Healthy foods to eat every decade of your life

What you have eaten in your twenties is not necessarily going to cut it as you get older.

It is common for food to finally keep you strong, healthy and running to the maximum performance of your best life. But what you have eaten in your twenties, maybe not what your body needs as you hit your thirties, quarantine and fifties. Hormonal changes to bone density, things change in a decade to the next - and that put it lightly.

Learn how to feed your body properly while you get older can prevent unnecessary diseases and complications from occurring. The goal here is to live a long and happy life, which is why we have identified the food building blocks to help you grow old, a decade at a time! And if you are looking for more to turn, store it onThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


20s: Protein

High protein foods include chicken beef eggs salmon beans cheese protein powder tofu and cottage cheese

Steak chicken with tofu, protein is an essential building block. "When you're in their twenties, you still grow and often burn the candle at both ends," says Yoga Instructor and Lola Berry Nutritionist. The protein helps you go and grow. Discover ourUltimate guide for protein For everything you need to know about this favorite food.

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20s: complex carbohydrates

sliced sweet potatoes

"Research argues that adults at age 20 should create adult habits - so it is imperative to give the body all the nutrients needed for optimal health," says Lisa Avellino, Physical Condition Manager at NY Health and Wellness. "Complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, quinoa and brown rice are perfect for sustainable energy, especially in their twenties when you are super active."

RELATED:24 best healthy carbohydrates to eat weight


20s: walnuts and seeds

nuts and seeds

"The metabolic rate of a woman starts slowing between two and four percent per decade. Even if that means that you mean that you are always fit now, it's wise to think about the changes you're going to spend during your age and Start thinking about these future healthy habits now, "says Matt Riemann's personalized health expert." If you start in your 50s, it's probably too late. In addition, up to about 25, your body still builds bones; In order to keep this body of bikini and continue to build the strong bones you will need to prevent osteoporosis 40 years from now, you will want to make sure you get a lot of vitamins and healthy walnut and seed minerals . These are packaged from everything you need, vitamin A to zinc. In addition, there is a good dose of antioxidants, greases, proteins and phytonutrients. " Here is15 Nuts better than the protein powder Choose from!


20s: Calcium-rich foods

leafy greens kale spinach

You must think about your twentards as once you "invest" in your health; What you eat in your diet can now have a direct impact on the state of your health in 30 years. "Calcium-rich food will help strengthen your bones, which will help you stay active for the next 60 years," says Dr. Susan Albers, a nutrition expert and a clinical psychologist atCleveland Clinic. "Calcium-rich foods include sesame seeds, dark leafy greens, oranges, broccoli and fortified calcium foods, such as cereals and bread."


20s: Hormonal Balanced Foods


"Your skin can take a success when you are active, stay late and get out frequently," explains Albers. "Stimulating your diet with foods that balance your hormones and you are hydrated, you can make sure to shine and Prevent imperfections. "Alberts recommend foods like blueberries, yogurt, nuts and oatmeal. We also like these25 healthy foods that give you a shiny skin


20s: Liver cleans

Lemon water

We get it - your twenties are feasts and schmoozing with friends on drinks. It is once in your life that you will never forget, but do not let everything alcohol leave you with regret later. "As alcohol becomes more available, the need to take care of the liver," says Riemann. "Cleaning the liver with lemon juice, garlic and onions can go very far from keeping you healthy long-term, despite the desire to enjoy the parties." This does not give you permission to trust a so-called cleaned; here is10 signs a juice is wrong.


20s: iron

ribeye steak dinner with potatoes on wood board

"Many women in the twenties are actually a little deficient iron, especially if they have heavy periods or are pregnant. You need iron to have healthy red blood cells; without that, you can become anemic and feel tired All the time, "says Dr. Rob Silverman, DC of Ny Chirocare. "The RDA for man's iron is 8 mg, but for women, it's 18 mg. Because it's easy to overdose on the iron, get it from food like dried beans, eggs, including yellows, liver, skinny red meat, poultry, salmon, tuna, oysters, almonds, tofu and whole grains. Many popular breakfast cereals are fortified with iron. You can get about 9 mg d 'a cup of cheerios. "


30s: bone broth

bone broth soup

Your thirties are all on the test to maintain and strengthen the foundation you have asked for good health in your twenty. An option we have today that we did not know about a decade ago? BOUILLON OF OS! "The bone broth supports a healthy intestine, an immune system, a joint health and helps reduce cellulite," says Monica Amsterdam CCH, AADP, Nutrition Director at the Medical Center and Well-being of NJ. Find out what to do about your dimples with these21 best and worst foods for cellulite.


