Laura scans and Risto Mejide - Love overcomes stereotypes
Sometimes love has no explanation, since it is a thing of two people who simply want for their own reasons.

Laura and Risto are the most famous couple in Spain, but also the most criticized by their relationship. They have been judged by various reasons, such as the fame of Risto, the alleged interest of theinfluencer In taking advantage of a mature or the great difference of age that exists between them (22 years). At first glance, the publicist could be her father, but if we look back and inquire in the relationship of both from the beginning, we can see that his goes far beyond the numbers.
Your love story breaks the rules and stereotypes.Laura scans, now famous asInstablogger, model and wife of Risto Mejide, was a young womaninfluencer 19 years before he met her famous husband. Scan had a blog in which she talked about her life, hobbies and relationships. Over time, this publication became popular and began to have followers on YouTube and Instagram. That was what ended up driving towards the love of her life.

Risto Mejide., famousShowman, Presenter, publicist and writer, was famous long before they become popular. He was known to exercise cold and hard jury in various television programs. Throughout the life of him has had three serious relationships, and the last one has changed completely.

Laura's first picture and Risto Together appeared on social networks two months after they met. In an interview, Risto revealed that his had been love at first sight. After a break, the publicist had been reconciliated with the networks, where he came up with the blog of theinfluencer. According to him, he was reading the story of the young woman until five in the morning, so he first fell in love with the texts, and then, from the author.

After several criticism, polemic appearances, statements and publications, the couple made its first trip together to Rome, where they have shared many special moments and where their daughter's name comes from.

The couple wanted to continue proclaiming their love to the four winds and announced their future wedding with a photo of the proposal in front of a theater full of people. The shared image was already a year: Risto was clear about what he felt for Laura from the beginning of his relationship.

His wedding was one of the most expected and held to the big, with 450 guests, including family, friends and co-workers. The moment most seen in the networks and the most emotional was that of the words that both were told at each other in front of the altar.

Two romantic and fun years later, Risto and Laura announced a very expected moment for his followers and admirers: pregnancy.

Nine months later came to the world a girl with blue eyes and with a romantic name. It was the most important sample of a pure love she had been able to with everything.

The family celebrated the 46th birthday of Risto united, who was grateful and surrounded by love.

Recently it was also theCompliance De Laura, 25 years old: married, dear, happy and freed by destructive reviews and opinions. She told her eternal love and her desire to navigate together forever. That the trip of this divine couple is an example for those who need it.

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