Cause No. 1 of obesity, according to science
More than 42% of Americans suffer from obesity. Here's why.

According to disease control and prevention centers, more than 42% of US adults are consideredobese. "Obesity is a serious chronic disease and the prevalence of obesity continues to increase in the United States," he explains. In fact, they even use the word "epidemic" to describe the condition that, after smoking, is the most avoidable cause of death in the country. What is exactly and what is his number one cause? Read everything you need to know about obesity-and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
What is obesity

Artur Viana, MD, Clinical Director of Health Loss and Weight Loss Program, points to the official definition of obesity: a chronic, recurrence, multifactorial disease, neurobéhavioral, in which an increase in body fat promotes dysfunction of adipose tissues and Physical forces of abnormal fat, resulting in unfavorable metabolic, biomechanical and psychosocial health consequences.
"To simplify, it's a disease that has lasted for many years (chronic), which can improve and get worse (relapse) has many different causes that can be present at the same time," says Dr. Viana. "In obesity, there is an increase in fat and fat tissue (which is a tissue involved in many important regulatory stages in metabolism) does not work as it should" ""
What happens if you are obese?

While some people think about obesity in terms of appearance, the damage caused inside the body are the ones who are most concerned. "Obesity is serious because it is associated with the poorest mental health outcomes and a reduced quality of life," explains the CDC.
Dr Viana states that health complications may include damage to the system of organs leading to different problems such as diabetes, articular diseases, gastroesophageal reflux, among others.
How can I know I'm obese?

Dr Viana reveals that there is no ideal way to diagnose obesity, but the most common way to do so is to calculate an IMC (body mass index). "This is a number obtained by dividing the weight of someone in kilos by the place of their size in meters," he explains.
A BMI of 30 or more is considered in the obese range. "However, this must be taken into account for each individual, because the BMI is not a good reflection of health and does not consider the body composition," he adds. For example, an athlete can have a BMI of more than 30 years and do not have obesity, for example, or a person may have a BMI of 31 and not really a health issue.
Here are the main contributory factors

There are many factors that contribute to obesity. "Obesity is multifactorial, which means that many factors are involved and go from genetics, lifestyle, mental health problems (such as trauma) with the side effects of drugs," said Dr. Viana .
"Behaviors may include physical activity, inactivity, dietary motifs, drug use and other exhibitions," adds the CDC. "Additional contributory factors include the environmental and physical activity environment, education and skills, as well as commercialization and promotion of food."
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What is the number one cause?

According to Dr. Viana, there is no cause n ° 1. "Specialists in obesity medicine want there to be a number one cause, as this would make treatment much easier", reveal. he. But theNih Is a little more specific, saying that the cause 1 is "eats too much and moving too little ... Excess energy will be stored by the body as a fat."
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How to prevent it

Fortunately, obesity is preventable. "The best way to prevent it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle with exercise (the recommendation is at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, 5 times a week) and a healthy diet, which Contains a minimum transformed power supply and focuses on all foods such as lean protein, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, "suggests Dr. Viana.
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What if you notice symptoms

If you are obese, you must take action immediately. "If you are fighting with the weight gain and you feel unhealthy or believe it affects you in a certain way, talk to your primary care provider and they will be able to advise you and, if necessary, provide a reference To a specialist in obesity medicine, "suggests Dr. Viana.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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