Dangerous side effects to go on a regime, according to science

If you are too aggressive to lose weight, your body can suffer the consequences.

Choose to make a diet is not a 100% healthy company. After all, if you cut out somenutritious foods Wherewhole food groups, considerably limiting your calorie consumption overall, fasting for extended periods of time, or you sign up for aFAD type program This promises extreme results in brief order, there is a good chance that you really ship on a path that your body can not actually respond favorably to. If you try theCetogenic regime or intermittent fast, passing from low glucidity orlow fatThere are below some common side effects to go on a too strict diet diet you should be aware. And for healthier weight loss tips, do not miss this list ofSneaky weight loss towers that work totally, according to experts.


You can feel sick.

Sick woman sitting on couch wrapped in blanket

If you are consideringintermittent fast, in which you limit your food consumption for long sections at certain days of the week, you would be wise to consider some of the consequences. "Depending on the duration of the fasting period," writes health experts toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, "People can feel headaches, lethargy, wick and constipation. To decrease some of these unwanted side effects, you may want to go from an alternative fast to a periodic fast or a plan Restricted amount of time that allows you to eat every day in a period of time. "

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You will feel tired.

tired man

A simple fact: If you eat less food (also known as fuel), your body will have less energy to burn and you will eventually feel lazy. A study, published in theAnnals of internal medicine, I found that the carbohydrate cutting of your diet was associated with a greater risk of fatigue. Another study, which has focused entirely on the cetogenic regime and has been published in theNewspaper of the American Dieetic Association, noted that "poor carbohydrate regimes strengthen fatigability and can reduce the desire to exercise free individuals".

Cutting carbohydrates completely from your diet is only your path to reduce energy levels. Other studies have related regimes that limit nutrients such asVitamin B12,madness, andiron With fatigue, as well as anemia. For more weight loss tips, make sure you are aware of the12 foods that lead the weight loss of all, say experts.


You will slow down your metabolism.

scale measuring tape

A now famous study published in the newspaperObesity This analyzed the weight loss efforts of NBC's very popular series candidatesThe biggest loser, which has been conducted by researchers to national health institutes, has found that people who go on an extreme accident plan hinder their metabolism so deeply than they have never completely recovered. The main reason, according to the researchers, was the influence of leptin, the hormone of the body that tells you that you are satiated, or more hungry. During the feeding of the crash, the levels of the leptin of the competitors essentially flatchines. The researchers also followed their levels of ghreine - the hormone that tells you when you are hungry - and that actually hadresembling. Indeed, dieters had reprogrammed their bodies to be fat, low energy machines.


You will lose your hair.

Man looking at hair

According to a study published in the newspaperPractical and conceptual dermatology, embark on a low calorie diet is associated with hair loss, because the lack of nutrients disturbs your hair follicles to function as expected. "Nutritional deficiency can affect hair structure and hair growth," writes researchers. "The effects on hair growth include acute (TE) telogen effluvium, a well-known effect of sudden weight loss or decreased protein consumption, as well as diffuse alopecia view in deficiency. Niacin. "


You will lose muscle mass.

weight lifting man

For a study published inThe American Journal of Clinical NutritionThe researchers at the University of Kiel in Germany took 32 non obese males and shattered their calories an average of 1,300 for a period of three weeks. Overall, the subjects emerged from the experience that gained weight while seeing a dramatic decrease in muscle mass - about 5% across the board.

RELATED:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work


You could develop renal calculations.

Doctor and patient

"A lack of adequate nutrition due to an ADF diet can actually film your orgues and muscles," says Ashlee Van Buskirk, a nurse, a health coach and well-being with a Dietetic BS and clinical nutrition studies, and The founder ofAll intention. "For example, a high protein diet can actually lead to dehydration, which can place a significant strain on your kidneys because you might be more about creating kidney stones."


You could put yourself at risk of depression.

Depressed young woman sitting on floor at home

"Most schemes fail mostly [and] a repeated failure of the diet is a negative predictor for successful long-term weight loss"writing Anna Guerdjikova, Ph.D., LISW, CCRC, Director of Administrative Services on the Harold C Foundation Disorder Program. Schott Foundation at the University of Cincinnati. "Chronic Dieters systematically report guilt and blame, irritability, anxiety and depression, the difficulty of concentrating and fatigue. Their self-esteem is diminished by continuous feelings of failure related to" Messing my diet again ", leading to feelings of lack of control over his food choices and further ... life in general. The regime can be particularly problematic in adolescents."

RELATED:This diet error can make your depression worse, says science


You could deprive you of essential nutrients.


"ADF schemes are not always terrible, but people should understand food groups and try to ingest foods of all to keep vitamin and mineral balance," says Stephen Newhart, Ph.D., owner ofActive vigor. "Grains provide energy, fiber, iron and help for constipation, dairy supplies calcium and iron, fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals and proteins supports muscle mass . Always try to eat something of all the restoration groups to maintain health, being certainly eliminating sugars. "


If you are older, you could lose too much weight.

healthy foods to lose weight weight loss

If you are older and you try an intermittent fast, you risk losing too much weight. "If you are already marginal with regard to body weight, I would be concerned about losing too much weight, which can affect your bones, your overall immune system and your energy level", Kathy McManus, R & D, Director of the Ministry of Nutrition at Brigham and Women's Hospital, saidHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL.


You could develop a diet disorder.

Thoughtful girl sitting on sill embracing knees looking at window, sad depressed teenager spending time alone at home, young upset pensive woman feeling lonely or frustrated thinking about problems

According toInternational Journal of Food Disorders, 35% of "normal dianangers" can become pathological dianaters and 20 to 25% of these are likely to develop a diet disorder. "The beginning of food disorders has generally been associated with the following restrictive regimes because they become a way for individuals to control, count calories and grease grains, to limit types and quantities food and obsessing a number on the scale, "writes the experts toBehavioral nutrition.


You can actually gain weight.

woman on scale weight loss

As theCleveland NOTES OF THE CLINIC, Many health experts estimate that "80 to 95% of diet people earn weight up to their work so difficult to lose." If it's an experience you know, do not miss these tips forLose weight and keep it for good.

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