Crunchy Thai Ginger Salad with Cacahuet Butter Vinaigrette

The peanut butter turns a simple salad in a convinced summer lunch.

Extract ofPeanut Butter by Tim Lannan and James Annabel (Hardie Grant Books). Copyright © 2020. Photographs by Kate Berry.

This crunchy and refreshing latte salad has one of the most addictive home salad dressings. The star ingredient? Crunchy peanut butter, with a little zest of zest of rice vinegar and lime juice. As a general rule, peanuts have become a staple in many South-East Asian kitchens, including Malaysian and Thai food. Serve this as one side for your satay skewers or just get home for a simple and delicious summer lunch.

Give 2-3 servings


For peanut butter vinaigrette:
¼ cup crunchy peanut butter
2 tablespoons of rice vinegar
3 tablespoons of grilled sesame oil
2 c. Lime juice
1 tablespoon soy sauce or Tamari
Sliced ​​fresh ginger
1 C. TSP salt

For salad:
4 cups of shredded cabbage
1 cup of grated carrot
1 cucumber, reduced length, seeds removed and mined
1 cup of edamame cooked shell
2 onions, sliced
1 handle of cilantro handles, more extra for the garnish
Chopped peanuts, for filling

How to do it

  1. To make the dressing, whisk all the ingredients into a culinary robot or mixer.
  2. Combine all the ingredients of the salad, with the exception of fittings, in a salad bowl, will pour the dressing room well and mix well. Garnish with additional cacahuets and additional Cilantro to serve.

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