38 Best sources of vegan protein

These food-based foods packaged with protein give you the most bang for your money.

That you follow aPlant-based diet or if you just want to mix yourprotein with the contribution of new sources,vegetable food are actually a large source of protein. Although you can not wait, a lotvegan Protein options to your local supermarket and each option may even contain more protein than meat per serving.

By choosing a high protein vegan source seems simple, some precautions should be when choosing the best options. According to Rachel Paul, Ph.D., RD ​​ofCollegenutritionist.com, Is constructed differently protein of vegetable origin fromanimal protein.

"Protein sources are classified as'CompletedOr "incomplete", which means that they contain either all the essential amino acids that our body needs or do not "said Paul. Animal proteins are sources of complete proteins, plant sources of proteins are incomplete. However, the different sources of vegetable protein can be appaired throughout the day to present all essential amino acids (for example, beans and rice). Twinning [Protein] together in the same meal is not necessary ".

Paul also has good news regarding the selection of vegan proteins. "It's better to get a variety of vegetable protein sources throughout the day, not a source that is really better than the other," says Paul. "[In this way] a person will be exposed to a variety of additional nutrients in addition to proteins [and] amino acids. »

So, if you do not find all these options in your area, fear nothing! As long as you can find some of the foods listed below, you should have no problem filling your daily lifenutrition diet.

With the help of Paul, we have gathered the master list of the highest sources of vegan protein that you can mix and match the most positive nutrition. If you need to find some extra protein for your diet, read the following to find the right source of vegetarian protein for you.




By 100 g: 75 g of protein

This source of trendy vegan protein has crossed in middle of the middle in recent years and has made appearances on the menus of restaurants across the country. Made from wheat gluten, this source of protein is an excellent substitute for meat and can be marinated and prepared most of the ways you prepare chicken or pork. In order to obtain the right amount of protein, you only need to consume about one-third of a cup of consuming an exorbitant sum of 75 grams of protein. To top it all,Seitan Does not contain cholesterol and healthy iron and calcium content, making it a great replacement of the meat to help you increase your mass.



Sliced block of firm tofu

By 124 g: 10 g of protein

The tofu is itself imposed as the king of vegan soy protein most supermarkets wear, it can be cooked in a variety of ways, you can perfume to adapt it to all dishes, and can cook it To your texture preference, ranging from sweet to crisp. In order to obtain all the 10 grams of protein, you must consume about 2/5 of a standard tofu package, but they are not scared this food food down easily, because its weight is mainly water. With a small number of calories and large quantities of calcium and phosphorus, you will be even more desired with this source of vegan protein.



Sliced raw tempeh

By 84 g: 15 g of protein

This fermented soy-based protein source found its way from Indonesia to America and contains enough nutrients to keep you for the day. With a texture similar to Seitan, but with the advantages of soy, you can make them marinate, blow up or baketempeh To obtain a complete portion of proteins. To obtain the right amount of nutrition, the purpose of eating three or four slices to obtain a portion of protein comparable to the consumption of two eggs.



Edamame beans

By 155 g: 17 g of protein

Go directly to the source,Edamameare immature soy and have been a core food in East Asia for centuries. Edamame remained popular partly at its high ratio portion to the protein and ease of preparing vapor, just and dissect them and you are ready to get a solid grams of protein per cup. Call this with a meal and you will get a good nutrient service, with 98 milligrams ofcalcium and 99 mg ofmagnesium.




By 100 g: 9 g of protein

This source of basic vegan protein has easily gained its place on this list. You just need a 3/4 cup of cookingLentils To obtain a nine grams of solid proteins. They are extremely versatile and add a nice nutteness to all meals. To over-maximize their nutritional content, soak the lenses in water to push them and get a good dose ofiron andvitamin C.



Deryn Macey / UNSPLASH

By 100 g: 19 g of protein

Found in a crowd of Middle Eastern recipes, the powerfulChickpeaProvide a wealth of protein to prevent you from going through your day. As one of the most packed elements on the protein on this list, simply eat a 3/4 cup of harrowed beans to get a set of 19 grams of protein - the equivalent of threeeggs. If you dip the dry beans or get the canned version, you get an extra bonus if you save the water they soak. This water, called Aquafaba, is a rich source of energy that can replace egg whites in cooking and additional nutrients that you can add directly to your meal or save later.


