These foods will make you happier

If you want to lose weight, then avoid these foods that get your appetite even more!

As you find yourselfspend more time at homeYou might be tempted to take a small walk in the kitchen for a snack. Hey, he arrives at the best of us! But what you do not want to end up doing is to eat foods that are simply will end up leave you in repetition. Seriously, there are foods that will make you just more hungry.

Here we have compiled most unhealthy foods you are going to want ditch, because it just get hungry. And on the contrary, to replace them with ahealthy, filling snacks!




Everything goes back when we were small babies. "Humans are programmed for an opioid response (opiated to) to a protein in milk (casein), so that children will continue their desire to consume sufficient amounts of milk from their mother," says Julieanna Hever, MS, Rd, CPT, a dietetician based on herbal and author ofThe Vegiterranean regime andThe full idiot plant-based nutrition guide. "Cheese, which is a concentrated form of milk, also induces this effect. These protein compounds, called Casomorphins, combined with the large amount of fat and salt are what is responsible for the popular cheese obsession. So, the more you have, the more you want, as designed by nature ".



Pouring orange juice

"Good and JuicingJuice cleans are just very popular now, the process used to make band juice plus filling in sweet liquid fiber nutrients "explains Janel Funk, MS RD LDN. This sheet you with a drink containing calories that the sugar peaks in the blood, leading to an accident that leaves you more hungry. Studies have shown that our body are no longer satisfied with calories in the juice, as opposed to those of food, it is better to stay in the water for thirst and hydration and eating whole fruits and vegetables with their intact fiber. If you are feeling like drinking and not a snack, try this idea of ​​Rebecca Lewis, Rd forHellofresh:. "Mix the fruits and vegetables you planned Juicing if you can not pass the entire pulp, try adding a little protein powder or nut butter the added protein and act fat in a manner similar to The fiber to slow down. The absorption of food in your blood circulation ".


Low gras yogurts


"While yogurt is constantly presented as a great healthy food, it really depends on the one you choose to keep you full," Nutritionist Actions Kayleen St. John, Rd at the Natural Gourmet Institute, a cooking school favorable to the Health in New York. "One typical 6 ounces of fruit on the low yogurt clocks in 150 calories, 6 g of protein, 1.5 g of fat and about 25 grams of sugar. The carbohydrate load and very low fat keep you look for more to eat, even after your last table ". Instead, opt for a plainGreek Yogurt Style Which has twice the protein and add your own fruits, nuts and seeds for additional fibers and antioxidants.

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Egg whites

Egg whites beaters

"There is a reason why you can feel hungry soon after your morning omelette. While egg whites are a good source of protein, a large part of the beneficial fats, vitamins and minerals are in the yellow of the egg, and a 2010 meta-analysis published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported saturated fats has not been associated with an increased risk of coronary disease, stroke or coronary vascular disease, "St. John actions. The saturated grease in egg yolks adds not only to satiety, but is necessary for the production of hormones and body absorption certain vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A (large for skin and your immune system), B vitamins for energy and choline, which supports the brain and muscle health. We will raise our St.John's healthy pilgrimage protein shake bring egg yolks back in style for diet.


Salad without fats vinaigrettes

salad in bowl with dressing poured over top

"When we grab for the bottle without fat, we think we make a good choice," says Lisa Hayim, Dietitian and founder ofNECESTISITY wells. Not the case. "These salads without fat dressings can be loaded with salt and sugar to give their flavor. We finish by wandering more, ensuring each piece of lettuce in our salad is sprayed. After the salad is over, salt and sugar make you feel more dissatisfied and thirsty ". Exactly what the vinaigrette company hopes for, but not your flat belly diet.


Foods labeled "healthy"

Female shopper checking food labelling in supermarket

"We tend to eat these labeled foods too healthy, according to a recent report published in theJournal of the Association for Research on Consumer"Saint John warning." This tends to order people of larger portions and feel less complete after eating foods like healthy. The exact reason for it is unclear, but it is likely that to be programmed unconsciously to connect unhealthy foods to satiety. »Be wary of these label claims and always checks thelist of ingredients before buying.



