7 ways to eat too much protein can harm your health

Too much macro of the muscular building can wreak havoc on your health goals.

An analysis of the grocery store and it is clear: our culture is obsessed with the protein. Pudding and milk pancakes andyogurtAlmost everything has been pumped with an extra dose of nutrient.

Protein helps muscle growth, hunger and AIDS neighborhoodsweightlossSo this culinary revolution may seem like a good thing. But while we love macronutrients, consume too much protein can have serious consequences for your size and health.

What's too much? Well, the basic rule is that you have to consume about 0.45 gram of protein per pound for men and 0.35 gram of protein per pound for women - if you are sedentary (protein admission recommendations vary depending on the level of activity). So, if you are a sedentary woman of 150 pounds, you should not take more than 52.5 grams of protein in a day. I do not know what it looks like? Take a look at our list ofFood with more protein than an egg Have a better idea. And now, read it to discover the frightening side effects that can happen to your body when you eat too much protein! While we are on the subject of the protein, if your upper source of the muscular building macro is the animal protein, you should really knowWhat happens to your body when you eat too much meat.


You will be thirsty

Close-up of pretty young woman drinking water from glass

Do you know any extra nitrogen we have just told you? Not only can it go ravages about your kidneys, but it can also let you feel dried. The reason: "High amounts of nitrogen are toxic. So, to stay safe, the body uses liquids and water to rinse it, which can let you feel thirsty, "explains the registered dietitianCassie Bjork, Rd, LD simple sound life. The increase in your water intake can counter the effects.

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Your breath will be extremely stormy

bad breath

Many people who are doing a lot of protein so do so because they reduce carbohydrates. And when you are on anoisy diet, the body turns to the fat stored for energy. Although it can be a good thing for your ABS (at the beginning, at least), it's not so great for your breath. "When you do not eat enough carbohydrates, the body burns fat and protein for fuel. It does it by a process called cetosis. Unfortunately, ketones have a terrible smell that can not be masked in brushing or to the dental silk, "says Dietitian registeredIsabel Smith, Ms, rd, cdn. Reduce your daily protein dose and carbohydrates that can remedy the issue, to double your water consumption.


You will gain weight

Unhappy woman on scale

A high protein diet, low carbohydrates can help your extra weight flying initially, but it can actually cause long-term weight gain, according to aSpanish study. To achieve this conclusion, researchers have requested more than 7,000 participants in the study of completing questionnaires on their eating habits over six years. After analyzing the data for common communities, they found that people with high protein diets were at risk of 90% more weight than those who have eaten fewer things. How much weight more weight? Ten percent of their body weight, or about 15 pounds for a wife of 150 pounds. WHOA!


You can put a burden on your kidneys

Man suffering from back pain and kidney stones

When you get off a steak, a chicken breast or other source of muscle manufacturer, you also take nitrogen, which occurs naturally in amino acids that make up proteins. When you consume a normal amount of protein, you excrete nitrogen - no harm, no fault. But when you eat a ton of things, your kidneys must enter the overdrive to get rid of all the extra nitrogen, says Bjork. "In the short term, it's not harmful for most people. But if you are a long protein diet, you could increase your risk of kidney damage," she warns.


You will add belly fat

Woman measuring waistline

Not only are you going to gain weight - the majority of the weight will be in the form of grease. Do you know these Abs that you have worked so hard to discover? Kiss these goodbye. When you take more protein than your body needs - many experts say that 30 grams are the max that your body can handle by meal - the extra protein will probably be stored as grease, while the excess amino acids will simply be excreted.


You can shorten your life


According to a study inCell metabolism who have followed thousands of adults for nearly 20 years, those who eat a diet rich in animal protein are four times more likely to die fromCancer that those who follow a low protein diet. And other results of the discovery: in another study cited byWebmdOn thousands of people, researchers have discovered that high diet people have increased by 66% of death risk during the study period than those who have eaten fewer protein. Eat more protein than you should just be one of the 20 bad eating habits that shave years of your life .


You will feel nauseous


When you bask too many chicken breasts, protein shaking and eggs, your digestive enzymes can not follow all the proteins you ingest, says Bjork. "This can lead to indigestion and nausea. Make sure your protein consumption should easily facilitate your shaky belly," she adds. You do not know what to replace your protein-rich meals? Those Healthy complex carbohydrates are all healthy choices.

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