9 warning signs that you do not eat enough vegetables

If you encounter one of these symptoms, run at the store and take a broccoli-stat head.

Vegetables have an unwanted reputation to be bland, missing from a bitter flavor or tasting. (But it's just because youdo not cover them correctly.) Although you may have been forced to go down as a child, you can still have trouble including vegetables in your diet. The problem is that these super passengers are packaged with all that your body must stay healthy and do not eat enough can have serious consequences.

"Vegetables have so many benefits as being rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibers," explainsMaggie Michalczyk, RDN, nutritionist and owner of registered dietitians ofOnce upon a time on a pumpkin.

Your body uses all these things to work properly and prevent chronic diseases. The best of all? You do not even need to eat that many vegetables to harvest these benefits. According toUSDA, the amount of vegetables that each person needs can vary between 2 and 3 cups every day. For women, this amount is between 2 and 2.5 cups, and for men, it is 2.5-3 cups.

Although it can look like a manageable amount of food, it does not mean that it's an easy goal of reaching.Only 1 in 10 adults meet federal recommendations for fruits or vegetables, according to a new study published today in theCDC Weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report (MMWR).

Another reason for vegetables are an essential part of your diet? They are among the bestFoods rich in fiber. "Eating a variety of vegetables provides not onlyantioxidantsBut it also provides fiber. Fiber helps support healthy digestion and help people feel more satisfied after eating their meals, "saysYasi Ansari, Ms., RDN, CSSD, Nutritionist and spokesperson of approved dietician for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

And - no surprise here - most Americans fall pretty muchDaily recommended fiber objectives also. Men should aim to consume 38 grams and women should target at least 25 grams of fiber per day, according to theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary.

Do not eat enough vegetables can have many negative effects on your body and your health. Here are 9 signs that you may not eat enough vegetables. If they do not encourage you to change your eating habits, then maybe these21 warning signs you need to change your diet will.


Your mood is weak.

moody woman

"Vegetables are an important source of many vitamins and minerals needed with critical functions of our body. If you do not eat enough vegetables and that the main source of energy in your diet comes from high food materials, carbohydrates high or highly Transformed. You probably get a brilliance followed by a crash after most meals. This can cause fatigue, loss of memory, and changes in your mood, "says Michalczyk." Exchanging these foods with strong fat. For denser foods in nutrients, like vegetables will prevent you from feeling this crash. This will also give you a sustained energy for a longer period. Similarly, vitamins and minerals found in vegetables can play an important role. role in your settlement of mood. SomeStudies suggest that there is aRelationship between diet and mood and poor regimes in fruits and vegetables are associated with a higher risk of depression. If you want to reduce stress, consider adding these32 foods that extinguish the stress hormone that makes you magnify to your grocery list.


You are not satisfied with meals and I feel hungry after eating.


"Adequate fiber of vegetableshelps to increase satiety (Help keep yourself longer because it takes more time to digest) and also helps maintain energy, "says Ansari." By not eating enough vegetables, you may fear another meal or a snack shortly after the food you just consumed. "

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Your skin is dull.

pale skin

"Vegetables are packed with antioxidants that can help prevent our free radical body that can damage our skin texture," saysKeri Gans, MS, RDN, CDN, Authorized Dietidian Nutritionist and author ofThe little change of change. "Also a lotVegetables are packed with water, think that tomatoes and can be moisturizing for the skin. "


You are subject to muscle cramps.

muscle cramp

"The muscles need enough potassium for smooth muscle contraction. Thus, muscle cramps and foreign exchange contractions can occur if your potassium blood levels are too low," saysCharlotte Martin, MS, RDN, CSOWM, CPT, recorded dietary nutritionist and owner ofFashioned by Charlotte. "Fruits and vegetables are theBest sources of potassiumIt is therefore important to get enough products in the diet. The best sources of potassium potassium include dark leafy greens, such as spinach and swiss stripes and soft potatoes. "


You have irregular stools or constipation.

Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

"The adequate food fiber of vegetables helps add more bulk to waste and helps to move waste more quickly through the intestines. JustMake sure you drink enough water As you increase your daily fiber consumption, "says Ansari.


You are a lot stressed.

stressed woman

"Magnesium also helps to promote relaxation by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that calms the body and mind. This also plays a role in the body stress response system and that the deficiency is associated with a Increased stress and anxiety, "said Martin. "The relationship between magnesium and stress is a double-direction street: stress causes a depletion of magnesium and magnesium deficiency amplifies stress. Vegetables, especially dark leafy greens such as spinach, are one of theBest sources of magnesium. So, do not have enough vegetables in your diet could certainly cause low blood levels of this mineral. "


You feel tired

woman tired work

"A reason [you feel tired] can be due to the consumption of too many highly transformed foods (eg high foods in simple sugars and sodium). Consume highly transformed foods can put additional work on the body and cause Drainage energy, not to mention high food products in simple sugars can cause spikes and drops of energy, "says Ansari." When you feel tired, aim to add your vegetables to meals! "Made these processed foods and you will notice21 things happening to your body when you stop eating processing.


Your vision is altered.

vision impaired

"This old adage on the carrots being good for your eyes to him a certain truth. The carrots areRich in vitamin A, and if you do not draw enough in your diet, your vision can be altered and it manifests itself like blindness or worse, "says Michalczyk." Vitamin A deficiency can also cause drought of the eyes, ulcers of The cornea, and retinal damage, which causes blindness. Vitamin A is in the yellow and orange vegetables and black leaves vegetables, so make sure you have enough of these vegetables in your diet is crucial when 'It's about protecting your peepers. "


You earn weight or you have trouble losing weight.

stepping onto a scale
I Yunmai / Beldspst

"Vegetables can providea lot of volume for small calories. They are also an excellent source of fiber, which helps to fill you without filling out, "says Martin." It's a common knowledge of health experts that a high-income diet, especially non-starchy vegetables, is essential for those who want to lose or maintain weight. People who do not eat many vegetables probably move these vegetables with harder foods in fat and / or sugar, which are higher in calories and can make difficult their weight loss. "This is not the only thing that keeps your body losing books. There are also these30 hidden reasons why you can not lose weight.

How to eat more vegetables

black woman cooking salad

If you did not know, the research found thatFresh and frozen vegetables are also healthy, so that one or other of these options was worth eating more vegetables. For more ways to adapt vegetables in your diet, Ansari has some tips:

Breakfast: Add vegetables to your morning omelet or egg sandwich. You can also add vegetables like spinach to yourSmoothie breakfast.

Breakfast: Add more vegetables to your turkey or to your houmus or sandwich with a side of vegetables and your favorite dip.

Having dinner: Focus on the manufacture of 1/2 of your condition filled with color! "I love roasting vegetables or setting up a green green salad and add fruits."

If you can not follow these tips, you need to know what will happen next:What happens to your body when you do not eat fruits and vegetables.

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