It's the best time for you to have dinner

Nope, the best dinnertime is not the same for everyone.

After a long day at work and perhaps even an evening workout to start, nothing is as satisfying as going home to a good dinner. Of course, chaotic and incoherent work schedules complicate this fantasy and sometimes we eat this meal at all evening hours of the evening.

The question is, however,, is there a specific time that youshould To be dinner? We talked withSass de Cynthia, Rd, CSSDand NYC performance nutritionist and perforation andSydney Greene, Ms, rd, from Greene Health to explore this issue further. Fortunately, there is no better time for dinner.

Read on, and for more things about how to eat healthy, you will not want to miss these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.

What is the best time for dinner so you did not eat too late?

Eat a big meal before the bed canWrak Havoc on your sleep cycleit's important that you have time to plan your dinner to avoid potentiallyruining a relaxing night.

"The goal is to finish dinner, and everyday,at least 2-3 hours before going to bed, "Greene said." For most [people], with hectic working days, it is not entirely realistic, so it's not an hour not negotiable before the bed is without food. Research shows thatThose who go 2-3 hours without eating before going to bed have a decreased risk of cancer, insulin resistance and inflammation. "

Sass also shares a similar point of view. "I usually recommend three hours between the moment you have finished eating and the moment you go to bed," she says. "The exception is that if you are an athlete or a force training program and trying to build muscles. In this case, a light protein snack one hour from one hour before the bed is recommended . "

Is there a particular amount of hours waiting between the time you eat and when you dine?

"In general, I encourage customers to target 3 to 5 hours between meals because it allows the time digestion time," explains Greene.

Sass also affirms that between 4 and 5 hours is a sufficient duration to wait between meals and, as she told us in the story "This is the best time for lunch"Practice consciousness is essential to determine when your body needs its next meal.

"I advise my clients to pay attention to the signals of hunger and fullness in addition to energy, mood and other directions when and how much eating," she says. "I think it's best to have a lightweight to moderate level of hunger when you eat, without starving, but some concrete physical signs and symptoms of hunger."

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And if you have a light snack between meals?

Greene shares a similar perspective on the importance of mindfulness as Sass.

"Listen to your body. If only two hours passed since you had your snack, go ahead and dine. It is better to sit for a slightly hungry meal than totally vorvous, as it prevents Greene." Since most [People] lunch around noon and 13 hours, then dinner around 19 hours and 20 hours, I recommend a snack around 3 pm and 16:00. "

Greene also points out thatThe snack should be less than 200 calories and provide a kind of protein and, ideally, have less than five grams of sugar.

And if you work late or do you like to work after work?

The most important take away of this question isdo not skip dinner, says Greene.

"I find when people jump meals, they are looking more over on snacks, which leads to eating too much because of the lack of global satisfaction," she explains. "If you work after work, go a light snack around 16 hours."

Like aPost-training snack, Greene suggests a stringed cheese with an apple or two dried dates with 1-2 tablespoons ofPeanut Butter, or a handful of high fiber crackers and 1-2 tablespoons of hummus. It also recommends packing some Post-Workout nuts so that you can immediately reconstruct your muscles. "Dinner can then be something light [like] a green smoothie,Veggie scramble, [or] Roll-ups of Turkey. "

Sass says that if you work late, you have to pack your dinner or order something healthy in the office.

"You do not want to work late, come home, dine and go to bed," she says. "It does not allow your dinner to digest well before sleeping, which can interfere with sleep and can cause weight gain because the metabolism slows down during sleep when your energy demand is lower during this period."

Sass says that if you hit the gym after dinner, it's better to split your meal in half and eat the first half a few hours before your evening sweat session. Then go ahead and eat the other half after. It recommends eating the heavy part of the glucidity of your dinner before working so that you have the energy to turn it on and save the vegetables, proteins and healthy fats for the post-drive part of your dinner.

What happens if you do not eat a sufficient meal for dinner?

Eating a large meal can disrupt your sleep cycle as much as not to eat enough before going to bed.

"You can not sleep well or get up in the middle of the hungry night," says Sass. "You also miss the key nutrients needed to maintain, repair and healing body cells."

Now you probably have a better idea of ​​your dinner, with some main factors taken into account! For more ways to keep health up of the day at the end of the day, do not miss these9 healthy dinner habits for a flat stomach.

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