30s: Super Foods

Coconut oil cracked coconut

In thirty, family, work and brain management are pushed to the limit with everything you especially have to find a balance for everything in your life. "The superfaides are essential, especially olive oil. They are rich in polyphenols, which are powerful protective antioxidants of the brain. Coconut oil, wild salmon, blueberries, curcuma, eggs, eggs, Dandelion Greens and Nuts are simply the list of maximum performance benefits, "says Avellino.


30S: Bok Choy


"Bok Choy is low in calories, making this vegetable a weight loss winner in thirties," says Amsterdam. "It prevents blood pressure in the normal range, improves digestion, is rich in folate and constitutes an important nutrient element of pregnancy and breastfeeding." Are you or someone you know for a baby? Our new bookEat this, not that! When you wait, written by the OB / Gyn Dr. Jennifer of America Ashton, is now available. Get the pupil recommended by the doctor, trimester-by-trimester for baby and you!


30S: Antioxidants


Hall! We hate to be the wearer of bad news, but this decade is that you could start to see subtle signs of aging lines and gray hair could start crawling. "To keep this natural aging process as slow as possible, eating tons of antioxidants. Berries, tropical fruits, colorful vegetables and green leaves are part of the richest foods in antioxidants that you could catch for look and feel youth, "recommends in Riemann. And because the editors of are obsessed with nutrients, they already shot this incredible list of15 The fruits and vegetables of most antioxidants are classified! You're welcome.


30s: fat fish and eggs


The experts say that once a man strikes 30, his testosterone begins to fall by 1% each year. "So, foods capable of promoting the maintenance of balanced hormones are important," says Riemann. "Gras fish and eggs are filled with healthy greases and vitamin D, which can help strengthen your testosterone hormones."


30s: folic acid


Your thirties can be a moment when you plan to start a family and get pregnant. In this case, iron and folic acid are essential. Carol Cottrill, nutrition consultant and author, recommends low sugar fortified cereals because they offer iron and folic acid in a bowl. (For lunch, having green vegetables, which are full of folic acid and antioxidants!) As for cereals, just do not count on these20 cereals "good for you", Okay?


30s: Low grease dairy

In the end, you start losing the bone mass after 35 - it is therefore essential that you consume enough calcium. Cottrill suggests low fat choices like milk, cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese. And this cereal it suggested above for folic acid? Top with milk to get the calcium you need with that! Unable to stomach Dairy? Then reach these20 best calcium-rich foods that are not dairy.


30s: a vegetable rainbow

"Our thirties are when we start to see a decline in our metabolism, we must count it. Our stress levels also tend to be a little higher than we marry, start families and to pursue our careers, "says Darin Hulslander, CEO of DNS & Fitness Performance. "Think daily to meditation or yoga; both can help fight some of the stress-related problems, such as high cortisol levels and stress fat storage. Eat a lot of colorful vegetables so that your body can always handle this at their peak. "


30S: Vitamin E


Again, conceiving a child is something that many women in their thirties think if they have not already started a family. Vitamin E is essential for fertility in menand females. "Lawyers And pine nuts are rich in vitamin E, which is important for reproduction, "says Amsterdam." They increase masculine fertility and reduce the risk of miscarriage because they help regulate the menstrual cycle. "


40s: Fermented foods


Your quarantines are when digestive problems can begin to appear, especially if your long-standing diet has included many processed foods. A good way to fight against that of Dr. Silverman? Fermented food naturally contain beneficial bacteria for your diet. "A daily portion of Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kefir, Acidic Cornichons, Kombucha or Living Culture can help balance your intestinal bacteria," he says. "I also suggest starting a daily probiotic supplement to keep the bacteria beneficial from your intestine working well to help you digest your food. Choose a probiotic of a company that uses good manufacturing practices. The supplement should have a mixture different strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus bacteria. "


40s: natural phytoestrogens

cruciferous greens

As you reach your forties - and as long as you have not had breast cancer or another condition that would encourage you to keep your Low-Riemann estrogen levels suggesting eating more food than natural phytoestrogens ( Estrogens based on herbal) as soy and cruciferous vegetables. "They could help keep these balanced hormones as you get older."


40s: brilliant foods and vegetables

In your forties, you need antioxidants to prevent aging and promote the elasticity of the skin. According to Berry, an easy way to get them is to eat tons of colorful fruits and vegetables. And as a rule, plus fruit or vegetables, more antioxidants. So, think blueberries, strawberries, oranges, beets, peppers and more! Some of them are also on our list of18 health foods with big beauty benefits!


40S: Healthy healthy foods

"Unfortunately, people are starting to experience an exponential rising risk of heart disease at this stage of their lifetime, it is therefore important to eat foods that promote a healthy cardiovascular system," said Riemann. "Garlic, onions, leeks, curcuma, olive trees, flaxseed oil and green vegetables are among the best foods for that."


