The worst way to handle pandemic weight gain, says doctor

This doctor breaks the stigmatization of the "loss of pandemic books" and offers healthier solutions.

If you noticed that you gained some weight during the pandemic, do not worryyou're not alone. A recent survey overseen by Google, about 38% of participants found that theireating habits Had changed during the pandemic Covid-19, some of them have an average of 1,500 extra calories a day (that can add up to five pounds per month). If we apply this percentage to all Americans, this would mean an average of 100 million Americans have also experienced changes in their eating habits over the past year, which could easily lead to a pandemicweight gain.

Of course, some will say that you must have regime need tolosing weight-probably becauseculture system said the same thing for years. Dietary Culture says the solution to weight gain is to limit your power consumption and your workout like crazy to drop the pounds. And yet, after the release of the survey results, a doctor said the complete opposite regimedo not work.Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. and author ofNever excitesaysThe worst way to manage the pandemic gain weight is to follow a diet.

"Many plan to solve the problem by going back their weight when it's all over," said Dr. Livingstona recent press release. "Unfortunately, the use of food to ease the trauma during the pandemic creates a strong link between emotions and overeating that can last long after the end of Covid. Plan after this experience can emphasize the individual and trigger link, thus creating even more developed episodes. "

Here's why to diet would be the worst way to handle the pandemic weight gain, as well as healthier alternatives to take care of your body, directly from Dr. Livingston. And if you are looking for advice even healthier, be sure to check out our listThe 7 most healthy foods to eat now.


Understand your consumer "triggers".


Living through the pandemic Covid-19 was a stressful time and it can be easy to turn to comfort foods tosoothe anxious feelings. Why is that?UT Southwestern Medical Centerpublished a study showing how our "hunger hormone"Ghrelin is released in stressful situations, which means that we can feel emotionally hungry when we are stressed. Meanwhile, theJournal of Consumer Psychology Published another study showing how these foods "indulgent" comfort can help ease a bad mood.

If you reach your favorite snacks during the pandemic or if you prepare classic comfort foods grandmother (whoAnother study shows may be a reaction in stressful times), the reaction was natural.

Understand your emotional triggers to eat is the first step to making healthier choices, By Dr. Livingston.

"To correct the too stinging to Covid-19, not the immediate plan in place first, focus on changing the behavior of too-food," said Dr. Livingston. "Working more 1000 Customer consumption bibelous taught me even if you are biffilier every day, you can quickly retrain to experience these negative emotions without the urge to overeat. "

here is5 ways to stop emotional eating for good.


Choose mealtimes that work for you.

healthy salad
Anh nguyen / pieces

How many times have you reached a snack bag whenYou're stressed? As we have explained, this can easily happen if your hunger hormone is reversed. But if your body does not even hungry?

Dr. Livingston suggests moving this model "Eating on a whim" and instead of focusing on a structure "Eat and Snack by design".

Take a few days to evaluate when you are hungry. What is the best time to eat your three square meals? Do you need a snack between lunch and dinner? Are there a time that you feel like something sweet you can embed ahealthy dessert or a small bar of dark chocolate?

Having structured times for meals can help distinguish not these practices too simple,Because your body will fall into a rhythm that works for you, rather than eating every time you want it.

RELATED:Get more healthier tips directly in your inbox byRegister for our newsletter!


Do more your kitchen with healthy foods.

Fruit bowl

The diet culture tells you to restrict your feeding consumption. Dr. Livingston says you should eat all your favorite healthy foods.

In fact, it even suggests you from "especially" your kitchen with healthy foods, this way of having something at hand that is delicious and nutritious to eat.

The easiest way to do this happen isLook for non-perishable items in good healththat you can turn to a pinch. The frozen products will last longer than fresh (but you should always get fresh products if you like it), whole grain products, beans, legumes, fish cans and vegetables, pulps based on lentils or chickpeas,Healthy frozen dinners, can all integrate with a healthy diet.

here is20 healthy pantry staples belonging to each kitchen.


When it's time for a meal, use this formula.

healthy plate

One of the easiest ways to make sure you arealways eat a nutritious meal is to follow theUSDA MYLATELLES, directly from theFood Guidelines for Americans. This formula breaks downthe exact way you should pay your plate Whenever you sit for a meal.

The guidelines tell you to put half of your plate with vegetables and / or fruits, a quarter of your plate with alean proteinand a quarter of your plate with aFiber-rich carbs or whole grain. The incorporation of some dairy products from time to time, as well as healthy greases (such as olive oil or lawyer) ensure that you get all the nutrients you need.

So ... Will it help your pandemic weight gain? Obviously, Dr. Livingston's suggestions are not a crash diet, and they do not come with a kind of ultimatum. Nevertheless, these tips will help youCreate healthier eating habits in the long run This will help you escape emotional feeding practices that you may have collected during the pandemic. And according to many health professionals, as a result of these types of practices will result in weight loss and help you live a long and happy life.

here is17 healthy eating habits to start today, according to our medical experts.

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