Surprising side effects of taking vitamin C supplements, declares science

People take vitamin C supplements for various reasons, and here's what can actually get to your body by doing so.

Vitamin C is one of the mostPopular America supplements, with surveys showing anywhere between28 and34.5% of the population would have consumed regularly. The soluble vitamin in the water is a powerful antioxidant that acts asConstruction block for collagen, help with the healing of wounds and also plays a role inimmune function. Since the beginning of COVID, even more people have revealed vitamin C supplements due to the link of vitamin to immune support.

Take vitamin C supplements can help some health problems; However, some adverse reactions can occur when you take too much vitamin C in the form of supplement (as opposed to eatingFoods rich in vitamin C)

How many vitamin C should you take?The recommended food allowance (GDR) for vitamin C is75 milligrams and 90 milligrams Per day for women and men aged 19 and over, respectively. The upper limit tolerable for men and women is 2,000 milligrams a day. If you take more than that, discuss with your doctor or dietitian.

Read to discover 6 side effects that can occur when taking vitamin C supplements and healthier advice, make sure you check out our list of the list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

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Gastrointestinal problems

vitamin c supplements

The most common complaint when taking vitamin C supplements isGastrointestinal problems. These include everything from diarrhea to nausea with abdominal cramps. If you notice that the supplement concerns you in this way, consult your doctor or dietitian.

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Kidney stones

supplements and vitamins

Some research shows that vitamin C plays a role in the development of renal calculations. However, the results are contradictory.Research Showing that people who take vitamin C supplements with a pre-existing condition called hyperoxaluria, a condition that occurs when there is too much oxalate in the urine, can develop kidney stones. However, this may not be a concern if you do not have these health problems.


Iron overload


Vitamin C helps to absorb non-hemic iron, which is theIroning plant like dark leafy green vegetables. In healthy adults, it does not seem to be a problem (in fact, it's actually an advantage - especially for non-vilian eaters who get their iron from plants); However, in people with a condition called hemochromatosis, which leads to the body that stores too much iron, large amounts of vitamin C of supplements can aggravate iron overload and damage the body.


Shorter time experimenting with a cold

woman taking a multivitamin

Studies show That the intake of vitamin C supplements can help shorten the duration of colds and can also help reduce some of the symptoms.

Read more:17 magical foods that relieve the symptoms of the cold


Dental erosion

Vitamin C on wooden table

If you take a lot of vitamin C chewable tablets, you may encounter a dental erosion of the enamel. Dental erosion may occur when teeth are exposed to an agent such as vitamin C frequently and for a long time, and this may result in teeth damage.



vitamin c

Take too much vitamin C as a supplement can affect your sleep.Studies Show that unwanted side effects of vitamin C supplements are headaches, fatigue, drowsiness and even insomnia.

If you have trouble sleeping, check these5 best absolute food to eat for better sleep.

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