This simple diet modifies durable weight fuels, says expert

A wellness researcher shares how to lose unhealthy kilos - and keep them.

Losing weight is sitting at the top of New Year's resolutions, no matter the year. And although there are many (many!) Different ways to lose unwanted and unhealthy books, few of them are long-term sustainable.

But I know a method that will help youhangar webs And keep it crawling. And there is a very good luck that you have not tried before.

When I did some research for thenutrition program I have developed, I was stunned to learn that a simple diet can make a huge difference when it comes to energy levels, the quality of sleep, the health of the skin and the Weight loss: eliminating added sugars. (In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.)

So, what is an added sugar?

Added sugars are sugars that are added to food and beverages when treated or prepared. (Natural sugars, on the other hand, are those you will find in dairy fruits and products).

The American Heart Association recommends that men do not consume more than 150 calories in sugars added daily and women 100. But most of us ate more than twice this amount - every day!

Studies show What to eat as much sugar significantly raises your risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Beyond that, on the consumption of sugarCan wreak havoc on your mental health.

The brothers and sisters diabolic sugars added

To unmask the real guilty behind excess weight and poor health, I need to mention two related nutritional enemies: refined carbohydrates and artificial sweeteners.

Refined carbohydrates (also known as simple carbohydrates) are processed foods that have been stripped of nutrients. For example, to make white bread, the manufacturers remove the outer coating with a core of wheat (known as sound) and germ - good things. Only interior endosperm is crushed in flour. Refined carbohydrates can sting blood glucose and accelerate hunger pains, resulting in weight gain, then gap in healthcomplex carbohydrates.

Artificial sweeteners, which generally enter bright color packets, are considered the healthier alternative to sugar, but they have a laundry list of potential health problems, including weight gain. Yes, this soda diet you think helping to stay slim can make you bigger.

How to find sugars to count and cut

Food manufacturers use technology to produce inexpensive but irresistibly appetizing food. Scientists Engineer These products must have the right amount of sweetness to make you believe more ... and more ... and then skip it in almost everything we eat-bread, yogurt, vinaigrette, pasta sauce, butter of Peanut, pizza and tons of others things bordering supermarket shelves.

InFree Sugar 3I'm telling you exactly how to read a list of labels and nutrition ingredients so that you can identify sugar skins. There are more than 60 aliases for sugar, so you need to know what you are looking for. Here is a tip to help you start: Return to the food package and look for nutritional facts. Under "Total Carbohydrates", you can see another line that says "added sugars". You want "0. 0." All food manufacturers should not list the added sugars seamlessly, but thanks to new labeling laws, finally, they will have to be clean.

For 9 other ways to maximize weight loss, readThis for the moment.

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