4 new most exciting chicken sandwiches that everyone is trying right now

There are still surprises to have in the world of chicken sandwiches.

Is thechicken sandwich Fatigue An Oxymoron or Real Real? We all have our own feelings on the last fast engraver. And while we have been regularly bombed byNew offers In the chicken arena for over two years now, some of the most recently launched articles are still meriting more closely.

For example, whileBurger King Is great late in the chicken party, the rumor has launched one of the best chicken sandwiches in the game.Taco BellOn the other hand, still refuses to play with the rules and put a bun on it - its last added menu is a favorite "nude" back "Naked". Some other smaller players have launched new chicken sandwiches that have exceeded expectations in flavor and popularity.

Here are the last and the greatest additions to theChicken sandwich wars that everyone claimed to try. And for more, discoverWe tried the new most popular fast burgers and it's the best.


Chicken Sandwich Hardee Bread and Carl Carl

carls jr chicken sandwich
Courtesy of Carls JR and huredes

Both brands are familiar with hand-breaded chicken. Their chicken tenders, which were launched 10 years ago, constitute an important element on the menu. Sister channels took their expertise in the chicken technology and applied it to a trio of new articles, including a hand-made chicken sandwich, which was launched on May 17. At a glance, the new article looks like a clone of each chicken sandwich currently on the market, the potato bun, pickles, Mayo and all.

But according tothis criticism of fast foodIt's a surprisingly strong competitor for first place in chicken sandwich wars. "The first bite me knocked me silently: succulent, tasty, and, despite the fact that I had done it, crunchy that he sounded in my ears," she wrote in his opinionThe Takeout. Could this be the dark horse we had not seen coming?

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Burger King's spicy ch'King

burger king spicy hand breaded chicken sandwich
Drops of day / YouTube

This long-awaited sandwich is officiallyride through the country On June 3, he will come in two versions: Regular and Spicy. Burger King played improvements to their existing chicken sandwich since 2019 and started testing this new version in some stores.many months ago. Whilemore agreement That the regular version is rather non-specific, some say that the spruce sandwich is better than those of Chick-Fil-A and McDonald's.

Spicy ch'king comes with a sweet and spicy sauce covered with crispy chicken fillet and has been described as "near perfection" and "a colossal success"by fast food reviews.


Taco Bell bare chicken trampa

taco bell naked chicken chalupa
Courtesy of Taco Bell

Taco Bell wants to be different, then Bun Begone! ChainTurn off the bare chicken trampa Is not exactly a chicken sandwich, but it's one of the most interesting items currently on the Fast Food Chicken Stage.

First introduced in 2017, the article was so popular the first time around that, he generated a new fried chicken era in Taco Bell. With its crisp chicken piece used as a shell for all fills, it is not surprising that the naked trawl was called the chain"The most controversial trawling ever." But can its existence without boss be compared to a sandwich? The jury is always outside!


Smashburger Burning Chicken Sandwich

smashburger chicken sandwich
Graceful of Smashburger

This spicy sandwich wasLaunched in April and at the beginning of May, dozens of smashburger werealready exhausted their supplies. In reality, it would not be surprising that Scorchin 'Hot Wast's edge menus left as soon as its scheduled date on 15 June departure date. In just over two weeks after its launch, the new element had become the second most popular menus offer in Smashburger, a confirmed spokesman

This baby is made with Nashville crispy chicken, from mayo spicy red pepper and pickles - and is said to put tasty taste buds on fire!

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