The only thing you need to know before eating remains
Meal preparing for the week? Save the remains of dinner for later? Keep them in mind before eating the same meal again.

It is certain that the good to have a giantmeal meal Session in your kitchen on a Sunday. You fill in your refrigerator with all kinds of nutritious foods, which facilitates food consumption throughout the week. But we could not stop us from asking: if you prepare the same meals to eatleft over, Is it bad for your body not to get the nutritional benefits of other foods by eating remnants after day?
In order to determine if eating the same meal twice (or every day of the week) is healthy for you, we spoke with two dietitians enrolled in this regard. In short:If the quality of your meal is good, eat the same thing every day is fine. But when you sit down and plan your meals every week, it's your chance to write in a nutrition variety to your diet.
Nutritionists say that eating the same meal returns again, depending on what is there.
"You can get a healthy power plan by eating the same thing every day if your pre-prepared or prepared meals offer a variety of nutrients," says Toby Smithson, MS, RDN, CDE, founder ofDiabetized and author ofPlanning meals of diabetes and nutrition for dummies. "Remember to follow a balanced plate method - half of your plate with vegetables, a quarter with protein and a quarter with carbohydrates."
Although this particular formula works well for easy preparation of meals, the types of food that fill your plate is also compatible.Vanessa Rissetto MS, RD, CDN and co-founder ofCulina Healthsays that the consumption of red meat several days in a row is not the best solution for your health.
"If you made a dish with alean protein (such as the chicken or Turkey on the ground), sweet potatoes and non-starchy vegetables, it is absolutely good to eat two days in a row, "says Rissetto." If you did something with the Red meat, and a little fate saturated, you may want to save it for another day or offer it to someone else in your home. "
Rissetto says that vegetables, lean proteins, andstarch (Portized correctly) are perfect for eating several days in a row. However, if you make a decadent dish that is heavier insaturated fat, be aware of the frequency you eat it.
"If it's something you know you should not have several days in a row, try only to do enough for a day," says Risetto. "I think things like cream-based pasta dishes or higher fuel dishes, more fat. Try to make enough enough for a meal."
Prepare a variety of food week after week.
Smithson and Rissetto say that the same meal is perfectly fine again, with the warning of what is actually on your plate. However, when it comes to watching your meals on a weekly basis, the two nutritionists recommend to change it from time to time.
"You want to eat a wide variety of food products," says Rissetto. "Think about what different foods have different nutrients. If you eat the same food every day, you get all the same nutrients every day and you miss others."
"For a simple way to add more variety (taste and nutrition), you can easily exchange fruits and vegetables every day of your plate."Said Smithson." To be honest, as a registered dietitian, I mainly eat the same breakfast and lunch every day, exchange fruits and vegetables with the season. "
What does it look like in terms of meal preparation?
"I totally understand that it is sometimes easy to do the same lunches for the week," says Rissetto. "It's cool, but if it's your method, make sure you change the week on weekdays. If you make Turkish sandwiches on the whole wheat with carrot and clementine sticks this week, the week Next, a chicken salad and vegetable pasta served on a spinach bed, with cherries on the side. "
When it comes to choosing which meals have, Risetto's decisions start when she writes her grocery list for the week. It will evaluate what it had in the previous weeks and will choose different types of foods that it has not had been for a while.
"Include at least one different veggie (which means you did not get last week or the previous week-think aubergine, zucchini, asparagus, peppers, rocket instead of spinach), a different fruit (Cherries instead of grapes, fisheries, fisheries. Apples), a different protein (chopped turkey In place of chicken,Salmon Instead of cod), and a different grain / carbohydrate option (Farro instead of brown rice, bean-based pasta instead of regular pasta), "says Rissetto." It's a great way to integrate Different nutrients in your diet without having to put too much thought about that. "
Smithson also stated that your food choices between meals can also be additional nutrient opportunities in your diet. She recommends walnut trees like one of them because A study shows How? 'Or' What nuts (like almonds) can increase global nutrition.
"Nutrition is essential to maintain energy levels and feel your best absolute," says Smithson.
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