Foods that help stay traits

Try to integrate these foods into your diet to avoid a stroke.

Depending on the update of heart statistics and statistics of the American Heart Association 2018, a person in the United States has a stroke on once every 40 seconds and a stroke represents 1 of the 19ths of the 19 United States And overall, the ranking of the features of the second cause of death (behind heart disease). Although a stroke can happen at any age, your risk increases as you get older.

These are statistics that invade, but fortunately, there is a wealth of food that can help you avoid a stroke at your age. Have you ever heard about the famous hippocrates quote ", let the food be your medicine and medicine is your food?" It's time for we started to follow this review and we eat more foods that help fight heart attacks and times of time we can. However, it is important to identify that food alone can not prevent stroke, but you can absolutely reduce your chances of having one by providing positive changes to your diet.

"Nobody can prevent strokes, but people with poor food schemas are more prone to developing a multitude of chronic diseases, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, [and] a High cholesterol, which can increase the risk of stroke "explains Erin Holley, Dietitian registered at the Medical Center of the Ohio State University. "Uncontrolled arterial hypertension is a risk factor and a rich fruit and vegetable diet can help weight management and blood pressure."

To help you start, here are four particular, antioxidant and fatty acid minerals that help reduce blood pressure and eliminate inflammation - two key factors that help reduce your chances of having a stroke - more foods. You should eat. rich in them. Try to integrate these 16 foods into your daily diet to avoid avoiding a stroke.


You may remember potassium as a mineral or electrolyte that defends itselfmuscle crampsBut it can do much more, too. Perhaps you have experienced an excess charley charley horse, a muscle spasm that occurs most often in the legs and was then charged with eating more bananas accordingly. Well, as it turns out, this important mineral is also responsible for regulating arterial pressure, says Lori Chong, dietitian inscribed at the Medical Center of the University of Ohio State.

"Arterial hypertension increases the risk of stroke," she says. And anto study I found that consuming higher potassium consumption was linked to a risk reduction of 24% of the line.

There are several foods that include quantities of potassium, so you do not need to rely on a fruit to get your good part. Here are four foods that pack more potassium than a banana. The milligrams of potassium for each food were extracted from the United States Food Database Department, unless otherwise indicated.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots

Typical needs of adults on4,700 milligrams of potassium Every day, the amount considered sufficient to meet nutritional standards. According toAmerican Heart Association, low levels of potassium are attributable to high blood pressure or hypertension, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke if it is not managed. Only one cup of dried apricots houses 1,511 milligrams of potassium, which equates to 32% of your daily needs. For reference, a medium-sized banana contains 422 milligrams of potassium, about 9% of your daily needs.


Cubed avocado

Incorporateguacamole In your diet can help you reduce the chances of experiencing a cerebral accident. That is to say as long as you easily take it on the salt, asHigh consumption of sodiumis an essential cause of arterial hypertension, which can cause a stroke. A puree lawyer cup includes about 1 116 milligrams of potassium, which translate to about 24% of your daily needs. Not to mention, lawyers are loaded into healthy fatty acids that have been demonstrated to reduce inflammation.

Holley says that lawyers are high in monounsaturated fats, the type of fat that promotes the right type of HDL cholesterol, rather than one of the artry-fouling that has been known as LDL. "Keeping your cholesterol levels at desirable levels is recommended to reduce your risk of heart disease. The lawyers are also a high fiber containing fruit, offering 3 grams of fiber for 50 grams serving," she says.

Swiss tray

Swiss chard

Boiling this green green can help you get a good amount of potassium in one session. A porridge Swiss Chard cup gives 20% of your daily mineral needs.

"The Swiss Chard is rich in potassium and magnesium, they are nutrients that can help maintain healthy blood pressure," says Holley. "While some people find the taste of this green as a bit bitter, a lemon juice pressure can help brighten the flavor."

Even more impressive is the vitamin K content of Swiss Chard. A cup of boiled leafy green rises 635% of the adequate daily consumption of a woman of vitamin and about 477% of a man. Vitamin K is essential for promoting both bone and cognitive health and can even play a role in power offheart disease In some people's populations.


boiled potatoes

A medium-sized potato with always intact skin contains a little less than 20% of your daily potassium needs. This is more than double the average banana amount provides! Let's say you really hungry and eaten a big potato instead. This would give you a third of your daily mineral needs. Add more potatoes to your weekly meal Prepare to maintain healthy potassium levels to avoid high blood pressure and finally a stroke.


Magnesium is amineral trace This is important for myriad's reasons, including keeping strong bones, facilitating nerve impulses and even prevention of stroke. In fact, according to agraduateThe conclusion was made that the higher magnesium consumption is associated with a reduced race. Even more, Chong adds that magnesium is also "useful for regulating muscle contraction and maintain an ordinary heart rate". Here are four foods of this type that are comprehensive magnesium. Milligrams of magnesium for each food were extracted from the United States Food Database Department, unless otherwise indicated.

Cashew nut


One ounce of these nuts contains about 74 milligrams, 23% of the food allocation recommended by a magnesium woman and about 18% for men. The cashew nuts are one of the main sources of magnesium, according to theNational health institutes. Fortunately, cashew nuts can really improve a recipe (we love them in aCashew Maple Wallet Toast Recipe) Whether it's tasty like a morvot of vegetables and rice or as a garnish with something sweet like aPerfect yogurtIt is not difficult to implement this food in your daily meals.



