Side effects of abandoning dairy, according to science

If you encounter one of these symptoms, you may have developed intolerance.

Many years ago, I decided to give theDiet A try. In summary, this food elimination plan challenges you to cut gluten, dairy, alcohol, refined sugars / added sugars and legumes for you guess-thirty days. The goal is to slowly reintroduce these food groups into your diet to see how your body reacts, hopefully, alert you to the sensitivities. For me, it was a changing experience for life because I quickly understood that I waslactose intolerant. Since then, I have never consume dairy products, apart from unexpected treats for a special occasion. I have known many advantages - and some disadvantages - to give up dairy, which is worth considering before choosing in this diet plan.

Although my experience with dairy is specifically addressed to my body, nothing denies that everyone's bodies are different. However, if you also experience one of the following side effects of the abandonment of dairy products, it may be time to talk to a doctor and limit these foods for good. Here are some side effects to search, and for even healthier food tips, be sure to read on our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


This could help you slow down inflammation.

shredded cheddar cheese

Although many people call a diet without "anti-inflammatory" dairy products, but it is not 100% true.It all depends on your unique body, so if you are sensitive or allergic to dairy, dairy could be an inflammatory food, but if you are not, you will notice little difference, saysSerena Poon, Head of Celebrity and Nutritionist.

As she explains, the Food and Drug Administration estimates that milk was one of the first eight allergens in the United States. So even if you are not sure if your dairy consumption causes inflammation, this is possible.

Why does this intend? "Chronic inflammation in the body is like getting into constant stress. Although a little stress can be correct for a short duration, a prolonged systemic stress has been shown to an illness," she explains.

If you suspect that you have too much cheese, yoghurt and ice cream, try to pause and see how your system responds. "If you feel more energized, less swollen and you have a feeling of improved well-being, you may want to consider giving off dairy," she says.

This could also be helpful to experiment with dairy types because some people have less reaction to fermented dairy (yogurt or kefir) and goat's milk or sheep. here is9 signs of lactose intolerance, you should never ignore. And as always, if you suspect something, make sure you talk to your doctor.


You can feel less bloating.

Dairy products like pitcher milk container yogurt cheese on tablecloth

Cheese lovers know the fight to enjoy a cheese plate carefully manufactured at the beginning of the party, then passing the rest of the night trying to suck their belly. One of the reasons that cheese can cause bloating is its dairy content and the way we digest it, explains Dr. Josh AX, D.N.M., C.N.S, D.C., Author and the founder ofAntique nutrition. "The bloating, which are caused by excessive gas in the intestines, occur when proteins, sugars and carbohydrates can not be decomposed correctly," he continues.

For those who have trouble digesting dairy foods, eliminating them from their diet can helpreduce General swelling and overall.

To feel bloated? here is25 tips on how to reduce bloating in less than 24 hours.


You may encounter improved digestion.

Plain yogurt

Believe it or not, Poon says that many people find it difficult to digest the milk proteinlactose. In fact, it is estimated that68% Among people around the world, the experience of lactose malabsorption, which is the precursor of lactose intolerance.

"If you are part of the population that can not digest the milk well, you can encounter bloating, gas or diarrhea when you eat dairy products," says Poon.

Poon says to give up dairy for a week, then gradually add food to your diet to test it yourself.

"Take note of what you feel. If you feel inflated, slow or have an embarrassment in your digestive system when you eat dairy products, a passage to a non-dairy diet could be a great option to support your health," says -she.

Related:What is the difference between lactose-free and without dairy products?


You could meet a clearer skin.

cheese board

Dr. AX says that the research suggests that dairy consumption can lead toincreasing acne and thrusts. It is partly because conventional milk milk products, cheeses, butter, etc. contain anabolic steroids and growth hormones that can cause acne. When youdrop off dairyFor a few weeks, see how your pores answer. If you notice less skin rashes along your cheeks and hints, it's an essential sign that you may have been allergic.


You can meet calcium or vitamin D shortcomings.


Since dairy is a group of essential foods, the complete reduction could result in gaps. More specifically: calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is our bones and teeth and is beneficial for our vascular, nervous, muscular and hormonal vitality. On the other hand, vitamin D supports healthy bone growth, reduces inflammation, helps our immune system and supports glucose metabolism, explains the bron.

To make sure you receive what your body needs, the poon says to eat foods rich in calcium, including tofu, curly cabbage, spinach and broccoli.

"Since your body does not generate vitamin D, it is important to complement your diet with this essential vitamin. A vitamin D deficiency can be very dangerous, but there are many other foods like fatty fish or egg yolks, supplements, etc. Vitamin D sources, "she adds.

Dairy is also an easy source of protein in most American meal plans. If you decide to cut off your diet, make sure to stimulate yourprotein socket in other areas of your diet.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Dairy / Health Tips / tips
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