Nutritional yeast

Nutritional yeast

By 15 g: 8 g protein

You may have seen this vegan protein specializing in health food stores and local grocery stores. Known to be aCheese substitutee in herbal recipes,nutritional yeast Can be sprinkled on any meal to add an acidic bite, raising the flavors of your meal more than you could even expect. And more and more, you just need a teaspoon to get eight grams of protein!



Spelt grain

By 174 g: 25 g protein

You may never have heard of this specialized grain, but the considerable protein content is an essential reason for why you should find it in your local health food store. It can be cooked in the same process as couscous and packets in 25 whole grams of protein for 1 1/2 cup of cooked spelled. In this spirit, you can easily replace any starch during a meal to super-boost your recipe for new levels.


Hemp seed

Hemp seeds

By 30 g: 11 g protein

You can be suspicious of the nutrition ofhemp products but have no fear.Hemp seeds It is known to be packed not only with protein, but also a healthy fat and you only need two tablespoons of the seed to get as many protein as a yogurt cup! Sprinkle them on salads to add a beautiful crunch or your cooking in your favorite cookies or breads to overload your meal.


Green peas

Green peas

By 145 g: 8 g protein

Who knew that peas could contain so many proteins? Packing in almost as many protein as lentils, green peas are a large cover dish if you need the protein in your meal. They also contain high levels of vitamin A and C, which make them all the most attractive if you need additional nutrition in your diet. You just need 1.5 cup steamed or boiled peas to get a boost of protein.



powdered spirulina

For 100 g: 57 g protein

With regard to high vegetable protein foods,spirulina Tops The list as one of the best sources of protein. This seaweed has been a vital ingredient in dietary protein supplements for years and now grocery stores have taken from the other hand. You can choose to cook it like Kombu and make a soup bite, or crush it and sap them on your meals to add Umami. If you eat a 3/4 cup of this alga, you consume as many protein as nearly three chicken chops, with much lesscalories. Spirulina also contains an essential iodine, a nutrient you might miss if you continue a complete diet.




By 193 g: 26 g protein

This starchcereal Win popularity in Western cuisine. Like many other grains, Amaranth is known to be an essential source of protein, magnesium and iron. This grain can replace rice or potatoes like a side starch in many meals with a considerable nutrient boost. You can often find it in bulk stores of its unprocessed shape, which means you get the cereal hull with morefiber. If you eat about 2 cups of the cereal, you get as many protein as eating 100 grams of steak.



quinoa bowl

For 100 g: 14.1 g Protein

This trendy grain has made its name in part to be a fantastic source vegan protein. It must simply be quickly boiled and pivoted to associate great food to complete a meal. With 100 grams of packaging in more than 14 grams of protein, simply add a 3/4 cup ofquinoa Get a solid portion of protein.


ezekiel bread

Slice of ezekiel bread with avocado
Ezekiel Bread / Facebook

By 34 g: 4 g protein

This ringing bread has entered the market quite recently, but like many other sources of vegan protein on this list have been eaten for generations. Made from sprouted grains,ezekiel bread Packs in 4 grams of protein per slice. This means that if you have replaced your regular choice of bread with a ezekiel bread when you make a sandwich, you can get 8 grams of protein added.


Soy milk

Soy milk

By 243 g: 8 g protein

You have seen it in the refrigerator section for years, but you may not know that this drink is an excellent vegan source of protein. With the same blocks of construction as Tofu or Tempeh,soy milkis made from soy pressed and cooled to perfection. If you get the unsweetened variety, you can cut any unnecessary sugar, while getting a healthy dose of vitamin B-6. You just need a glass of soy milk to get almost as many protein as a portion of lentils.



rolled cut oats being measured

For 100 g: 16.9 g Protein

When you need a fast, copious and filling protein source, look no further thanOats. In addition to cooking oats in a porridge for a simple meal, you can also cook them with sweet agave cookies to have a soft protein boost. All you need is a 3/4 cup to get nearly 17 grams of protein, almost as much as three eggs.


Wild rice

Different types of rice

By 160 g: 24 g protein

Although it is more difficult to find than the variety treated, white,wild rice It's really worth it. With a solid cup of cooked wild rice, you do not only get 24 grams of protein, but you also get healthy portions of fiber, magnesium andVitamin B-6 that you do not normally find in transformed white rice. Associate this with beans in a meal or later in the day to get a complete protein.


