six servings of sweet soft drinks per week had a higher 85% chance to have the condition.


This can cause lung problems.

Woman taking deep breath

Researchers From the University of Adelaide to Australia, connected asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to soda. In a survey with more than 15,000 people, those who drank at least half a liter of non-alcoholic beverages per day had almost twice as many chances to have lung conditions.


It can shorten your life.

Older woman picking tomatoes from garden

You would not normally do not drink drinking with early death, but a2013 studyPresented at a meeting of the American Heart Association attributed nearly 180,000 deaths per year, on a global scale, sweet drinks with sugar. The ventilation accounted for 133,000 diabetic deaths, 44,000 deaths related to cardiovascular disease and 6,000 cancer. In the United States in 2010, researchers connected 25,000 deaths to sweet drinks.


This can cause a mental decline.

Man working on crossword puzzle

While the family history of dementia can put you at risk for Alzheimer's disease,researchFrom the University of Boston shows that drinking diet can affect your cognitive function and make your age more quickly. Researchers carefully bound consumption of two sweet or more sweet drinks per day for the lower memory and volume of the lower brain, both Alzheimer's risk factors.


It can stimulate periods earlier.

Period cramps

A2015 study From the School Harvard of Public Health showed that among 5,583 girls aged 9 to 14, those who had one and a half of sweet drinks per day got their first period almost three months earlier than these girls who drank two Drinks or less per week.


It is in charge of sugar.

Sugar water

Most people do not realize how much sugar is in typical ordinary soda. Just a portion of 20 ounce soda can have about 16 tablespoons sugar, which is much higher than what theAmerican Heart Association Recommends a day. For men, they suggest up to 9 teaspoons, while women must stick to about 6 teaspoons.


It can weaken your bones.

Woman tying shoes

Strong and healthy bones are essential as you get older, such as falls and subsequent breaks can become more common occurrence. Getting a lot of vitamin D and calcium can help prevent bone loss, but drinking a lot of soda is a good way to weaken your skeleton, according to a study of theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Women who drink soda were found to have lower hip bones.


He can make cell age faster.

Older woman

Keeping your young and healthy cells is the key to a long life, but the reduction of soda batches can affect cell health, says a2014 study from the UC San Francisco. Scientists have discovered that the daily consumption of 20 ounces of Soda was linked to more than four and a half years old DNA aging in cells comparable to smoking.


It is not long since the soda begins to wreak havoc on your body.

Woman drinking diet coke
Sean Locke Photography / Shutterstock

Have a soda frenzy here and there would be no seeming to cause your body, but a 2015 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I have shown that the welded drink of soda for only two weeks can increase your risks for cardiovascular disease. The study followed the people who consumed Syroped's stuff every day for two weeks, in variable quantities and that only those who had null sweeteners added did not show any risk of higher heart disease.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Diet Soda / Facts / Soda
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