Sugar in bowl and spoon

Sugar and all its counterparts (artificial sweeteners with organic cane sugar and all between the two) are very addictive due to its associated increased dopamine release. "Given the fact that we are evolvingly designed to look for a sweetness in order to survive and that very concentrated sugar sources are omnipresent in infinite quantities,sugar has become more and more prevalent and contributing enormous to our current global health crisis, "comments hever". Refined and transformed sweeteners are not appropriate in their ability to encourage you to eat too much and not suffer from satiety, satiety or food. "Don 'T swears of the fruit, however:" The sources of sugar sugar such as fruits, are different because the fruits maintain its fiber and its nutrients. That's why you can simply consume some candy bars or drink a huge cup of juice without feeling fully, but eating 10 apples or pears would be difficult, "she adds.


Granola Bars

granola bar

"Traditional granola bars are often made from just sugar and hydrogenated oils and are empty ofprotein (The things that fill you), "Sharing Hayim". They are often lower in calories than the traditional meal and do not serve a meal replacement. The flavor is just enough for your appetite, but leaves you away from being satiated. "



ketchup and french fry

Think twice before diving any sankly condiment on your cooked potato fries or mix with yourbreakfast egg dish. "Ketchup or any Fructose corn-based food (HFCS) can make your appetite continue to grow stronger. HFCs interrupt the body's metabolism and slow down the production of leptin (which helps us to Feeling full). As a result, no message is sent to the body you are full and it's time to stop eating, "warns Hayim.



blueberry muffins

"Do you fear with a giant blueberry muffin, only to find you're hungry right after?" asks Hayim. Been there, does that. "Although he can be loaded with calories, it is made almost completely sugar. This sugar is quickly digested and absorbed, leaving your hungry body for more." Yikes!



six bowls of different kids' cereals with spoons and glass of milk

"NumerousCereals are empty of fibers and protein, two nutrients you need for the first time in the morning to keep your blood glucose stable and avoid a mid-morning hunger crash, "Funk comments". Associate your sweet cereal with fat-free milk means that you are missing. On satisfying fat to keep you fully too. Look for cereals with more than five grams of natural fibers per serving and do not leave on grease or protein. Pay attention to cereals adapted to diets, too. Even if they are low in sugar and calories, they also tend to be low in fiber and protein, "she advises.


Washed grains

ritz crackers in bowl on cloth napkin

Aka whitebread, Crackers, etc. "The fiber plus water equals" "weekly offer." In your diet, whole foods rich in fiber promote satiety and satiation. Because fiber is extracted when it is refined, these foods can easily be eaten in excess. That's why you chew through a bread basket easier than to finish a cup of brown rice. "


savory snacks


"It's true that you can never eat just one. This is because salty snacks contain excessive amounts of sodium and often lack fiber or protein," says St. John. "The high salt content of these foods is dehydrating and can trick your body to eat more snack instead of reaching a glass of water. The lack of protein and fiber means that the snack is heavy and unbalanced, leading to a sugar rush in the inevitable blood. "Hayim chimes in:" brain scans show that sodium triggers dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure This means that the more you eat salt, the more you want. "


artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners

Now here's a category of food you should swear completely because they are scientifically proven to be one of the worst foods that you are hungry. And remember, just because it is "sugar" does not give you license to dive. Always check the label to see if artificial sweeteners have been dragged. "Artificial sweeteners are concerned your brain into thinking it feeds on a nice food. When you do not eat the real thing and your body is waiting for you, you are likely to be left longing for that sweet foods more» , funk comments. One more reason to stay away? artificial sweeteners can cause abdominal pain and discomfort.


Chinese food

chinese takeout

You can not imagine things when you think you are happier before eating after chuchée this Chow Mien. "Chinese food is often loaded msg. The MSG is used as a valuation of the flavor is in other types of foods such as soups, processed meats, etc. Some research suggests that products chemical MSG cause a drastic increase in appetite, it seems appropriate as people who consume most msg are more likely to be overweight compared to those who have no msg in their diet "warns Hayim.


Soups store bought

can of soup

True or false: soups can be a huge victory for a loss of weight quick and fast. True, when you do yoursoup from zero. When you bring back to the grocery store? Typically not. "The soups often contain more sodium than any other food. Sodium these [seemingly harmless cans] causes the feeling of dependence and growing," said Chaim.


