13 best breakfast ideas with peanut butter

Get your cacahuet butter hotfix in the morning with these smart meals!

What can not peanut butter do? Above being incredibly delicious,Peanut Butter Can stimulate your meal with all kinds of nutrients to start your day! It is full of fat and healthy protein, which help you feel full after a meal. It is low in sugar and sodium but dense in micronutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin B3, magnesium and copper.Between all the nutritional benefits - and the fact that it is tasty - it's probably one of the best foods to launch your day! This list of peanut butter breakfast ideas is an easy way to start.

A note on peanut butter: find one that is not responsible foradded sugar andPalm oil! Instead, find a peanut butter that will really benefit you, likeOnce again, organic creamy peanut butter,Fix & Fogg, or one of those othersTop brands with peanut butter. Once you have your favorite peanut butter in hand, here are some peanut butter breakfast ideas that will be excited to get out of bed!

Are you a dessert lover? here is15 classical American desserts that deserve a return.


Mix it in your oatmeal.

Oatmeal with peanut butter and banana recipe
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

For a great grease and healthy protein look, mix in a spoon of peanut butter in your oat bowl, as we did for thatBanana oat recipe with peanut butter. Garnish with bananas and additional nuts, even chia seeds, in order to actually the nutritional content of your bowl.


Or night oats!

overnight oats finished with a spoon of oats on the marble counter
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

The peanut butter will make your night oats even more creamy! Mix a tablespoon of peanut butter with 1/2 oatmeal and 1/2 cup of almond milk. Throw in certain seeds of Chia for an additional boost offiber-As we did in thisNight oat recipe with peanut butter.


Mix it in a smoothie.

raspberry cashew butter cottage cheese smoothie garnished with raspberries
Carlene Thomas / Eat this, not that!

Between creamosity and pregnancy in peanut butter, it makes a great additive in smoothies. Especially if you mix with berries! Or if you need a recipe, write the cashew butter with peanut butter in thisPB & J Smoothie.


Make a sandwich at breakfast.

The low-calorie elvis
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Maybe not an egg sandwich, but peanut butter is fine with bananas (and bacon, thank you elvis!), So why not do it for breakfast? Here's how to doThe Elvis Sandwich With creamy peanut butter and we are not kidding, salted bacon.


Top on the pancakes.

protein pancakes with peanut butter and blackberries on a white plate
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

No maple syrup? No problem! The peanut butter is an excellent trim on pancakes - especially due to its high protein content and low sugar content. Get our recipe forProtein pancakes And garnish with peanut butter!


Mix it with yoghurt.

Nut butter in smoothie bowl

PlainGreek yogurt Is the most appetizing thing to eat alone - but mix with peanut butter certainly contributes! He gives this Greek yogurt touch the sweetness he needs. Top with fresh fruit andgranola For a delicious morning yogurt in the perfect.


Make granola with her.

blueberry yogurt granola

Speaking of Granola, did you know that you can use peanut butter to do it? The peanut butter helps oats stay together when cooking. Give him a try with thatRecipe of granola with peanut butter.


Tips in pancakes.

crepes suzette

While we love thatNutella house crepe recipeWe also like to blue a little peanut butter. It's like a decadent dessert, but it's still considered breakfast!


Make a gourmet pb & j.

peanut butter sandwiches

The peanut butter and jelly do not have to be a food for lunch, you know. You can always make a fantasy peanut butter and a jelly toast in the morning with some special ingredients! At the top with your favorite jam or jelly, fresh fruit, and even crunchy nuts or chia seeds for a filling breakfast. Or try one of themRecipes of peanut butter and jelly!


Cook the biscuits-lunches.

peanut butter oatmeal breakfast cookies
Courtesy back to the Book Nutrition

Cookies? For breakfast? Absoutely! These cookies get a thumb of protein thanks to peanut butter and eggs. Made of oats, these cookies are naturally gluten free and paid a good with a cup of coffee. Try this breakfast cake recipe with peanut butterBack to the Nutrition Book.


Drizzle on the pudding chia.

chocolate peanut butter chia pudding
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

If you make a simpleChia Seed Pudding Or mix with chocolate, peanut butter is a great garnish to add! This gives Chia Pudding an additional blow of protein and flavors.


Enjoy with an apple or banana!

apples peanut butter

The peanut butter and the toast are an easy ride in the morning, but you can always exchange this slice of bread with an apple or a banana! It will satisfy any sweet desire you have in the morning and fill you quickly.


Cook in muffins.

peanut butter banana muffins
Courtesy of the dependence on the cooking of Sally

If bananas can go in muffins, why can not it peanut butter? The peanut butter really improves the flavor of the muffin and increases the protein content without having to add protein powder. You can even get the best of both worlds trying this banana muffine recipe with peanut butter of The dependence on the cooking of Sally .

For even smarter ways to use peanut butter, here's 11 hacks of cacahuet butter genius that you never thought of .

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