Chia seeds

Chia seeds

For 100 g: 17 g protein

You may knowchia seeds Statues of Iconic Chia Pet, but these super-passengers should not be reduced - they pack in protein, healthy fats and magnesium, and you just have to sprinkle them in your food for a nice texture crunch. With a cup of 3/4, you get a huge dose of protein. If you are a fan of Boba Theas, you can even soak the seeds and add them to the drink to get a similar gelatinous bubble texture as you would with a Tapioca bubble.


Peanut Butter

homemade nut butter in a jar spread on toast

By 32 g: 8 g protein

A list of vegan proteins would not be complete withoutPeanut Butter, a classic widespread that even your parents knew how to be a source of solid protein. If you are distributing about two tablespoons of peanut butter on a sandwich, you get an eight grams of healthy protein. Do not limit yourself to simply make sandwiches with peanut butter - throw propagation on your favoritevegan ice cream, Mix it in oatmeal cookie dough or add it to Shays to get a flavor and a boost protein.



white potatoes in bowl

For 100 g: 2 g protein

You may not have any guessed, butpotatoes You will provide you with a solid amount of protein to keep you every day. A small packet of potatoes in at least three grams of protein and assuming that you have a complete portion of potatoes or hash brown, you look at a solid 10 grams of protein per serving. Potatoes also pack in vitamins B-6 and C, while providing enough fillingcrab To keep you cutting and focused on your daily tasks.


Sweet potatoes

sliced sweet potatoes

For 100 g: 1.6 g protein

Like the ordinary potato, theYam Packs in almost as many protein as its normal cousin. You can prepare them in the same way as you do as regular potatoes and if you eat an equivalent of two regular soft potatoes of normal size, you get at least 4 grams of protein. Associate this potato with another source of vegan protein on this list and you can easily sneak into an additional protein to a meal.


Brussels sprouts

Roasted brussels sprouts in a pan

By 88 g: 3 g protein

You may not have understood why you have been forced to eat them as a child, but in addition to high levels of iron and vitamin C,Brussels sprouts actually pack in a decent amount of vegan proteins. You can roast, whiten, blow up or prepare these, but you like and if you prepare a bag of half-pounds of Brussels sprouts, you get a 15 grams of protein. With these vegetables falling again in vogue, it is easy to find recipes that match any palette while offering a solid nutrition to a meal.



Washed baby spinach leaves

For 100 g: 2.9 g protein

In addition to being an excellent source of iron,spinach Built muscle mass by providing nearly three grams of protein with a cup of 3/4. You can optimize your consumption by blowing the vegetable or use the vegetable as a salad base. By adding this leafy green to pasta,pansor Stirez-Frys, you can maximize your nutrient consumption on any herbal diet.



old frozen broccoli in bag

By 148 g: 4.2 g protein

In just 5 florets ofbroccoliYou can not only consume a healthy dose of vitamin C and K, but you also get 4.2 grams of protein. This vegetable can easily become the star of any meals and can also fill you with a solid fiber content.

RELATED: here are theEasy recipes at home that help you lose weight.



Artichokes in box

By 128 g: 4.2 g protein

On all sources of vegan protein, you probably do never guess thanartichokeswould make the list. With such a small amount of edible material on each vegetable, it may seem difficult to obtain all protein, but has no fear. Maximize your gains from this vegetable by transforming it into a dip or skip the artichoke hearts like a flat of accompaniment. If you consume a small box of artichoke cores purchased purchased, you can guarantee that you will gain at least 4 grams of protein.


Textured vegetable protein

textured vegetable protein in wooden bowl with spices

For 100 g: 52.9 g Protein

As one of the main sources of vegan protein,Textured vegetable protein Supercharge any meal you can add. Often considered a vegan substitute with a chopped beef, just about 3/4 cup of textured vegetable proteins for packing in 52.9 grams of protein. With this amount, you will not miss even meat a little. Find this product in the freezer section of your local supermarket.



