20 Squash Recipes Spectacular Spaghetti

Sliders BBQ, Cake, Chow Mein, Artichoke soak and more!

Like cauliflower and curly cabbage, Spaghetti squash is a great secret that has become wilds lately. And even if even the restoration lovers of the beginner know the bass and rich fiber legume can replace the pasta in a heart rate, they probably do not use it in their desserts or their eggs. You are however about to be. Scroll below and get inspired. And take your veggie iq at the next level, do not miss these20 vegetables classified by protein content!


Squash spaghetti with lemon and herbs with roasted shrimps

lemon and herb spaghetti squash with roasted shrimp

Nutrition (by 2 tanks): 235 calories, 10.4 g of fat (4.2 g saturated), 203 mg of sodium, 25.7 g of carbohydrates, 4.3 g fiber, 9 g of sugar, 9.7 g of protein

In addition to transporting your taste buds to warmer months, this meal contains two powerful weight loss foods. According to a report published by the disease control centers, compared to 27 other powerful fruits and vegetables, lemons flew first. Better still, the juice of half of the acid fruits will fill your daily vitamin C quota - the same nutrient that can increase weight loss up to 25%. Shrimp, on the other hand, packets in lean, low calorieprotein It will keep you longer and stimulate your metabolism.

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Sliders BBQ Squash Barbq Spaghetti

pulled bbq spaghetti squash sliders

Nutrition (by sandwich): 243 calories, 9.9 g of grease (1.6 g saturated), 432 mg of sodium, 34 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of fiber, 4 g of sugar, 6 g protein (calculated with whole wheat rolls)

Although this is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you think that Spaghetti squash, passing through this recipe, it would be like turning off the tickets for Beyoncé - a huge mistake. The super-squash is dressed in cumin, paprika, barbecue sauce, garlic powder, crushed pepper and onion garnished with cabbage and pickles and sandwiches in a whole wheat bun.

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Bowl in Burrito Squash Spaghetti

spaghetti squash burrito bowl

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 177 calories, 2 g of fat (0 g saturated), 208 mg of sodium, 35.2 g of carbohydrates, 5. 3 g of fiber, 1.7 g of sugar, 8.3 g of protein

Bolito bols barely, if ever, disappoint. However, they do not always do wonders for your size. As you can opt for black beans of belly and slimming, the transformed sour cream, cheese mounds, a day of protein and salted tortilla chips respond to Belly Bully. The next time you are inclined to stay online atChipotle, whip that instead.

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Three cooking cheese chicken and broccoli spaghetti squash

three cheese chicken and broccoli spaghetti squash bake

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 230 calories, 13.6 g of grease (7.7 g saturated), 266 mg of sodium, 10 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber, 2.5 g of sugar, 18.2 g protein

Antifungal garlic, the detoxification of broccoli, the protein chicken and the three types of cheese satisfied with a spaghetti squash to transform one of your favorite guilty pleasures. Low carbohydrates and rich in healthy fats and metabolism-boosting protein, this meal will fill you without filling out.

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Squash spaghetti rumped with Chile

chili stuffed spaghetti squash

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 231 calories, 11.6 g of grease (5.3 g saturated), 666 mg of sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates, 7 g of fiber, 1.8 g sugar, 13 g protein

The beans are packed with thin and thin fibers, but we are not just talking about the average Joe fiber. Pinto, black, kidney and cannellini beans containresistant starch. This leads to prolonged satiety, more efficient oily oxidation and thinking. In fact, a study revealed only five percent of your daily carbohydrate consumption with resistant starch can increase the engraving of post-meal grease up to 30%!

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Oven eggs in Squash spaghetti nests

baked eggs in spaghetti squash nests

Nutrition (by nest, yields 6): 152 calories, 8 g of grease, 353 mg of sodium, 10 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 10 g protein

You may be tempted to choose only whites (hello pure protein), but the American Heart Association recommends eating a yellow a day. It contains vitamins A and D, b vitamins and choline, the nutrient responsible for the structure of the cell membrane, building healthy neurotransmitters in the brain and preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver.

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Pesto spaghetti squash with roasted tomatoes

pesto spaghetti squash with roasted tomatoes

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 140 calories, 8 g of grease (1.8 g saturated), 124 mg of sodium, 15.9 g of carbohydrates, 1.3 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 4.4 g protein protein

Pasto Pasta tends to run on the healing side high due to dense nutritional sauce, noodles and carbona-carb fittings and fittings that are paired. But to avoid this means abstaining from the antioxidant of basil, antimutagenic, antitumorigenic (inhibits the formation of tumors), antiviral and antibacterial properties, as well as the heart of olive oil and nuts'healthy fatsand benefits of size size. In addition, pesto is a guaranteed taste budget and a pleasant aroma. We are not one to choose favorites but ... you see where we go with that.

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Squash spaghetti mac baked and cheese

spaghetti squash baked mac and cheese

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 160 calories, 8 g of grease (3 g saturated), 340 mg of sodium, 15 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar, 9 g protein

Your favorite comfort, just as wheat and satisfactory - less horrible caloric costs.

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Bacon Spaghetti Squash concrete

bacon spaghetti squash fritters

Nutrition (by frartwork, yields 6): 220 calories, 15 g of grease (4.7 g saturated), 484 mg of sodium, 10 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber, 0 g sugar, 12 g protein

Looking to take BlAh breakfast? We understood. There is nothing more attractive than the same bland oats or dry eggs and dry eggs fortunately, there are endless ways to deceive your breakfast and these Spaghetti squash friends are just one! For more resources favorable to a diet to start your day, consult these50 best breakfast foods for classified weight loss!

