How to make oatmeal at home for a delicious gluten free cooking

Looking for more healthier whole grain flour? Make a lot of oatmeal is much easier than you think!

While most cooking recipes call for usual cooking flour flour, all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour - them are certainAlternative flours It's a big substitute. One is an oat flour, which is surprisingly easy to do.

There is a lot ofBenefits to eat oats, or in this case, oatmeal. Oats is an entire grain nutrient and excellent source of carbohydrates and fiber for your diet.The USDA Said 1/2 an oat cup contains 51 grams of carbohydrates, about 8 grams of food fiber and about 14 grams of protein. It's a lot of nutritional goodness in such a small amount ofgroats!

The addition of oatmeal will give you the same health benefits and a large source of whole grains, in your favorite bakery products. Because oats have no gluten in them, oatmeal is not the best for making bread that would require an increase. But for other cookies such as bakery products or pancakes, oatmeal is an excellent option!

To make oatmeal, you just have to mix oats. We are not kidding, it's so easy! But for those of you who need a visual, here is a step-by-step guide on how to make oatmeal.

Made 4 cups


5 old-rolled oatmeal cups

How to do it


Measure 5 old-rolled oatmeal cups.

rolled cut oats being measured

This recipe will make about 4 cups of oatmeal. To make a unique cup, you measure 1 1/4 cup of old-fashioned rolled oats. The divergence of measurement consists of accounting for the density of the powder relative to a normal oatmeal cup (which will naturally leave more air / piece).


Mix oats in a high speed mixer or culinary robot stirring occasionally.

oats in a blender

Personally, I like to use myNutrlette To mix oatmeal, because the blade is sharp and can break oats to a beautiful fine powder in just seconds. It can also work in a culinary robot, but it can take some time. Make sure to scratch the sides with a rubber spatula to make sure you have mixed all the oats before using the flour.

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Store in an air container and a jar up to a month.

oat flour in jars for storage

Oatmeal can be stored in the pantry for a month. However, keep a narrow eye on it when the full month gets closer. Oats has a high fat content, which can bring sour flour. If it starts to have a funky smell, compost. If you need the flour to last for more than a month, store it in the fridge.

Complete recipe of oatmeal

  1. Place oats in a mixer (the higher the speed, better). Mix oats until a fine powder has formed.
  2. Make sure to scooper around the edges to make sure all the adders are mixed.
  3. Store oatmeal in a pot or container for a maximum month in the pantry.
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Categories: Recipes
Tags: Oatmeal / Oats
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