What happens to your body when you eat almond butter

Is it as healthy as a claim? We asked the experts.

Delicious, easy and addictive,almond butter is a staple in the pantry of each health nut. In a portion of two tablespoons, you receive 7 grams of protein and 16 grams of fat, making it a balanced nutrient snack or an addition to a meal. However, it also has 190 calories per serving, so it is better to stick to two tablespoons a day. But be sure to follow the routine since to reap the benefits listed below, you must have five or more portions a week, according to an authorized nutritionist and a celebrity leader,Serena Poon. Here's what happens to your body when you regularly eat almond butter. And for even healthier tips, make sure to consult our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You protect your cells, brains and skin.

Almond butter jar knife

Yes, you read it correctly: the almond butter wonders for several functions and parts of your body. As explains Poon, because this goody hazel is a reliable source ofantioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids, this is one of the best ways to support your overall health.

"Antioxidants help protect your cells from damaged free radicals caused by dietary or environmental factors," says Poon. "Almonds are particularly high in vitamin E, which, in addition to an effective antioxidant, also supports a healthy vision, a brain, blood and skin health. Adding almond butter to a rich diet Vegetables and fruits will strengthen your antioxidant intake. "

here isWhy do you need antioxidants in your diet and how to eat more of them.


Your pans of hunger leave.

almond butter jar with spoon

We all went there: you are not ready for dinner, but you come from lunch and you feel hungry. Rather than reaching a coffee drink filled with sugar or a good cake, eating almond butter to tame your hanger, according toKeith-Thomas Ayoob, Edd, Rd, Fand, Associate Clinical Professor Emeritus at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. As he points out,research has shown that having as little as an ounce of almonds (equivalent to two tablespoons of almond butter) for a snack seems to produce feelings of satiety.

RELATED: Cacahuet butter vs Almond butter: What is healthier for you?


You can support weight loss ...

almond butter

If you hope to drop a few books, but you have trouble finding the right kind of snacks to keep you on the right track,almonds Or the almond butter could be the answer since it is healthy and it is fulfilling.

"The use of an almond butter like a mid-morning snack and in the middle of the afternoon is a great way to prevent you from staying in an advanced way on packaged or processed foods," says Poon .

here isWhat happens to your body when you eat almonds every day.


... but you could also gain weight.

almond butter toast

Before starting stacking almond butter and eating it without stopping, proceed with caution. Although he has a lot of advantages,Too much of a good thing is always a bad thing. Especially sincewalnut butter are raised in calories but tasted delicious, it's easy to get started.

"It can lead to weight gain if it becomes a regular habit. Consume a lot of omega-6, which can promote inflammation, can also hinder metabolic health, which can potentially make weight loss more difficult , declares Dr. Josh AX, DNM, CNS, the founder ofAntique nutrition.


You get a boost of healthy greases.

almond butter apples

Although fat uses to have a negative reputation, these days, it is a party welcomed many health plan regimes. The key is to get the right type of grease or officially known asmoinsaturated fat. When our meals have this type of fat, the poon says that we reduce our risk of cardiovascular conditions, manageinflammationand other advantages.

"If you eat 2,000 calories a day, you will definitely fill your 44 to 78 grams of grease recommended with primary monounsaturated and polyunsature fat," she says.

And fortunately, a portion of almond butter has 16 grams!


Your body retains this good HDL cholesterol.

almond butter jar

Almonds and almond butter have been shown to help reduce the totalcholesterol, and it's good. However, Ayoob says you really do not wantLower the LDL-cholesterol Because it's the form of cholesterol that causes plaque accumulation in the arteries. "

Unlike other foods that help reduce cholesterol, almonds seem to preserve good HDL cholesterol and reduce bad LDLS, "says Ayoob. It's a winning victory.


You support your microbiome.

almond butter spoon

Ourdigestive system and specifically ourGUT Microbiome Contributes to our health massively, including our immunity to the disease. As explains Poon, almond butter is a good source of fiber, with about 1.5 grams per serving.

"The fiber supports a healthy digestive system, which delay the appearance of hunger and allowing things to move effectively from your body," says Poon.

In addition, if you eat almond butter, it provides your body with prebiotics . Prebiotics are a type of fiber that combines probiotics and supports a healthy and balanced microbiome. And no, Probiotics and prebiotics are not the same thing .

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Health Tips / Nuts / tips
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