20 ways to have a more positive body image

When you do not focus on the scale number, you can enjoy what your body can do.

6 years: It is the precocity of young girls begin to express shame of form. Before first cycle, at least one third of the boys and half of the girls turned to dangerous methods (such as skipping meals, smoking, or vomiting) to try to lose weight, according to theNational Association Eating Behavior Disorders.

It is therefore not surprising that almost all American adult fighting with body image. "Many of my customers will admit with tears in their eyes the way they are difficult on themselves to not follow their idea of ​​a perfect diet or to have a perfect instagram life," says Adrienne Raimo, Rd, a holistic health and wellness coach toA well-being cock in Columbus, Ohio. "They feel like their bodies are betraying them, not looking like they" should. »

At this moment, Raimo aims to help her clients are now seen as they really are aimed at changing their mindset to focus on quality of life rather than the amount of books. Whether you are a sport enthusiast or almost never-exerciser, learn how to put an end to the body's battle for good. Focus on non-scale victories, our pros recommend. And try these 20 best tips for how to have a positive body image to change the way you feel on your silhouette.


Think: two highs for every stock

Woman stretching arms

"Ugh, my thighs are also bumpy as cottage cheese. "My arms are so gelatinous, I do not even charge! "Seems familiar? We are all too quick to criticize us for our perceived mistakes but rarely affirm our greatness.

"Would you say the same horrible things you tell yourself to your daughter, sister or best friend? Remember that you are, or should be, your best friend. Do yourself be pleased accordingly, "says Raimo. The first step to put an end to this habit is to identify the negatives, says Abby Olson Body-Shaming Declarations throughout the day and follow up on the way they are common, RD, owner ofEncompass Nutrition In St. Paul, Mn.

Once you observe that the negative voice raise his head, against with two compliments for each denigration. "If you can not find something positive about your body first, then find something positive about yourself as a whole or even start with something positive about life in general," says Olson. This will help you establish a new model when these negative thoughts are triggered. Something as simple as "I am grateful for my strong legs that climbed the stairs this morning" or "I'm blessed to have a comfortable bed to sleep after a busy day" will do the trick.


Rock The Jeans who marry your curves

Woman wearing jeans

Turn off the oversized sweatshirt from 13 years ago. Clothes that corresponds to the gold buckle mold (not too big, not too small) is best for a thumbnail of the body image, according to Bonnie Brennan, Ma, CLP, CEDS, Clinical Director of Regional Management atEating recovery center In Denver, Colorado.

"Wear comfortable clothes and things you feel good in! Outfits too much or too big constriction will remind you of your body and draw your attention to the areas you may feel negative about, "she says.

At the same time, keep in mind the words of Raimo's wisdom: "The port of a giant tent of a t-shirt and extensible sports pants can be part of a" uniform depression. By carrying out a fashionable and highlighting your favorite functions, you start to feel better about yourself. That often leads to want to do better to make yourself a healthier choice, for example, that can lead to the search for better ".



woman doing wheel in yoga

When you feel down, fold in dog down. Practicingyoga has been linked to an increase in body satisfaction, especially for those who struggle with body image problems, according to oneto study Published in the newspaperThe body image.

While you lean and stretch, keep the affirmations of Raimo in mind: ..? "Every cell in your body works to keep you alive and well it is your ally, not enemy why are you at war with it, you are worthy of feeding with good nutrition, body movement and time for self-reflection ".


Move for pleasure, not for the trouble

Woman doing pushups at gym

Speaking ofpractice, If calorie crunching is your ultimate goal, it's time to turn a round. "Finding exercise to make pleasure," says Brennan, whether it's swimming, dancing, walking your dog, or cycling.

"The movement can be happy and can celebrate life, but often exercise us for the sole purpose of burning calories or changing our body," says Brennan. "Look for an activity that makes you feel happy and free while you do it. »


Think of all your body helps you accomplish

women eating salads

Do not forget the many miracles that your bits and parts help you accomplish every day. Eyes that can watch superb sunsets with fingers who can tap a text loving to a friend who struggle, defenders of Raimo by looking at all your body ... not only in search of his appearance. "What attributes or character traits will you admire on yourself? Perhaps you make others laugh, or maybe you are a great leader, a paddleboarder or a French stove. Sometimes enjoying beauty Inside help us communicate outside, "she says.


Embrace your inner child

Women eating ice cream

Flashback on this six-year pre-regime mentality. "Treat your body as a baby. Honor the needs of your body and act accordingly. Eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are tired. Give yourself permission not always push to the extreme," says Raimo. Do not forget that fascination with ladybugs or the joy of finding an extra animal cracker hiding in the bottom of the bag? Try to rediscover the small joys of childhood when you are in a critical cycle.


Take a hiatus of social media

woman texting eating

Say "goodbye" on Facebook for almost instant print boost, Brennan suggests. "While social media have a lot of useful aspects, it can also take a hole in the salt hate rabbit. Especially harmful are thincrimpiration, shank and pro-anorexia or pro-bolimia sites. Of More, the fatty sorrow is crawling, "she says. If you can not (or do not want) Go to Cold Turkey, set a goal to limit use to 15 minutes a day to register on Instagram, Snapchat and other social sites. If you start feeling bad about you before the 900 seconds are lifted, close the application.


