You eat plastic in every bite of this food, new research find

A new study has found microplastics in several types of these foods.

There have been several food reminders lately because of plastic traces in some foods. For example, nearly 60,000 pounds ofChicken nuggets with pilgrim pilgrim have been recalled in June because they can contain plastic. But scientists have even found plastic in things that have not been recalled. To takeprotein powder, for example (even biological marks!). And oneAny new study Discovered the plastic seafood in some supermarket staples.

Published in Environmental Science & Technology, Quix Institute scientists have discovered microplasics in wild blue crabs, oysters, shrimp, wild squid and sardines collected in Australian markets. This type of plastic is less than 5 millimeters, a size similar to a sesame seed, according toMedical News Today.

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The edible seafood parts have been tested by heating it in an incubator about 140 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, inside was a solvent that "digested" the edible parts. Then scientists have looked for plastics using a method called "Pyrolysis phase chromatography mass spectrometry". Five types of plastic from packaging, synthetic materials and marine debris were found, according to the publication.

"Given an average portion, a seafood eater could be exposed to about 0.7 milligram (mg) of plastic during the ingestion of an average portion of oysters or squid, and up to 30 mg of plastic when eating sardines ", the main author of the study, Francisca Ribeiro, says.

She also notes that scientists were most surprised by the amount of plastic in sardines. Eat 14 portions of small fish and you will have eaten around the same weight asA plastic straw. The study concludes that plastic seafood packaging must be examined later for simply that they can create a microplastic.

This study is not the only one to find toxic materials in popular daily foods in recent months.A discovery study These rapid restoration packages contain high levels of a chemical called PFA. The artificial substance makes grease and resistance to water.

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