Put spinach in your smoothie can help prevent heart disease

Researchers have discovered that healthy antioxidant hard health is best absorbed in this style.

Everyone knows Popeye credited to eat spinach for her upper strength. He has often sung "I am strong in Finish 'because I eat spinach. "It was because, at the time, Americans believed that spinach contained a height of 35 grams of iron. Well, only about 3.5 grams in just under one1/2 cup of cooked spinach-Which one isaround 20% of the recommended daily intake.

He knew that spinach also contain a multitude of other vitamins and minerals that help maintain good health. One of these examples is antioxidant lutein, which makes spinach a healthy food food. In a2017 studyResearchers at Linköping University have discovered that Lutein played a role in decreasinginflammation When they looked at the immune cells of patients with coronary artery disease. It was an important conclusion because many people living with cardiac disease endure chronic inflammation, which increases the risk of a heart attack.

A new one, a beginner2018 study At the University of Linköping (conducted by almost all the same researchers as the 2017 study) took these results further and found that the best way for the body to absorb the most lutein of spinach was when it was cut into a smoothie. Why? Because it was in the presence of the grease of the dairy products of the smoothie (think of yoghurt or milk).

Now, take the reduction of lutein and learn how to optimize its healthy health benefits.

What is lutein and what foods is it?

Lutein is classified as antioxidant and hascarotenoid vitamin. It is a natural pigment, soluble in fats and high levels there are particularly important in black green vegetables, such as spinach.

In this previous study of 2017, scientists have discovered that lutein can be stored in immune cells, which means that the body can keep it for a long time. The researchers then led the new study to see if it was possible to increase the levels of lutein in the blood by increasing the contribution of it through rich natural foods in the substance.

How did the researchers conduct this new study?

For thatrecent studyThe researchers wanted to see how prevailing the lutein in a leafy green vegetable that was eaten in a raw form compared to that of cooking. They chose spinach because of its high lutein content and because it is also one of the most commonly consumed leafy greens. The final objective was how spinach should be eaten so that the most lutein can be absorbed, it is raw or cooked.

To do this, the researchers compared several ways to prepare the vegetable. They have boiled spinach, steamed and fries for an hour and a half and, in the process, measured the lutein levels the vegetable chosen at different times. They then compared these levels with those of spinach while in its gross state.

What did they discover?

In short, heat severely decreased the amount of lutein naturally found in spinach. For example, plus spinach have been boiled, less lutein is preserved. An important part of lutein in spinach has also deteriorated after spending only two minutes on a high heat pan.

What is the best way to eat spinach for maximum benefits for cardiac health?

The best way is to eat raw spinach and in the presence ofhealthy fats. Remember that lutein is a soluble vitamin in the fats, which means it is preferable absorbed by the body when consumed in combination with fat.

In the study, Postdoc Rosanna Chung and the main author of the article said: "The best is not to heat the spinach at all. And even better is to make a smoothie and add grease dairy products, such as cream, milk or yogurt. When spinach are cut into small pieces, more lutein is released from leaves and grease increases the solubility of lutein in the fluid. "

Now, who wants to break theblender and start whipping a healthy heartGreen Smoothie?

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