Side effects of giving up ice cream, according to science

This classic summer treatment makes much more to your body than you think.

I scream, you shout, we ... can not all scream for ice cream.Ice cream can be a deliciousdessert jump during the hottest months but for those looking to cut theiradded sugar The intake, abandoning ice cream may seem an easy solution.

And yet, although it may seem like if there would be positive side effects to abandon this popular dessert, surprising, ice cream can provide your body nutrients that you may not have done. as you lick on a cone under the sun.

Anyway, whatever the case, or a reduction of your sugar, either of your dairy, here are some of the side effects you live if you give up ice cream in the future. And for more restoration tips, be sure to read our list of the list of100 instantaneous food on the planet.


You will consume less added sugar.

ice cream

In general, if you decide to cut a dessert out of your regular diet, you will see a decrease in your global added sugar. According toDisease and Prevention Control Center (CDC)Having too much sugars added in your diet can contribute to weight gain and obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Added sugars can come from all kinds ofTransformed forms of sugar Including sucrose, dextrose, table sugar, syrups, honey and sugars of fruit juice or concentrated vegetables.

TheUSDA Diet Guidelines for Americans Recommend your added sugar intake only compensate for less than 10% of your total calories each day. TheAmerican Heart Association (AHA) Says you should keep your sugar consumption added to no more than 9 teaspoons for men (36 grams) and 6 teaspoons of women for women (25 grams).

Although it is good to have a dessert once in a blue moon, if you are rushing another type of dessert, you prefer to enjoy, give up ice cream and stick to this dessert you like is a Excellent way to reduce your added sugars and avoid increased risk in chronic diseases.

here isWhat to eat sugars added to your body.


Your cardiac health will improve.


In particular, abandoning ice cream can result in a reduced risk ofcardiovascular illnesses later in life. Whether ice cream or another type of dessert, AHA indicates that too added sugar - which probably comes from processed foods - is bound to a much higher risk of dying of heart disease. AHA highlights a specific study published in 2014 byJAMA internal medicine This shows the repercussions of a high sugar diet, which has shown that anyone consumed 17% to 21% of their total calories that added sugar has a higher risk of dying of heart disease.

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You will sleep better.

Sad woman eating ice cream

According toJohn Hopkins Medicine, Foods rich in fat can actuallydisrupt your sleep. When you consume these foods, your body feels a decrease in the sensitivity to the cerebral chemical called Orexin, which contributes to regular the sleep clock of your body.

Since this popular end-of-evening snack is usually a tasty treat before going to bed, giving ice cream (or other high-sea foods of the night), you will probably live a better global sleep.

here are the40 best and worst foods to eat before sleeping.


You will lose a source of calcium.

ice cream

Although there are positive advantages on the abandonment of ice cream, there is also a negative advantage to consider. Although most ice creams can be raised in bold and sugar (unless you appreciate one of theseBest ice cream brands with food), ice cream is also a dairy product. Dairy products are well known to provide your body with good nutrients such as protein andcalcium, which is good for the fullness and overall health of your body. Compared to other desserts, ice cream is a smart way to enter more these nutrients when you enjoy tasty treatment.

If you plan to give up the ice, be sure to evaluate other ways to make calcium in your diet. here isThe 20 best calcium-rich foods that are not dairy.


Your stomach can feel better.

middle aged woman sitting on bed with stomach pain
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Everyone does not cry ice. In fact, anyone has aLactose intolerance Strain probably cleared from ice cream in general, given how their stomach feels by encouraging it.

Even if you do not have an absolutely lactose intolerance allergy that has been diagnosed, it is actually common to have problems with lactose later in life. According toMAYO Clinic, lactose intolerance can develop at any time of life. All this is due to sugar found in dairy products called lactose, which can be more difficult to digest for some people as time goes on time.

While giving up ice cream can help discomfort in your stomach, if you think it's something you meet, you should always talk to your doctor and discuss future solutions - and see if there is a potential intolerance Lactose, you must be aware of. here is 9 signs of lactose intolerance that you should never ignore .

Categories: Healthy Eating
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