A major side effect of drinking a plastic cup, experts

Think twice before filling the red cup.

Poisons plastic Environment-With this point, it is common knowledge. But recently there was another looming concern for problems and prolific material: howplastic contaminant human body?

The summer always brings a wave of plastic feasts. The entire games revolve around them, playing country songs refrains about them. But especially during the hottest time of year when all you want to do is beat the heat with a cool and refreshing drink, there is a range of potential health risks to consider before drinking from them . (In touch:112 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic)

According to experts, the cups side effect plastic number on your body that are in shortThey can make you sick. This risk occurs in two ways - the first isthe result ofeven consume micro quantities of plastic.

"A recent study published in the journalChemical measured the mean plastic shed by a plastic cup for single use, and it was a milligram to 3 milligrams per cup "saysAmy Neuzil, a naturopathic doctor. "Even if you actually consume only a fraction of that, it adds a huge amount."

Consuming microplastics affects your immune system.

And what does this plastic intake results in terms of health? NutritionistNiyla Carson Denounced for us, detailing that "drinking cups in high BPA content increases the risk of reducing our immunity power."

Carlson added that plastic cups are particularly undesirable for pregnant women - but in a world newly blossomed by a pandemic, we could all do well to avoid anything that might damage our immune systems.

The second way in which plastic cups can make you sick is a little simpler.Lisa Richards, Nutritionist candida dietExplained that since "These cups are generally used in large gatherings where it is common to lose track of your own mug and take someone else accidentally, by the end of the day, you've probably taken germ of another person or share your own. "

She continued to say that "the lips of these cups are often made with a small space beneath where germs and saliva may collect. If you use this cup throughout the day, or several days, can accumulate and lead to bacterial growth which will then take and put yourself at risk of disease. "

Moral of the story here? While the masks down and that fluctuations in the plastic season of plastic cup come into high speed, be aware of the frequency and the way in which you choose to participate. Or better yet, grab a glass cup for your drink instead. Better to continue to keep the immune system strong!

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