A scary side effect of taking fish oil, declares a new study

You may want to think twice before buying this supplement.

If you are proud of your health and you also like to stay abreast of the latest nutrition news, there is a good chance that you have already learneda lot on the benefits ofFish oil supplements and omega-3 fatty acids they contain.

You may know that our bodiescan not produce omega-3 fatty acids, then you have to make them foods such asFish, seeds and walnuts. You can also know that they can potentially prevent cognitive disease,reduce inflammation In the body, and even erase your skin. Now, however, researchers have found that this supplement may not assert the clearer mind and cheeks without pimples -Provides, Omega-3 supplements could increase your risk of specific heart rhythm disorder.

A new study of the European Cardiology Company (ESC) published in theEuropean Heart Journal: Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy Find that, although the supplement can not help prevent heart disease, some research suggests that its own risks. More specifically, it could lead toAuricular fibrillation (AF or AFIB).

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AFIB is a condition in which your heart beats irregularly, which, theESC explains, leave you ashockingfive times more likely to undergo a stroke. In addition, theAmerican Heart Association (AHA) Note that AFIB can also put you at increased risk of blood clots, heart failure and other heart problems.

The study also revealed that Omega-3 fatty acids can mainly increase the risk of developing Afib for those already at high risk of cardiac problems. However, that does not mean that you should never orderSalmon In a restaurant if you have a history of cardiac disease. It simply means that taking the supplement every day could come with dangers that you have not already considered, especially if your heart is already in danger. More likePrevious search Stresses that the supplement can not even be effective in preventing heart disease.

For more information on how these popular supplements could do more harm than good, check out thisA major side effect of taking fish oil, declares a new study.

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