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spaghetti squash chow mein

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 118 calories, 4.4 g of grease (<1 g saturated), 262 mg of sodium, 19 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of fiber, 2.1 g of sugar, 2 g protein

An order from Chow Mein of Panda Express contains 510 calories, 22 grams of fat, 60 grams of carbohydrates and half a day of milligrams of sodium. Now look at the nutritional profile for this one and tell us that you are not as struck as we.

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spaghetti squash tater tots with maple mustard

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 160 calories, 2.8 g of fat (0 g saturated), 105 mg of sodium, 32 g of carbohydrates, 4.2 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar, 3.5 g of protein

This singular version of the totes is so incredible that you will never buy the nature of the freezer. Four healthy ingredients, gluten free, no trans fat, and no worries. For more ways to enjoy your favorite side, check these20 recipes without guilt for TATTER TOTS.

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Spaghetti squash pumpkin bisque

spaghetti squash pumpkin bisque

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 199.2 g of grease (12.2 g saturated), 180 mg of sodium, 7.9 g of carbohydrates, 2.2 g of fiber, 3.5 g of sugar, 3 g protein

We can not think of nothing more heavenly than the velvety pumpkin soup. Except maybe this one uses coconut milk. The nutrition plant does everything to shrink your size and curb your appetite to protect your organs and prevent Alzheimer's disease. And according to research, fatty acids in coconuts are used more efficiently for energy.

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Squash spaghetti with buffalo cheese chicken

cheesy buffalo chicken spaghetti squash

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 242 calories, 12 g of grease (6.5 g saturated), 451 mg of sodium, 10.2 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber, 1.2 g sugar, 25 g protein

Chicken with protein, gut-gut-respectfulGreek yogurtFilling SpaGhetti squash, fat sauce in fat and Jalapeno all combine to give you a fiery meal that will stimulate your metabolism and please your taste buds.

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Squash dipped spaghetti spinach artichoke

spinach artichoke spaghetti squash dip

Nutrition (by 1 cup):250 calories, 17.8 g of fat (9.5 g saturated), 321 mg of sodium, 15.3 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of fiber, sugar of 2.5 g, 11 g of protein (calculated without salt )

Packed with fibers and a compound called cynroom which promotes fat digestion and helps naturally eliminate water retention, artichokes are a belly flat rockstar. Soak your way to a six pack.

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Squash spaghetti salmon with orange salmon

orange spiced salmon spaghetti squash

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 219 calories, 8.3 g of grease (1.2 g saturated), 346 mg of sodium, 12.6 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of fiber, 6.3 g sugar, 25 g of protein (calculated without salt)

Make sure you choose wild
Salmon (Uncultivated), which is not only packaged with proteins that increases the burn of post-meal calories, but also of omega-3 healthy hearts that prevent inflammation of metabolism.

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spaghetti squash primavera

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 255 calories, 10.5 g of fat (2 g saturated), 267 mg of sodium, 28.5 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fiber, 4.5 g of sugar, 10.5 g of protein

Squash spaghetti and mixed vegetables filled with sauce and fresh mozzarella for a light and healthy light that meets in less than 30 minutes. Bonus: Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene that actually increases after cooking. Better yet, studies indicate that lycopene reduces the risk of certain cancers and damage caused by the skin, as well as the fight against cardiac disease.

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Lasagna low carb

low carb lasagna

Nutrition (per serving, yields 6): 273 calories, 12 g of grease (6 g saturated), 601 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fiber, 12 g of sugar, 23 g of protein (calculated without salt)

Make lasagna can be very good time and a lot of work. Not to mention, it's a Dieter nightmare. This recipe solves the three. First, it is done in a dishwashing pan, so you can launch in the ingredients, turn on it and go your day. Second, it is done with a spaghetti squash instead of noodles, so there are no empty calories on each slice. Talk about an easy way to dinner on the table and a smaller size in the meantime! For slower cooker meals, check these35 healthy pot recipes.

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Squash spaghetti cake with orange cream

spaghetti squash cake with orange cream

Nutrition (by tranche, yields 8): 313 calories, 13.1 g of grease (7.7 g saturated), 180 mg of sodium, 46 g carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber, 23 g of sugar, 5 g protein

Shhh ... Do not let the family know that you have just found another way to sneak vegetables in their diet. And this time, it's via a cake.

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Squash spaghetti with chickpeas and cabbage cabbage

spaghetti squash with chickpeas and kale

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 287 calories, 14.4 g of grease (1.6 g saturated), 69 mg of sodium, 35 g of carbohydrates, 6.6 g of fiber, 3.4 g of sugar, 9.4 g protein (calculated without salt)

kale Gets more advertising than single nowadays, but did you know that chickpeas are one of the best greater weight loss? In fact, a study published in the Review Omendity has found people who have eaten a single portion of chickpeas every day said they felt 31% more comprehensive than their lower counterparts. What else? They are rich the amino acid, the lysine that repairs skin tissues and collagen to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

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Spiced squash Kielbasa spaghetti

spicy kielbasa spaghetti squash

Nutrition (by 1 cup): 223 calories, 15.3 g of grease (4.6 g saturated), 593 mg of sodium, 14.5 g of carbohydrates, 2.5 g of fibers, 4.9 g of sugar, 10 g of protein (calculated without salt)

Most Kielbasa contain wheat or rice loads and is highly transformed. Always you opt for the one with the greatest meat content and nitrates. Although the surplus consumption of processed meats is related to cancer, biting in the casual kielbasa or to eat a beak in moderation will not derail your diet or health.

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