40s: whole grains


Unfortunately, weight management can become more difficult in your forties. As you get older, your metabolism slows down, portion control and dense nutritious foods become more important. You may even need to add more exercise in your calendar, especially weight training to develop muscle mass and metabolizing calories more efficiently. Cottrill recommends eating non-refined whole grains such as whole wheat, brown rice and oats to help maintain blood pressure and cholesterol. "They help me digest and make you feel fully less food," she says. "And you will enter your fifties in great shape." We recommend you search some healthy (but so easy!)Night oats.


40s: omega-3

salmon and nuts omega 3 rich foods

Huslander says this is the decade when we start to feel more inflammation of a cellular level throughout our joints. "Make sure an adequate omega-3 admission to control inflammation and keep your body playing at its peak," says Huslander. "I recommend every day 3G-5G of liquid fish oil to control that."


40s: Artichokes


"Artichokes purify and protect the liver. They also have a light diuretic effect on the kidneys, which facilitates the elimination of toxin once the liver violates," says Amsterdam. "Some studies have shown that artichokes can actually regenerate liver tissues." They are also high in fiber, which is always good for elimination. Do you know about these30 foods with more fibers than an apple?


40s: algae and sunflower seeds


The seeds of algae and sunflower have both important nutrients for your thyroid function - etc. "The algae are rich in iodine, which is important for thyroid function," says Amsterdam. "Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, folate, selenium and magnesium, which makes these delicious fantastic seeds for cardiovascular health, mental health and thyroid health." It seems good!


40s: coconut

raw coconut halves

The coconut is a multiform diet that, according to Amsterdam, can provide many essential nutrients in the quarantine. "It is rich in fiber, helps fight Candida albicans, mushroom viruses and bacteria, and coconut fatty acids can strengthen cerebral function." Worried about staying strong? Try these15 ways to train your brain!


50s: high fiber vegetables


In quarantine and fifty, the requirements of the body during the perimenopaus and menopause of women and man-pause for men require an increase in calcium-rich foods, as well as equilibrant meals of hormones. "To balance hormones, such as leptin, the diet must contain high fiber vegetables to stabilize laptin levels by making you feel longer. They will balance cortisol, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, "says Avellino. "The fiber found in cabbage cabbage, broccoli or brushes help stabilize blood glucose and insulin by slowing down digestion." Speaking of menopause, discover the25 best foods for menopause!


50s: curcuma


"Curcuma is the best food to eat at any time in your life, but especially in quarantine and fifty, because it supports an anti-inflammatory lifestyle," says Glenn Mcellfresh, Founder of "Many studies indicate inflammation could play a role in the cause and exacerbation of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer and diabetes."


50s: Zinc


"Zinc-rich foods contribute to balancing hormones," says Berry. So go for oysters, crabs, lobster and even cashew nuts. Another excellent option according to Berry? The superfood maca powder that you can easily approach in your morning smoothie creations. "


50s: Herbal proteins

"Animal protein can slow down metabolism, but protein remains an important element of health and longevity," says Riemann. "So, the decrease in animal protein and the increase of vegetable proteins can be a great way to give your body what it needs. Whole grains, lentils and beans provide some of the best sources of protein to Plant base, as well as a range of healthy nutrients. These are also filled with healthy minerals that will help keep the bones strong. "The experts behind eating this, not that! The team also determinedThe best and worst protein powders To help scolop the best plant-based protein in your morning smoothies!


50s: B-Vitamins


"You think that by your fifties, you would be in control, just try to tell your hormones!" Cottrill said. "It is at this moment that foods full of vitamins B, antioxidants, calcium and vitamin D can help level things. The junk food has been exit and healthy whole foods are in!" Good options rich in B6 and can help prevent heart disease include bananas, potatoes and grenades. Meanwhile, eggs, fish and chicken are raised in B12 and support a healthy nervous system.


50s: Eggs

boiled eggs

The eggs are low in calories and constitute a complete protein, which makes this food ideal for muscle building and maintain a healthy weight. "In addition, eggs are rich in omega-3, choline and are important for nerve function and healthy metabolism," says Amsterdam. "They are also rich in the antioxidants of lutein and zéaxanthine, which are important for the health of the eyes." Try these25 Best Egg Recipes for Weight Loss If you need to shake things beyond the scramble egg.


50s: basil

As we get older, strong bones are becoming more and more important. Vitamin K and basil are an excellent source to build your bones. Amsterdam says to sprinkle salads to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer.


50s: Brazil's walnuts


Brazil nuts are filled with vitamins and nutrients that support as many important functions as you get older. "They contain selenium, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and fiber," says Amsterdam. "This exotic nut helps support healthy cholesterol levels, which prevents blood clotting and, consequently, reduces the risk of heart attacks and blows." In addition, Brazil's nuts contain vitamin A and E, which can reduce wrinkles to increase skin collagen! No wonder they are on the list of50 best foods for women!

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: aging
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