Chewing gum

Chewing gum

"Many diangèves try to chew gum to make me lose food. Unfortunately, this trick usually does not work," said Chaim. Pen chewers should listen: "The action chewing actually turns your body that food is down, which means that gastrie juices are prepared in the stomach when no food down, the stomach begins to unsubscribe. nothing. Not only this because he pain, but also makes you more aware of your need to eat. "


Foods with low fiber

White bread

"Many foods that cause us to be hungry after we have eaten too processed them, refined and stripped ofBenefits of Fiber, "Lewis said." And why is fiber so important? Because fiber is what slows the digestion of the foods we eat from the stomach into the blood. When food is low or less of the fiber, they move quickly through the stomach and into our blood causing blood insulin that crazy. Insulin is released to start the digestive process and remove blood sugars (which if they remain dangerous). So eating foods that accelerate the response to insulin are the ones that ultimately make us happier in the long run. "


Bagels and croissants


"Although these two options seem to be a good size and satisfactory, they consist of white sugar and flour. They have [barely] fibers or nutrients," says Hayim. "As a result, your blood glucose is high and then crashes, making you feel stronger than before you start these treats."


a hit with fruits

Collection of bottled smoothies

If you like Piña Coladas and you're getting lost in a bulging Blender vortex, go in advance. All the others? Skip 'em. "When smoothies have no protein or vegetables, they are only fructose. The result is a rapid increase in blood glucose, followed by a crash. In addition, they are usually too low in calories to fill you up Forcing you to fill you, forcing you to want more food after, "suggests Hayim.



Beer mugs table

We know, we know. It's not food. But it is worth remembering that it will seriously push your hunger: "Our body has no ability to store alcohol (unlike our unlimited capacity to store fat). The process of elimination of the 'alcohol of our body makes us run quickly through our glycogen storage (which comes mainly from carbohydrates). Thus, when we drink excess (more than 2 drinks for women and more than 3 men's glasses), we have Carbohydrates to replace alcohol lost glycogen stores, "says Lewis." Unfortunately, with altered alcohol also causes causes - these cravings are often for the bad type of carbohydrates; simple, treated and fried. "Drinking in moderation, and if the desires of cuts after too many", reach healthy and complex carbohydrates (such as nuts and seeds) available for thatLate snack attack. "


fast food

Eating fast food

Continue driving with driving if you want to keep thatflat stomach bodyYou worked so strong for. "These very transformed foods are filled with things like condoms, trans fat, HFC and salt. The reason you should take care of this is that conservatives and trans fat interruption the ability of our stomach to communicate With our brain, "says Lewis. "Hormones related to satiety and neurotransmitters in the brain are not produced, and therefore the brain loses its ability to recognize that we are full, so we continue to eat more. And all that all that added salt. In fast restoration leads to the conservation of water, making us feel dehydrated and inflated. Often, when we think we are hungry, it's really our body reminding us to rehydrate! "


Foods you can easily eat too much

chocolate chip cookies

"Excessive consumption leads to more too much eating. The excessive consumption of caloric-dense food stimulates an answer in your brain similar to opiates, promoting addictive behavior, explains Hever. Instead of reaching several times these foods that you are hungry, try one ofbest foods to fight, or search for professional help if you think you can suffer from bifflement.




As difficult as it may be, do not be attracted, even by healthy donuts in better health. (A vegan donut can always be fried and filled with sugar, from where landing a place on our food list that is hungry). "It's not surprise donuts are completely made of sugar. The donuts break down into sugars, which causes the boy's liberation more insulin. When there is a lot of insulin, too much sugar enters your Cells, leaving nobody for your blood. The result is actually a small blood glucose that makes you feel shortly after consumption. "Come on, that's why they have all dozens of offers, anyway. Lead clearly.


Twinabe of your desire

Cookies and cream ice cream

Have you ever wondered how a simple deal that is super specific can sometimes be spiral out of control when you reach something else? "If you want something, then try to calm this desire with something else, you will continue to search for the original food you want eager," says Hever. "Thus, it is usually best in the long run to have a small portion of everything you want, so you can go to your day. In other words, if you really want chocolate, have a black chocolate square at Location of eating ice cream with low fat chocolate. "

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