Bowl of bulgur wheat

By 140 g: 17 g protein

With a large number of iron and high fibers, Boulgur wheat provides a considerable amount of protein to prevent you from moving all day. As cereals, you just need a boiled grain cup to win 17 grams of protein, as many eggs. When Bulgur Wheat is boiled, he has a texture similar to polenta and a pleasant earthy taste. It can even be eaten as a breakfast porridge to fill you in the morning.


Wheat grain

wheat berries in wooden spoon

For 100 g: 13 g protein

A wheat bay is a whole wheat core, without hesitation, making it a perfect grain if you need fiber and protein in your day. Boil these as aporridgeTo soften them and aromatize them in all the ways you like to reinforce the taste. And 13 grams of protein by a cup of boiled grains 3/4, you are guaranteed to feel healthy and complete after a single portion.



freekah in white bowl

By 42 g: 6 g protein

This grain of the Middle East can now be found throughoutgrocery stores In America and flavor packs. This grain works very well in wrappings and grain bowls and guarantees you not only protein, but also manganese. You just need three tablespoons to get six grams of protein.



barley with wooden spoon

By 184 g: 23 g protein

You may have seen the inflated version of this grain in bulk food stores and may have even eaten cereals ormountain mix addictedbarley. What you may not know is that in addition to the fiber, this source of high vegetation proteins contains 23 grams of proteins for every 1.5 cups. You can also boil the raw grain or discard the inflated version in the salads to add a nice texture.



Farro bowl

By 47 g: 6 g protein

This mix of grain usually appears as an addition insalads andsoupsBut often people transmit it to the store just because they have never heard of it. Do not be thrown away, this vegan source of protein adds an extra depth and a flavor to the meals it passes and can even be boiled and eaten plain. If you eat a bowl of this in the morning, you must also add at least 15 grams of protein to your diet.



Flax seeds in a wooden spoon

For 100 g: 18,29 g protein

Typically sold as a complement,linseed to takesmoothie or salad at the next level. By simply adding a handle of these seeds, you automatically add an equivalent of a half-chicken protein chops. In addition to adding crunch and flavor, flax seeds add healthy fat and with extra fiber, they can prevent you from feeling full.


Pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds with pumpkins

64 g: 12 g protein

Whether Halloween and you wonder what to do with yourpumpkin scoopings or you are looking for an alternative vegan protein source,pumpkin seeds You will provide a solid 12 grams of protein by two tablespoons. You can recover them yourself and roast them in the oven, or buy them in bulk to make your own nuts and seed mix. In any case, this known vegan protein source will help you fly.


Black beans

black beans in wooden spoon

For 84 grams: 7 g protein

As a basis forvegetarian burgers, The American Latin cuisine and more, black beans provide a partial protein and you just need half a cup of quenchingBeans Get seven grams of protein. They are an extremely versatile vegan protein, you can crush them and the ruys to create fraritters or boil them with onions and garlic to create a Cuban accompaniment dish. With a highsugar Content, you can even turn them into an Eastern dessert of Asia for vegan pastry to impress your friends.



mycroprotein in plastic container

For 100 g: 11 g protein

This vegan protein option could be more difficult to find, but is the perfect complement to your smoothie to give you an extra boost. Mycoprotein is a fungal protein that is normally sold powder and can be added to soups or stews to add UMAMI. All you need is a cup of 3/4 to mix a soup to add 11 grams of protein.



Teff in a bowl

For 100 g: 3.87 g Protein

A traditional grain from Ethiopia and Eritrea,teff is a grass that you usually see as a powder. With a terrestrial flavor, you can consume it as the way you eat wheat wheat and can even mix it with water to create a healthy drink. You just need ¾ of a cup to throw a meal to add an extra thumb of protein.


Khorasan wheat

khorasan wheat on wooden spoon

For 100 g: 14.7 g of protein

This old grain in the vegetable-boiling protein has 3/4 cup of this wheat and you get 14.7 grams of protein. It's great to eat like a breakfast porridge and so with spinach to have an excellent start for your day.



buckwheat vegan protein

For 100 g: 13.25 g Protein

This large vegan protein wheat appears around the world and you may have already had the eastern eastern Eastern dish of Kasha from all this grain. This fantastic grain contains not only more than 13 grams of protein with a 3/4 cup, but you also get iron and a lot of fiber in each server. You can prepare this like a porridge, replace an ordinary side starch with it or couple with vegetables to do an excellent pilaf This will impress someone you serve it.

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