Main recent findings on dairy that you should know

Here's what researchers have to say about the food group.

Editor's note: A previous version of this story included an individual risk calculation error of the conclusions of a detailed study below.

Milk is a polarizing food these days. Drink or do not drink? For years, research has been published who support both sides of the issue - and this year is no exception.

At the beginning of the year, Walter Willett, MD, RDPH, Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Harvard Th Chan School of Public Health, and David Ludwig, MD, PhD, Pediatric and Nutrition Professor in Harvard, published An opinion inNew England Journal ofMedication challenge the need for dairy in the human diet. Currently,American Dietary Directives Recommend that the average person has three portions of dairy per day. However,Willett describes The basis of the country of calcium recommendations as "fundamentally defective". (In touch:15 classical American desserts that deserve a return)

Another examination Posted this year inNutrition Reviews By Elizabeth Jacobs, PhD, Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Nutritional Sciences from Arizona University Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health in Tucson, Argumentthat dairy should not even be considered as a separate food group on food guidelines. Instead, the review suggested that dairy products be included in theProtein category As an option, people can choose to eat to meet their daily protein needs.

However, none of the criticisms suggested that dairy products were harmful to overall health. In fact, Jacobs pointed out that people naturally moved away from milk consumption and gravitated towardsAlternatives of milk. Willettalso mentioned that dairy farming was particularly harsh on the environment - and something that could exacerberclimate change even more.

At the same time, another study published this year indicated that dairy could potentially cause adverse health outcomes.The study, which was commissioned by the National Institute of Cancer of National Institutes of Health and the Global Fund for Cancer Research, revealed that women who drankBetween two and three cups of cow's milk every day increased theirindividual risk breast cancer up to 80% In comparison with women who drank soy milk. The average risk that a woman has to develop breast cancer is about 12%. According to this study, if it had to drink 16 to 24 ounces of milk a day,Its risk could increase by 12% to 21.6%. (In touch:What happens to your body when you can not have dairy)

However, other research this year have encouraged dairy consumption for its provision of vital nutrients and health benefits. More recently,A funded study by the National Dairy Council published in theAmerican College of Nutrition Journalfound that consuming dairy foods such as milk,cheese, yoghurt and milk proteincould actually have beneficial effects on beneficial effects oninflammation. Chris Cifelli, Ph.D., VP of nutrition research at the National Dairy Council and one of the authors of the study, added that milk offered nine essential nutrients, includingVitamin D and potassium.

Our thoughts? There is no answer just or false. As is the case with most foods, it is largely the personal choice. Ask yourself these questions: how do you feel when you eat dairy products? And how do you think negatively or positively do the body?

For more, read5 warning signs that you drink too much milk.

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