Head to the outside

Happy couple walking dog

Fresh air and green surroundings make all the difference. Stroll outside (Nope, the inner track does not count here) and you will make greater body satisfaction, according to another study published inThe body image. Take a friend, bring your puppy or simply soak the sounds of lucky birds for yourself. Define a calendar event if you need a reminder to take the extra steps a routine.


Kiss your oddities

Friends laughing together while eating

Remember that the joy you have had in your body and everything that could do before realizing that others thought of you and before receiving an idea of ​​societal expectations? What did you like the most at home? It's time to recognize and accept these things again. "A part of your work as a human being is to accept you from" strangeness "perceived and of all. Protect your unique sense of humor and ways like a force," says Raimo.


Crop the word "grease"

woman on scale

Made: "fat" is not a feeling. "Many of us use the word" grease "to describe an emotional state. Practical using words to describe your feelings that do not concern your appearance," says Brennan. Instead of "I feel so big after lunch ", dig and identify your true emotions, such as" I'm worried that other people are critical about me at the meeting of my afternoon ".


Write a love note to yourself

man writing

You probably do it for your mother and for your other. It is now time to do the same thing for yourself. "Catalog The qualities you love about yourself and keep this letter or list at your fingertips for days when you feel less than being stellar", says Raimo.

Olson Up The Ante asking her clients to do this repetitive practice. "Write something positive about yourself and your body every day," she says. "Keeping a list in progress will allow you to build and develop a new state of mind as to how you see and feel yourself." For an added benefit, read your list aloud or share it with friends or family. This makes the thoughts more real, says Olson.


Give yourself permission to have a "off" day

happy woman outside

Nobody expects you to feel confident that Nicki Minaj every day. "Allow you to have difficult thoughts and feelings without feeling as if you need to solve them or repair them at that time," Brennan said. Die on something else, if necessary (some good options consist of getting out of your newspaper or give your BFF a call), and focus your energy and time on the precious and meaningful things of your life.

"The more you invest in things that lead you to a life worth living, the more you will get from your body as an object to be controlled," says Brennan.


Take note of your triggers

Woman eating dessert

It will be much easier to put the Kibhosh on criticism when you can stop it before it is in effect. Take note of how and where you feel emotions in your body. Do you have a ball in the throat when you are sad? Maybe you feel a knot in your stomach when you are nervous? "Understanding connection to emotional states and triggers in the negative body image is an important step towards understanding when you might be the most vulnerable to focus on negative body thoughts," says Brennan.



woman looking in mirror

Do you accept where you are today. It is almost impossible to motivate yourself to make self-decisions of a place of guilty and shame. "If we can come from a place of love and appreciation of our body, no matter where we are in the context of the purpose of the purpose and the realization of the process, we have a stronger desire to take care of From ourselves, "Oson said. "Health and assessment can more easily become the priority."

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.


Be aware of the difficult environment in which you are in

Woman setting party food

All our experts admit it: it will not be easy. None of these massive evolutions changes in a silo. "We do not ask people with alcohol disorders to recover in a bar and develop a healthy relationship with alcohol," says Brennan. It's pretty monumental when people in Western culture can conquer their body image battles, it continues, while being surrounded by advertisements with thin models and pounds of stick and books on the next large-scale diet. is "guaranteed" to work this time.

"There are so many advice in applications, blogs, books, fitness programs and how to change your body and food you have placed. We put a high value on the appearance of our society, What leads to scrutinizing any negative perception and want to change it, "says Brennan. If you find that some surroundings, gurus and media sources trigger critical thoughts and emotions, take a respite and take note of your atmosphere. feel better overall? reconfigure your environment accordingly.


Give yourself permission to accept your body

woman doing tricep press

This may seem easy, but it's one of the most difficult missions of all. It will agree. "Confidence in itself and [tone] body is not arrogance. They are different," says Raimo. "There is a lot of value in the change of behavior so that we feel confident of who we are and the way we feel about ourselves."


Consider the scientific side

Woman holding stomach on couch

And if all these psychological swaps do not help us, come to the physiological. Examine what the body makes of a scientific perspective. "Make a body sweep from the toes to the head and, without judgment, note what every body part or system is for you. For example, my stomach digests food to feed my body and let me know when I have Perhaps a disease. " This will help you recognize all the amazing features you have completely outside of appearance, "says Brennan.


Become spiritual

man meditating

"Some of my clients respond well to a reminder that their bodies are the temples of their mind," says Raimo, explainingadvantages to think big (ger only yourself). "Others respond well to an analogy of their body as a fancy car. In both cases, I ask how they would treat such objects and, therefore, how they could show their own respect and reverence." Rather than representing your body as an object to be controlled, "practice awareness of your body as part of you, a source of wisdom and a ship for me," says Brennan.



Man writing

What do you like that day? Your life? Your body? Think about three or more things you are grateful to steal this eyebrowback. When it feels like if you are your worst enemy and you can not stop Nitpicking, "Keep a gratitude journal to thank the things your body has helped you with or you have done for you that you are grateful to you. , said Brennan.


Think what your self of 80 could think

older woman practicing yoga

When playing with your great-grandchildren, you will be really prepared on the small extra padding around your hips? You will probably watch photos of your current self and think: "Dang, I was hot things at the time!" Aim to channel this confidence here and now. If everything fails, follow Olson's tips. "Imagine how your loved ones think of you and know that you can spend this day because of who you are and what you have worked so hard to accomplish and overcome," she says.

Armed with these tips on how to have a positive body image, you can crush the coming year.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: tips
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