More than 40 years? Do not miss this skinny-body exercise trick

You do not feel HIIT? Here's how to try the most spousal hilit.

It's just a fact that if you want to burn as much fat as you can in the shortest conceivable, you need to do a high-intensity interval training (HIIT). For evidence, know that, according to a meta-analysis of more than 786 exercise studies published inThe British newspaper of sports medicineInterval training, compared to moderate intensity exercises, such as walking or fast stroke, was considered much higher than the combustion of fat and to lose weight.

"Interval training and [moderate intensity formation] both reduce the percentage of body fat," concluded researchers. "[However] Interval training provided for a reduction of 28.5% a greater reduction in absolute fat."

The major disadvantage for performing rapid HIIT fights, especially for people aged 40 and 50 and over, it is a very vigorous exercise that is a very high impact. "A high impact means that there are movements of jumps and explosives that rely on the pressure or impact on your joints," says Bethany Stillwaggon, ACSM-CPT, a lead coach atTownhouse.

AsWe reported Here hasETNT MIND + BODYMany trainers will help you avoid HIIT when you advance in years, especially if you have more than 50 years. "I am a coach who works almost exclusively with aging populations and I'm over 60," says Doug Setter, Theholder of Kickboxing CPT, Welter Welter Beightboxing and authorseveral fitness books. "There are types of training that individuals of mid-life must be particularly cautious. The HIIT training has been on my list for some time because it can cause injury - and she exploded my knee in front of a marathon . "

But if we said if we told you that there is a new variation of Hiit that makes it much more friendly and kind with those who have aging bodies? If it seems attractive for you,We would like to introduce you to low-intensity low-impact training, also known as Hilit.

"Hilit is the last training trend for those who want to burn fat and be meager but can have common problems or can not jump," saysJosh Schlottman, C.S.C.S., a trainer and an exercise physiologist. "For many people, jump places too much impact on their bodies and can hurt their knees and their ankles. The high impact cardio is painful for many middoyal, but they always seek to have an excellent workout session in sweat of energy. This is where low-intensity low impact workout is high. "

So, how do you do it? Well, you apply the principles of HIIT style workouts, greater intensity, shorter rest periods, but you only perform low exercises. Instead of making sprints on a track or treadmill, you will run these sprints on a stationary bike. Instead of making high movements such as Burpees, you would make Kettlebell swings, battle rope exercises and execution intervals on an elliptical machine. An amazing machine perfect for Hilit is an ERG, or a rowing machine.

In the end, these are all the joint means of doing exercise that will get your heart rate when you turn on the intensity. The following is an excellent 30-minute hilit routine example, courtesy of Stillwaggon from the row house. So read it and plan to give him a shot. And for larger exercise tips, do not miss theA secret exercise ride that is so easy that you will not believe that it works.

34 minutes drive hilit

Part 1: Heater

Row for 5 minutes. "It will work 86% of your muscles and will be self-rhythmic, then you change the intensity," says Stillwaggon. "Row to a variety of intensities, changing every minute, to keep heart rate at a rate of change always."

Part 2: Body Weight Floor Work

Make 10 representatives of the following elements that you can in 7 minutes:



Alternating lines


Push ups

Butterfly Situps

Part 3: Scale row

Come back on your ERG for 10 minutes for a "ladder line", which means you will increase the intensity of your blows every 20 shots, up to 10 minutes. "It's very taxable on your body and stimulating the endurance of your body and mind," says Stillwaggon.

Part 4: Weight

For 5 minutes, make four tours of these two exercises, each at 10 repetitions per turn:

Deadlift + right rank

Weighted squat

Part 5: The finish

Back to your rower and power is your hardest for 7 minutes.

Part 6: Cooling

Make stretching.

And for more amazing exercise tips, be sure to read Secret side effects of walking after a meal .

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