We all know thatspinach is a healthy vegetable. In fact, when it is consumed in tounts with dairy products, the body is capable of absorbing a healthy cardiac antioxidant found in spinach, known to reduce inflammation and prevent cardiovascular disease if it is consumed over the time. "This nutrient-rich vegetable is packed with carotenoids, vitamin K, folate, calcium and iron," says Holley. "Spinach also have a large amount of fiber-2.4 grams per 100 grams, which is known to reduce your risk of heart disease and cerebral accident."

In addition to this antioxidant and the other handle of vitamins and minerals, spinach contain, the leafy green is also full of magnesium. A cup of boiled spinach contains157 milligrams, which represents nearly 50% of the recommended food indemnity of magnesium for women and 37% for men.

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin seeds are another food full of magnesium. One oz of these dried seeds gives you 168 milligrams of minerals, satisfying about 53% of the daily need of women and about 40% for men. But this is not the only noticeable nutrient.

"These small small seeds are full of nutrition, such as protein, magnesium, potassium and polyunsaturated fats. They naturally contain antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and therefore reduce the risk of vascular accident. Cerebral, heart disease, [and] cancer, "said Holley. "They are also an excellent source of fiber, which can help balance blood glucose and reduce the complications of diabetes, as well as promoting the health of incidents."

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate squares

And if we tell you that we have consumed up to six servings of dark chocolate a week that can reduce your chances of developing a coronary illness, diabetes and have a stroke? On ato study inNutrientsIt's very possible. The high magnesium content of Dark with chocolate is perhaps to thank an ounce an ounce, dark chocolate (the type of cocoa solids from 70 to 85%) provides 20% of the recommended food indemnity for women and 15% for men.

"The dark chocolate contains higher levels of antioxidants, fibers, iron, magnesium and other trace elements," adds Holley. "Phytochemicals in dark chocolate can help open blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. Remember that dark chocolate can always contain added sugars, so be interesting with portion sizes." When consumed in small quantities, dark chocolate can be very economical.


"Lycopene is a phytonutrient in the carotenoid family. It, as well as other carotenoids, have strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory advantages," says Chong. You can usually say when a fruit or vegetable has a good source of lycopene by its color-lycopene is what gives these foods their pink or red pigment survey. This antioxidant has been demonstrated to reduce the chances of experience of a stroke. aanalysis Posted in neurology revealed that men aged 46 to 65 and that the highest lycopene concentrations were between 55 and 59% less likely to undergo a stroke.

Dried tomatoes

Sun dried tomatoes

Just less than a tasty sun-dried tomato cup contains about 45.9 milligrams of antioxidant and, although there is no recommended food allocation for lycopene, know that any dish with tomatoes Contains a good source of antioxidant. On ato study, consuming between 9 and 21 milligrams a day was enough to diminish the chances of a man to have prostate cancer. There is a reason why sun-dried tomatoes are so illuminating antioxidants and other nutrients.

"The sun-dried tomatoes are ripe tomatoes that have lost most of their water content after drying in the sun - it focuses their flavor and nutrients," says Holley. "If you use sun-dried tomatoes that are packaged in the oil, keep in mind that this can be higher in calories than fresh vegetables."


Sliced guava

About 100 grams of this tropical fruit contain 5.2 milligrams of lycopene. It adds a vibrant hue to a fruit head salad, so consider adding it to your desk lunch!



The watermelon is another fruit filled with lycopene. (Could not you guess his pigment?) According to a study in theAmerican Journal of Hypertension, those who had a prehypostion and a tedic melon eventually reduced their blood pressure. As we said earlier, high blood pressure is correlated with the race.

Pink grapefruit

Pink grapefruit

Grapefruit is also loaded into antioxidant lycopene. Not a fan tart? Slice Open one of these fruits and take it under the grill for caramelize and help reduce bitter flavor.


Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain your blood pressure and cholesterol, both of which are capable of causing such high strokes for years at the end. According to a study published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive MedicineEating fish that provide a good source of omega-3 fats once or twice a week can reduce the risk of stroke, as well as other cognitive complications, including depression and even Alzheimer's disease. Chong says that the food we have provided below are also good sources of selenium and zinc, all antioxidant capabilities.


Salmon with veggies and beans

There is a lot of research behind salmon and its ability to prevent the beginning of heart disease and incidents related to heart disease such as heart attack and stroke, or even cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Madness. Omega-3 fatty acids are an anti-inflammatory agent that works on a clear plate in the brain and in the arteries, especially those close to the heart, Holley confirms.

"Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids and is a known anti-inflammatory food and can protect the brain and nerves," she says. "Reducing inflammation can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and therefore reduce the risk of stroke. It is recommended to consume 2-3 portions a week of fatty fish, such as salmon , to obtain healthy greases from Omega-3 in our diet. And the search suggests that it is better to consume fish compared to takingsupplements. "


Flax seeds in a wooden spoon

These seeds can be small, but that does not mean they are not packed with healthy vitamins and minerals. Seed lines are a good source of oil-based omega-3 fatty acid plants. On ato study, those who have consumed omega-3 fatty acids for eight weeks had a significantly lower blood pressure than the study that took placebo.



Not only are oysters are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, but they are also loaded into zinc. In fact, in justSix average oystersThere are 77 milligrams of zinc, which went wellRecommended Diet AllowanceFor men of 11 milligrams and for women just 8 milligrams.



You can find a good source of omega-3 fats in one oz of nuts (including seven walnuts). "Over the years, several studies have been linked to nut consumption with lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Nuts, in particular, contain polyunsaturated greases, including alpha-linoleic acid," declares Holley. "This type of omega-3 fatty acid can help inflammation." Sprinkle a handle at the top of your salad for a thumb boost healthy, or keep some in a reusable container during a midday snack!

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